What's the last book that you read?
Some manga.
What's the last movie that you watched?
Besides clips? I think it was 300
What's the last anime that you watched?
A bit of Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae last night when I couldn't sleep
What was your favorite anime series that launched in 2021?
I don't watch much seasonal anime so I guess JoJo Part 6?
What is your favorite book ever?
What is your favorite movie ever?
What size shoe do you wear?
What was the last garment that you purchased?
When was the last time that you ate out at a restaurant?
If you could make one DBZeta member teleport and live local to you, who would it be?
Do you want more members to join this forum?
Would you ever want to know how and when you would die?
What superpower would you want to have?
What's your strongest characteristic?
What's your weakest characteristic?
What do you prefer more, serious topics or spam?
What's your favorite flavored water?
Do you like carbonated water?
Do you like to eat eggs?
What's one meal that you could eat for the remainder of your life?
What physical attribute would you like to change about yourself in 2021?
What aspects of your life do you want to improve, but are too lazy at the moment to do so?
Answering these later
Do you procrastinate often?
Do you have a lot of friends in real life?
Nah, like 3 or so close friends that I don't keep up with every day.
Do you own any unique, or rare, memorabilia?
I had a Casca concept art from the Berserk movies, but I lost it. I have some formerly rare DB merchandise that became obsolete with the release of individual DB movie Blu-rays and DVDs.
What's your dream job, or a task that you could do for free for the remainder of your life because you have so much passions and love for it?
I'd write manga if it weren't so time consuming and bound to editorial dictation
Have you ever thought about quitting DBZeta, or forums in general?
What's your favorite DBZ movie?
Tree of Might. I like the Part 1~early DBZ feel moreso than the asspull wins of the later movies, and retarded base form fight scenes.
Who is your favorite DBZ character, and why?
If Cell had more depth to him as a character than just hurr durr I'm perfect, I'm the greatest it'd possibly be him. Same with #16 just being a clone of #8 rather than having that behind the scenes backstory of him being based on Gero's son. Since neither met their potential I'd say Vegeta and Mr. Satan. If they fleshed out the anime-only personalities that kid Trunks (M13) and DBS Goten got, enough that they actually filled Goku and Vegeta's shoes, it'd be them though.
What's your biggest hobby, or passion?
Eating and writing stories. I like drawing and working out too.
What are qualities in other men that you find admirable, and wish to also possess?,
Work ethic, unrelenting drive and confidence.
How would you rate your life from 1-10 at this present moment?
Probably a 4 since I don't have much time to devote to much of anything other than learning how to code and working right now.
What internet browser do you use?
Google Chrome and MS Edge.
Can you imagine your life without the internet right now?
It'd definitely suck.
What is another time period that you would want to live in and experience?
I wouldn't want to go anywhere in the distant past because of a lack of vaccines for things like polio, or lack of antibiotics depending on the era. If I chose those eras it'd only be if I could be king or emperor.
What's your primary goal for the next five years that you wish to achieve?
I want a job with financial stability that doesn't require me to do things anybody with an ID card could do, that allows a decent degree of social interaction. Also want to get fit again since I've had to stop going to the gym after moving and having to spend so much time on studying as I said.
Do you enjoy life on a daily basis?
Depends on the day.
See the 4/10 rating.
Do you consider yourself a hero, or a villain?
Either an anti-hero or anti-villain. I'm not pure good or pure evil.
Do you consider yourself friendly?
Irl, yeah.
Do you consider yourself better than most people?
Too hard to quantify and I don't know most people that well.
What's another language that you wish to learn?
Maybe Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.
Is there anywhere else in the world that you want to live in?
Hawaii or Spain. Maybe Vietnam as well.
What was the last product that you purchased, and why?
Are there any products that you wish to purchase soon, and why are your sights set on it?
Probably a fancy pen, just to have more satisfaction when writing notes.
Have I asked your the most questions, out of all members?
I'd say so.
Is this enough questions?