The only question I have is, why isn't Tien starting out at full power against Goku? But he couldn't be if we use the super speed technique to show a power up. I guess that's just how it goes...
You have to put it like this...
Powered Up Tien vs Powered Up Roshi vs Powered Up Goku
This simply has to be the same level for all three. This is when Goku powers up against Krillen, this also should be the same level he starts against Tien with. This level is also stated by Tien that (Roshi did not unleash his full power). So this is the last step to Roshi and Tien's full strength... The gap from this Goku to Super Speed Goku has to be significant and has to encompass both Roshi and Tien's full power...
Roshi/Tien/Goku 90
Roshi FP/ Match Level Goku / FP Tien 110 / 115 / 125
Roshi and Tien's FP and Match Level Goku
It's clear that Match Level Goku is >= Roshi's full power. Yet Tien seems to have some respect for Roshi's FP as well, he doesn't think it is a pushover, but he's assured of his win. We want Match Level Goku to be slightly superior to Roshi but still weak enough to warrant Goku getting caught off guard and beat down by Tien's full power...
Roshi 110
Goku 115
Tien 125
I think this encompasses all of those issues.
Roshi is 88% of Tien's full power, I'd like it a bit closer, but to warrant Goku being stronger, yet weak enough to get down by Tien and you need some space to make Battle Level > Match Level at least somewhat reasonable.
Battle Level 130.
This gives Goku a bit of a power up, enough of a lead of Tien to make the fight make sense without making it too much and you have to explain his first attack on Tien as surprise similar to Tien's attack on Super Speed Goku...
Very, very complicated shit. But I THINK I FINALLY GOT THIS SHIT. What a motherfucker of a series.
Fucking WITHELD has had the inside edge on this for a long time. Gotta give him credit here, he's had the proper eye on this.