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  1. Pocket-God

    What level of Kaioken would Super Perfect Cell need to beat these characters?

    Super Perfect Cell gains access to Kaioken and he can use it without strain, what level would he need to use to beat each of the following characters? SSJ2 Cell Games Gohan SSJ2 Majin Vegeta SS2 Goku Mr. Buu Gray Buu Fat Buu SSJ3 Goku Kid BUu SSJ3 Gotenks Super Buu Ultimate Gohand Buutenks...
  2. Pocket-God

    Topic title

    So when you're trying out an anime that you haven't watched before how many episodes do you usually watch at minimum before deciding whether to drop it or not? I usually like to watch about four episodes at least but I try to keep going if it was recommended to me by someone and they tell me...
  3. Pocket-God

    Post a YGO card

    Pretty much a YGO version of the post a pokemon thread. I swear this isn't just a cheap way to increase my post count.
  4. Pocket-God

    Majin King Piccolo vs the 23rd Budokai

    King Piccolo gets the Majin boost for some reason and then goes up against the contestants of the 23rd Budokai in 1 on 1 fights in order of weakest to strongest. Who is the strongest person he can beat? Round 1: Old King Piccolo Round 2: Young King Piccolo
  5. Pocket-God

    Pillar Men vs JoJo Part 3

    The Pillar Men; Wamuu, Kars and Esidisi Round 1: Iggy, Avdol and Part 3 Joseph Round 2: Polnareff, Kakyoin and Part 3 Jotaro(No time stop) Round 3: DIO Scenario 1: Battle takes place during the day Scenario 2: Battle takes place at night I don't know if the Pillar Men can see stands or not...
  6. Pocket-God

    Which Vegeta do you prefer, DBSuper Vegeta or DBGT Vegeta

    I prefer GT Vegeta, no contest. :what Super Vegeta or rather Vegeta-Sama is :trash
  7. Pocket-God

    The ToP participants run a GoD gauntlet

    Every single character that took part in the ToP as a team. Everyone is at their strongest, that includes fusions. The battle take place on the ToP arena but there are no rules. Round 1: Sidra Round 2: Sidra and Champa Round 3: Sidra, Champa and Beerus Round 4: Sidra, Champa, Beerus and...
  8. Pocket-God

    So which Super Arc was your favorite?

    Pretty much the title. Or alternatively if you didn't like any of the arcs then I guess which arc did you dislike the least? I'm gonna have to go with the ToP arc, even if it was 83% garbage the 17% that I liked was just too amazing. :ahshit Feel free to give seperate answers for the manga...
  9. Pocket-God

    Has Beerus been surpassed yet?

    Do you think anyone is stronger than Beerus yet? Excluding the angels and Zeno obviously. Feel free to give separate answers for the anime version and the manga version. Also feel free to list everyone that you think has surpassed Beerus. Personally I'm gonna go with no. Until I actually...
  10. Pocket-God

    Goku had full control of his Oozaru form?

    What if during Dragon Ball Goku had full control of himself in his Oozaru form like Vegeta did during the saiyan saga? Are there any major changes to the story? Oh but he didn't have control that one time when he killed Grandpa Gohan, so he somehow learned to control it sometime after that...
  11. Pocket-God

    Who are the most 'skilled' character in Dragon Ball?

    That is to say in part 1, or however else one refers to the one where Goku is a kid that isn't GT. So say that every single character from Dragon Ball had the exact same power level. Who do you think would be considered the top 5 (or 10 if you feel like it) best fighters?
  12. Pocket-God

    Zamasus vs Mikey and Giraffe

    :faggots vs :mikey & :giraffe Round 1: Goku Black SSJR and Whichever Zamasu was with Black vs Base Toppo and Dyspo Round 2: Merged Zamasu vs GoD Toppo and Super Speed Dyspo I think Dyspo's super speed mode had an actual name but I forgot what it was. Battle takes place in some generic...
  13. Pocket-God

    Have you ever used multiple of the same pokemon in one play through?

    Like for example six Magikarps? I've never done that, I don't really see the point. Oh and this question excludes pokemon that have multiple evos, like Clampearl, Tyrogue and Eevee for example. Unless of course you left them unevolved for some reason. :giraffe
  14. Pocket-God

    Saiyan Saga Z Fighters vs 100 Saibamen

    Piccolo, Kid Gohan, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Yajirobe vs 100 Saibamen Battle takes place where Vegeta and Goku fought in the saiyan saga. The Saibamen and Chiaotzu can't blow themselves up. If the Z Fighers win with less than mid difficulty then make it 200 Saibamen. :panties...
  15. Pocket-God

    U6 Namekian Duo vs 17 and 18

    Battle takes place at the Cell games arena. No rules aside from no blowing up the planet, don't think anyone would do that though. Round 1: Equal PLs Round 2: Regular PLs
  16. Pocket-God

    ToP U7 Equal PLs tournament

    Leaving out 17 and 18 since they'd have an unfair advantage and so I can make this work properly. :giraffe Battle takes place on the ToP arena, ToP rules apply but there's no time limit. Round 1- M1: Tien vs Vegeta M2: Frieza vs Krillin M3: Roshi vs Piccolo M4: Goku vs Gohan Round...
  17. Pocket-God

    Which one is more important to you?

    So when it comes to anime/manga, or anything really, which contributes more to you liking a series? For me it's probably characters.
  18. Pocket-God

    Kizaru vs The Supernovas

    Time for a rematch. Kizaru vs All 11 Supernovas. Currents versions of everyone. If any of the Supernovas haven't done anything just assume they made gainz somewhat similar to Law. Kizaru will be taking this battle just a bit seriously. Battle takes place where the Straw Hats fought the...
  19. Pocket-God

    Mihawk vs the Admirals

    I mean it's pretty much just guessing at this point,unless something happened with him in the manga that I don't know about, but still, I wanna see how strong you guys think he is. Round 1: Fujitora Round 2: Aokiji Round 3: Akainu Round 4: Kizaru Round 5: Fujitora & Aokiji Round 6: Akainu &...
  20. Pocket-God

    Povet-Gid Watches Some Anime

    Right so the anime I'll be watching are as followed- Bakemonogatari, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Konosuba, Overlord and Zero no Tsukaima. There are a couple more I plan on watching as well but I'll leave those for later. I'm going to watch two episodes of each to...

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