I actually can't believe he went there. If only he could escape his warped little fantasy land and realize I gave up three years of my life to support him. I even remember what started all of this. Back when he was unemployed when our real life friendship began, he started talking about how his life was a trainwreck and that he needed help getting back on the right track. He said he dropped out of middle school and that he had no qualification to get a career because of this. I tried looking for jobs for him and I even tried to look into jobs that require you to work at home. We only talked about this twice in our real life friendship, and it was shortly after that where I got psychologically trapped into a completely non reciprocal friendship.Kenshi, I know you want to act like you're the bigger man, but this is simply another lie. You constantly brought up Yoshi even when he wasn't around to continually belittle him, mock him, malign him, the hate was never one sided, you very much and always did reciprocate it. You only start complaining about the hate when the realization strikes that it's not going to stop.
What's your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card, or monster?
Makuhita because he looks like Majin Boo if he were yellow, lol.What's your favorite Pokemon?
What's your favorite Digimon?
Barely played it.Do you like the Megaman series?
Barely played this either.Do you like the Sonic series?
Yep. Riviera: The Promised Land is exquisite.Do you like JRPG's?
I used to play racing MMOs, they're pretty obsolete now with the advent of Wifi mode on console games.Do you play any MMORPG's?
No. I left my PS3, Xbox 360 and PS4 all in the United States.Do you have any video game consoles right now?
What's your favorite video game ever?
Didn't play it much.Do you like the Zelda series?
A Windows 11 laptop with high specs for computer programming.What kind of computer do you have?
Do you use a normal mouse, or a trackball?
Do you like the Final Fantasy series?
Do you like the Mario series?
Inception, The Lego Movie (original), Gone With the Wind.What's your favorite movie ever?
J-Rock, certain types of K-Pop, Rock and Country.What's your favorite type of music to listen to?
No. Keep it coming.Have I asked enough questions yet?
that first passage about autism describes you perfectly>giving up 3 years of my life
Proving scientific theses about assburgers completely right, lol. Go seek counseling and stay off my thread. I'm saying this in the kindest way possible. Others weren't so kind. I didn't even read the rest of your rant because I knew it'd be Kenshi-blaming therapy and delusional raving.
I tried to give you a chance to come back in 2020 because I felt bad Curtis took away your lifeline to having a place to post in, but I see you're just cycling back to pinning the blame on me for taking away your toothbrush a la circa 2017
Exactly. He's projecting his own flaws onto me.that first passage about autism describes you perfectly
hurt people hurt peopleExactly. He's projecting his own flaws onto me.
You're a child. Fuck off, you're ignored
I literally busted out laughing at this.
Just went to work, drank, ate, watched TV and animu and movies.What did you do during your exile?
I guess.Are you happy to be back on here, spamming?
A little bit, but I don't have that much motivation now so progress will be slower than in the past few months.Have you written any more in the past week?
It's only Friday and the weekend remaining, so I just want to relax and unwind. Maybe read the first book of the Game of Thrones.What do you wish to accomplish this week?
There isn't much competition there, so I guess the meal I had with my uncle's side of the family last week?What's the most extravagant meal that you've eaten in 2022?
Rosé rice cakes with pepper sauce. My favorite.What meal could you eat for the remainder of your life?
It hasn't been spammed even 1/10th as much asAnd finally, have we used this emote enough yet?