ask me stuff


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Did you have a good knowledge about computer science before getting into university? Like, a good basis already, some kind of a good notion? I'm starting taking Chemistry Engineering but I'm afraid as of now because I didn't polish my Chemistry knowledge as much as I could in HS.

Pretty much zero. The first time I had to write an actual C program, I was completely lost.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I see. I'm hoping they continue this extensive revision on Chemistry


May 30, 2015
I don't really enjoy it. It's boring on its own. I think it's probably actually the least interesting of the 4 main subjects. History is more interesting than math, although I've been too lazy to study history on my own time for the past several years. Science is also generally more interesting, although I never cared to learn about it in an academic setting. English is typically the most boring of the 4, especially with the way teachers tend to teach it, but literature is interesting on its own.
So which do you really dislike more? Math or English? LOL.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Wait wtf I didn't know you'd replied (even though I saw ahill's question), my bad.

I eat like a cup of mixed veg (carrots, cauliflower and that) and like two blocks of frozen spinach per day, but otherwise I don't eat veg at the moment. A few years ago I ate a lot of cabbage, but it's kinda hard to get through a cabbage (red or green. Red looks kinda like brains. Actually I saw lamb brain in the supermarket today for the first time. You ever had that?) before it goes off and I can't be bothered to blanche and freeze it.
Even blackberries? Holy fuck. Jk. The seeds in those kinda annoy me.

Yeh the hats were intended to be ridiculous, esp for Texas. The second one (the flat cap) you do see over here, mostly on older people (I've seen my mum's dad wore one in photos).

Ase to Sekken: yeh it is weird as fuck to start with, although it's just a quite normal romance later on (well, apart from the occasional smelling, but I took that as just representing normal intimacy) and they're together from the start, unlike every other manga where it seems to end when they get together.

Yeh I think she's some Korean rapper, all her stuff's in English though.
Basic dichotomy? Tbh I found it pretty strange that she would randomly switch it that much. I thought it was the end credits or something (since I wasn't watching the video the first time I listened). Is it actually common in hip hop to make the song sound like two songs? I can only think of one other one.

Fuck, closed the page. Post safe tho.

I see. I'm hoping they continue this extensive revision on Chemistry
Cool, did you start already? Ask the crystal lady to give you chemistry tips (please don't).

Slides, eh? Do you wear socks with them? Do you drive in them? I'd think they were gonna fall off or get stuck in an escalator or something, and then you'll be stuck with one slide. That reminds me that a kid on a school trip apparently got his shoe stuck in the escalator and had to remove his foot from the shoe and the stairs chewed the shoe up.
I usually wear Nike Cortez sneakers, like the Forest Gump ones lol. I've had two pairs, since 2018. Unfortunately they're not being made in adult sizes at the moment, but they'll inevitably return. They're decently wide (a woman in Clarks claimed my feet are "extra wide" and then said they don't stock that. CHEERS) and I wanted something pretty low to the ground at the time, since I had a bit of a chronic injury and some people talked about minimalist shoes helping them and these are pretty minimalist. They're the OG popular road running shoe from the 70s, when Nike was called Blue Ribbon Sports. I mostly just look for comfort, that lets me be a little agile and something that'll match with a lot of different clothes. I might branch out again in the future, since that injury's gone (pretty much relearned running without shoes and then slowly built it up literally daily for a few months, like jogging 200m, walking 500 or whatever. Literally the opposite of the "don't run if it hurts" advice I got from docs and even physios. Although normally physios are pretty helpful).
Otherwise I wear some cheapo Firetrap or H&M leather pumps, since they're semi-smart and you can get into clubs (not that I've been lately).
I had some cheap New Balances but they fucking sucked since the outside ripped fairly quickly near the laces, maybe I was just unlucky though.
Running I wear Saucony Kinvaras. They're pretty low drop (ie the height difference between the toe and heel is like 4mm, whereas 10mm is most common) and wide.

Do you like going hiking or anything similar to that?

