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  1. Fantastische Hure

    (SSj) Gogeta (Cell-Games) vs SSj2 Gohan (Cell-Games)

    Base Gogeta if Base Gogeta loses, maybe SSj Gogeta. Who wins?
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Yamcha (Android Saga) vs 1st Form Freeza

    Who wins? Namek Saga Freeza :CC :CC :CC
  3. Fantastische Hure

    Android Saga Fill-Out???

    Android #17 – 100 Android #18 – SSj Vegeta – SSj Goku - SSj Trunks – Piccolo – Android #19 – Android #20 – Android #17 (Future) – Android #18 (Future) – SSj Goku (post-Yardrat) – SSj Trunks (Debut) – SSj Future Gohan – Future #17 (< 50%) – SSj Future Gohan (with 2...
  4. Fantastische Hure

    Gap between Android 18 & Android 17?

    What's the gap in your opinion? I'd say it's not that big, just enough where if they were to fight Android 17 would probably win for sure. So maybe like 10% gap, if you were to put it in numbers.
  5. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Goku (Cell-Games) vs Normal Bojack

    Base Bojack Who wins?
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Do you agree?

    <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">[100% Cell-Games Goku > Cell-Games Vegeta] > [50% Cell-Games Goku < Cell-Games Vegeta]</div> I think so.
  7. Fantastische Hure

    Who did the char encyclopaedia on Raging-Blast 2?

    I didn't know where to put this. Sorry, if it's better fit somewhere else, but I have a question... Who did the Character Encyclopaedia on DragonBall Raging-Blast 2? It's really well done, and most of it seems accurate. Some of it even seems like it's from the Daizenshuu. They even got some...
  8. Fantastische Hure

    I confirm...

    <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"></div> SSj2 Goku >~ Majin Vegeta B-) B-) B-)
  9. Fantastische Hure

    Lord-Slug (Young & Giant) vs...

    Youthful Lord Slug vs... <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Captain-Ginyu 1st Form Freeza 2nd Form Freeza 3rd Form Freeza</div> Giant Lord Slug vs... <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div...
  10. Fantastische Hure

    In Fukkatsu No F...

    why does Freeza only remark that Gohan could defeat the whole army. Why not Piccolo? Does this mean Base Saiyans > Freeza? :)
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Janemba (pre-Transformation) vs...

    Super-Perfect Cell SSj2 Gohan (Cell-Games) Majin Vegeta SSj2 Goku/Majin Vegeta (together) Gray Boo Kid Boo
  12. Fantastische Hure

    Should Toei release...

    a Cut version of Movie 8? Movie 8 was good (compared to most movies). It had an OK story (most movies had no story), and it was good. The biggest problem with the movie is that the fighting went on forever. It was like a one hour beat-down, with nothing exciting happening. So how about they...
  13. Fantastische Hure

    1st Form Freeza (x3) vs 2nd Form Freeza

    Who wins? I think 2nd Form is still higher.
  14. Fantastische Hure

    How high is Movie 10 Gohan?

    How high do you think he is? I think, I go more with the idea that he is as high as Gohan from the Cell-Games, now. Like Trunks and Goten re-action and all. What do you think? Do you think he is equal to his canon-self or stronger (like CG power maybe)?
  15. Fantastische Hure

    Piccolo struggling against a Freeza Soldier?

    What do you think of this atrocity?
  16. Fantastische Hure

    Did Freeza abandon his 2nd and 3rd Form?

    Did he just skip them in the new movie, or did he kill them off; since he doesn't need them anymore?
  17. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Goku (Cell-Games) vs All Cell Jr.

    If they are too much, make this Boo Saga Goku. Who wins?
  18. Fantastische Hure

    DigiMon Adventure Tier list

    I haven't watched this show in a long time. I just watched skimmed through some episodes on YouTube, and meng now I remember how kewl and good the show was. The music was great, too. The series had a great OST. The "Who wants to be a millionaire?" music was Epic. But anyways tier list? How'd...

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