I think they were booked at their strongest around this time.
Cena was SuperCena at this point.
In Kafaybe who would have won in a clean match. Let's make this 2 scenarios, since they seem to differ.
Scenario 1 - WrestleMania 23
Scenario 2 - Random Show
Obviously, it doesn't really matter much, but still how strong do you think he was?
I'd say maybe quite a bit above Majin Vegeta, but that's just because of the way it was build-up.
wolf welcome back
i'm shc
we missed u
this is a huge party for u
let's celebrate
& welcome him back
this is such a beatiful moment. i didn't expect to cry, but... : happy : happy : happy
but enough of that emotional shit
let's celebrate the hardest u ever have
Let's say Gotenks can stay (SSj3) Gotenks for the whole fight, however long it might take.
He has normal stamina, maybe say that of Base Goku.
Gotenks is obviously higher.
Can Boo outlast him with his regneration or will Gotenks win?
Also Gotenks is serious from the start and Boo has no...