Would you rather spend a month (for all of them you get a year and $10,000 to learn the language (if not English), there's one local who speaks English and you get whatever clothes locals wear):
1. Living with a hunter-gatherer tribe in an Africa savannah. They hunt and cook herbivores and move around living in caves. A lot of running, but if you suck at hunting they don't mind because they already expected you to suck. You get a translator.
2. Living with nomads/semi-nomads (nomadic only in the summer) in the steppes of Kazakhstan or Mongolia. You sleep in a yurt. They have cattle/horses/sheep and you milk the cows and eat meat, collect water from springs. You'll move a few times.
3. Live with the Amish. Milk cows.
4. Live with a rainforest tribe in Brazil or Indonesia. Go fishing
5. Live with the Nenet tribe in northern Siberia, during the winter. -22F. Herd reindeer, go fishing, chop wooden beams (idk why), beat fur with a stick.
6. Live in Andes mountains. Milk cows, plant potatoes.

Did you ever collect anything as a kid, other than Pokemon/Yugioh cards? I collected bouncy balls for a while (from the little toy vending machines).

For slower songs focused on the singing, do you generally prefer male or female vocals?

Which of these would you prefer? They're all unhackable.
1. AI in your head that can give you highly customisable and flexible reminders, like a person would. It understands which tasks are important as much as you would. If you miss something, the AI will reprioritise and reschedule.
2. Psycho-Pass style home decorating system (can change the wallpaper and furniture instantly) and clothing system (can instantly change outfit while at home).
3. Telephone in your head that allows phone calls, texts (it can open any media in messages) and can play music that only you hear. You can turn off the features or turn off just incoming calls/texts if you want and use a normal phone for those. For this one nobody knows you have it, so they won't be offended if you turn off incoming calls/texts.

Would you rather not have to eat (you set your desired diet and automatically get the corresponding nutrients throughout the day. You can still eat for pleasure) or not have to sleep?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
uuu facking beeeeeeeetch, chronic or 2001, if u can & want to say? i'm on a hip-hop trip again.
^classic lead-single. jay-z wrote it.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Wait wtf I didn't know you'd replied (even though I saw ahill's question), my bad.
yeah it is ur bad

I eat like a cup of mixed veg (carrots, cauliflower and that) and like two blocks of frozen spinach per day, but otherwise I don't eat veg at the moment. A few years ago I ate a lot of cabbage, but it's kinda hard to get through a cabbage (red or green. Red looks kinda like brains. Actually I saw lamb brain in the supermarket today for the first time. You ever had that?) before it goes off and I can't be bothered to blanche and freeze it.
Even blackberries? Holy fuck. Jk. The seeds in those kinda annoy me.
I'm pretty bad with veg myself atm but I try to have a bit of broccoli, carrots, things like that, every now and again.
You eat cabbage by itself? Yeah that does sound hard to go through. I've known people who would just eat lettuce out of the bag. Weirdos.
Never seen lamb brain. I do see other organ meats but I've never bothered to try any. Shit like liver sounds gross, even if they could be made to taste good I certainly don't have the confidence to do it myself. Supposed to be real nutritious though.
ye blackberries are kinda eh.

Yeh the hats were intended to be ridiculous, esp for Texas. The second one (the flat cap) you do see over here, mostly on older people (I've seen my mum's dad wore one in photos).
Yeah I know you lot wear that flat cap. I wouldn't be able to pull it off, most people can't.
I don't really wear hats much though. I have some caps and that's all I'll occasionally wear, but in general I'm not a hat guy. You a hat guy? I cover my head with a hood more often than I cover it with a hat.

Ase to Sekken: yeh it is weird as fuck to start with, although it's just a quite normal romance later on (well, apart from the occasional smelling, but I took that as just representing normal intimacy) and they're together from the start, unlike every other manga where it seems to end when they get together.
i dun beleeb u
I do think romance in which they get together near the start are 9/10 times better than other romances. I think. The chase is too cliche, too easy to write, too easy to drag out.

Yeh I think she's some Korean rapper, all her stuff's in English though.
Basic dichotomy? Tbh I found it pretty strange that she would randomly switch it that much. I thought it was the end credits or something (since I wasn't watching the video the first time I listened). Is it actually common in hip hop to make the song sound like two songs? I can only think of one other one.
The dichotomy of ideas is basic imo. Like, on paper.
Beat switches are not necessarily that common, but common enough that I wouldn't call them uncommon. Obviously in some cases the shift is more drastic than in others, so for a lot of songs it won't throw you off as much. That Korean rapper is certainly one of the more drastic examples, musically.

Slides, eh? Do you wear socks with them? Do you drive in them? I'd think they were gonna fall off or get stuck in an escalator or something, and then you'll be stuck with one slide.

I have worn socks with them a few times before but slides with socks is a no-no. It's like a fashion faux pas. So not usually. I drive in em yeah. I'll wear them basically anywhere except to the gym or formal occasions. Or vacation I guess, since vacations usually involve more walking than average sometimes.
That reminds me that a kid on a school trip apparently got his shoe stuck in the escalator and had to remove his foot from the shoe and the stairs chewed the shoe up.

I was the shoe

I usually wear Nike Cortez sneakers, like the Forest Gump ones lol. I've had two pairs, since 2018. Unfortunately they're not being made in adult sizes at the moment, but they'll inevitably return. They're decently wide (a woman in Clarks claimed my feet are "extra wide" and then said they don't stock that. CHEERS) and I wanted something pretty low to the ground at the time, since I had a bit of a chronic injury and some people talked about minimalist shoes helping them and these are pretty minimalist. They're the OG popular road running shoe from the 70s, when Nike was called Blue Ribbon Sports. I mostly just look for comfort, that lets me be a little agile and something that'll match with a lot of different clothes. I might branch out again in the future, since that injury's gone (pretty much relearned running without shoes and then slowly built it up literally daily for a few months, like jogging 200m, walking 500 or whatever. Literally the opposite of the "don't run if it hurts" advice I got from docs and even physios. Although normally physios are pretty helpful).
Otherwise I wear some cheapo Firetrap or H&M leather pumps, since they're semi-smart and you can get into clubs (not that I've been lately).
I had some cheap New Balances but they fucking sucked since the outside ripped fairly quickly near the laces, maybe I was just unlucky though.
Running I wear Saucony Kinvaras. They're pretty low drop (ie the height difference between the toe and heel is like 4mm, whereas 10mm is most common) and wide.

How'd you get injured originally? Yeah I mostly look for comfort too, and then I ride out that comfort for 7-10 years if I can lol. It was only recently that I even seriously considered owning more than one pair of sneakers so I could wear one to the gym (the one with the flat bottom that I still don't remember the name of).
Leather pumps? Semi-smart indeed. Semi-smart is too smart for me though.
I've never owned a pair of New Balances think I think the N logo is tacky. I think I know some people who like them though. Not sure.

Do you like going hiking or anything similar to that?

nah. I've grown to like walking, hiking, jogging, climbing, etc, less and less as time goes by. I'll still walk sometimes since it's low intensity, but it's still boring. I tolerate it by listening to music or podcasts or something.
But I kind of want to do some more intense activity every now and again at least since my cardio has gone to shit since I've stopped going out to do these sorts of things.

Would you rather spend a month (for all of them you get a year and $10,000 to learn the language (if not English), there's one local who speaks English and you get whatever clothes locals wear):
1. Living with a hunter-gatherer tribe in an Africa savannah. They hunt and cook herbivores and move around living in caves. A lot of running, but if you suck at hunting they don't mind because they already expected you to suck. You get a translator.
2. Living with nomads/semi-nomads (nomadic only in the summer) in the steppes of Kazakhstan or Mongolia. You sleep in a yurt. They have cattle/horses/sheep and you milk the cows and eat meat, collect water from springs. You'll move a few times.
3. Live with the Amish. Milk cows.
4. Live with a rainforest tribe in Brazil or Indonesia. Go fishing
5. Live with the Nenet tribe in northern Siberia, during the winter. -22F. Herd reindeer, go fishing, chop wooden beams (idk why), beat fur with a stick.
6. Live in Andes mountains. Milk cows, plant potatoes.

Amish. It sounds the least stressful. #2 sounds the second least stressful. Living in a rainforest and fishing there (are rainforests even a good place to fish?) sounds fun, but also terrible long-term. #5 is a hard no for sure.

Did you ever collect anything as a kid, other than Pokemon/Yugioh cards? I collected bouncy balls for a while (from the little toy vending machines).

I wasn't much of a collector. For a little while I collected those quarters that had a different image on the back than usual, if you've ever heard of those (which I doubt since you'd have no reason to know about these unless an American told you about them), but then I stopped.

For slower songs focused on the singing, do you generally prefer male or female vocals?

Female. There are some really good male singers out there of course, but female singing voices are just more appealing to my ear for those types of songs. I don't listen to slow sing-songy songs much though.

Which of these would you prefer? They're all unhackable.
1. AI in your head that can give you highly customisable and flexible reminders, like a person would. It understands which tasks are important as much as you would. If you miss something, the AI will reprioritise and reschedule.
2. Psycho-Pass style home decorating system (can change the wallpaper and furniture instantly) and clothing system (can instantly change outfit while at home).
3. Telephone in your head that allows phone calls, texts (it can open any media in messages) and can play music that only you hear. You can turn off the features or turn off just incoming calls/texts if you want and use a normal phone for those. For this one nobody knows you have it, so they won't be offended if you turn off incoming calls/texts.

#2 provides the most tangible benefit that I can see, while alleviating the most effort from my side. I can set up for reminders myself and reprioritize on my own more easily than I can change my wallpaper and furniture. I can use a phone more easily than I can do those things too.

Would you rather not have to eat (you set your desired diet and automatically get the corresponding nutrients throughout the day. You can still eat for pleasure) or not have to sleep?
Not have to sleep. Easy. Sleep takes away so much of our time to do shit. Sleep is enjoyable, but only because of our need to be well-rested, whereas food is enjoyable regardless of if you need some at the time or not (only if you're really full would it be unenjoyable).

uuu facking beeeeeeeetch, chronic or 2001, if u can & want to say?

The Chronic. I think.
2001 is a very good album still, so my criticisms of it are strictly in comparison to The Chronic. While Dr. Dre's perfectionism is evident in both albums, 2001 ends up sounding more monotonous to me by the end. The Chronic's production is just more groundbreaking and innovative. 2001 is notable for sounding incredible despite having less of that classic G-Funk sound, but I still prefer that G-Funk sound from The Chronic. The classic tracks off of The Chronic are generally better than the classics off 2001 (although they both have some forgettable filler tracks scattered throughout). "Nuthin But a G Thang" is just an untouchable track. Lyricism is not meant to be the strong point of either album, but 2001's is generally worse, and this is a contributor to why the album starts to sound monotonous by the time you get to the end. I think the features on 2001 are generally weaker. You've got some good verses from Xzibit and Eminem, but why are there so many Hittman verses scattered throughout the record? The Snoop verses are fantastic here, but he sounded better on The Chronic.
They're both classics though. You listen tracks like "The Next Episode" or "Still DRE" or "Xxplosive" and try telling me that the world wouldn't be a worse place if they didn't exist.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
but no srsly?:
OK it's only a few songs at-best, but still. I get your point though. The 2 were known for their music & production, not lyrics.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Yeah, it's not like there aren't any good lyrics on the album, but they're just meant to complement the production. The flow is more important than the lyricism.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
& I say I take music/production over lyrics any-day. Lyrics are kewl, but I also want to listen to some-thing that's musically good & kewl to the ears. Some-thing I can jam too, nah'mean? It's music first. Nas is kewl. Eminem is kewl & so-on, but I think modern Eminem is especially a really good example of this. He's got lyrics yeah, but his music is no good. I don't know what happened.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I think there's a laundry list of reasons as to why most of Eminem's recent output isn't appealing to listen to, but I think the biggest thing for me is that he (usually) no longer has the buttery-smooth flow that he used to have in his earliest mainstream years. It's not always bad, but it's not the same.

Listen to his flow in his verse here

And then compare it to something like

I'm not a hip hop connoisseur even though it's my most listened-to genre of music (I'm not a music connoisseur in general, I prefer delving deeper into most other forms of media) but he sounds like he's fighting the beat a lot these days.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
But yeah musically he also raps over some fucking garbage beats and shit on his own albums, which doesn't help

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Yeah. He used to be able to ride/flow with the beat, now it's like he's just free-styling/battle-rapping with no music. It's like he's become static with only one flow that he can do and can't modify it to fit to the instrumental (it's fine rappers have a style, but normally it's adjustable to go with the music), like a robot lol. He used to be able to harmonize/sing-ish too (Super-Man) or just flow to the beat (this might have been among the last):
^that's not his song though, he only featured.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
He still sounded good every now and again in the late 2000s yeah. Back when he was relearning how to rap but before he settled into his new style.

Relapse was the last time Dre was heavily involved in his production, which is a shame.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Too bad. IIRC, I heard some of the stuff (or a-lot?) was supposed to go to Detox & so was In Da Club & so-on a-lot earlier. The instrumentals I mean. I think Dr. Dre could really help him, since he tailors his production to the artists he produces and always gets the best out of them, but IIRC he himself kind-of has problems considering Compton SUCKED last I checked by a-bit.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
I'm pretty bad with veg myself atm but I try to have a bit of broccoli, carrots, things like that, every now and again.
You eat cabbage by itself? Yeah that does sound hard to go through. I've known people who would just eat lettuce out of the bag. Weirdos.
Never seen lamb brain. I do see other organ meats but I've never bothered to try any. Shit like liver sounds gross, even if they could be made to taste good I certainly don't have the confidence to do it myself. Supposed to be real nutritious though.
ye blackberries are kinda eh.
Calling them weirdos reminds me that when I was younger a lot of people called salad "rabbit food" and wouldn't eat it. Like they wouldn't even get salad with a burger or kebab, say (tbf now I won't, just because I don't trust the salad from a lot of those establishments).
I mostly had the cabbage in a stew or made kimchi (not that I had anything it went with - just wanted to make something).
I've only had brains a couple times (sounds like I just called myself stupid), think I just thought I was eating scrambled egg, until my dad told me. Think I've had kidney or liver, but don't remember. Definitely wanna try them again, because like you said they're super nutritious (I suppose that's how hunter-gatherers got their vitamins back in the pre-agricultural days). I don't think I'd wanna eat some stuff like eyeballs, but then again I suspect it's one of those things where once you eat it, if it tastes ok your brain moves it from the "ew"/"wtf" category to "food" one. I'm known for not being a very picky eater in general though (defo was ridiculously picky until I was 15) I'll eat anything, although I guess I'm a little picky in the sense that most food is just "edible", "alright" or "quite good" to me, rather than "amazing".
Would you eat this organ....lmao, makes me quite uncomfortable watching him clean it with his fingers. And in a less lewd way when he's scraping it (similar to watching the video of a lioness remove a dying wildebeest's cajones, but not as bad):

Btw, just lost the post by accidentally clicking on a StrawHatCrew notification (wasn't there when clicking "back"). But then it was there again when I clicked into the topic from the index.

I used to wear a baseball cap (tbh I think it's a little wide for my head. Several years ago at work a couple of guys were trying to put those blue shoe covers over their head and couldn't, one of them said "Da##### might be able to do it, he's got quite a small head". Like, ok then) when I had long hair (cut it short a few months after getting past shoulder-length, two years ago) and didn't have time to fully dry it before leaving or just if it was too messy, so just for the practical purposes, but since cutting it I haven't worn one. It saves having to fix my hair, but then it's an extra thing to try to somewhat match with everything and an extra item that might fall off (not sure if that's a rational concern, but yeh). I'm not totally opposed to wearing one if I come across something that suits me, although I'd still probs feel weird wearing it at first.

Can you think of any other manga/manhwa you've come across where they're together quite early?
Actually, have you seen any where they get married? I think that's another rare thing (pretty sure Sweat and Soap ends with that, based on the Mangadex cover image).

nah. I've grown to like walking, hiking, jogging, climbing, etc, less and less as time goes by. I'll still walk sometimes since it's low intensity, but it's still boring. I tolerate it by listening to music or podcasts or something.
But I kind of want to do some more intense activity every now and again at least since my cardio has gone to shit since I've stopped going out to do these sorts of things.
I'll definitely listen to something when walking alone, especially if I'm not in the city centre (well, we call it "town"). Do you notice stuff when you walk around? I guess I'm fairly observant, so little things like signs or buildings interest me, although eventually you've already almost everything on any particular route. But the lack of anything too interesting can be part of the attraction too, a bit like meditating.
Did you used to climb somewhere?
I'll go to trails, parks or the woods with friends sometimes, I guess for the quiet and the sense of exploration and it's just a good way to have a long chat. In the city we'll occasionally discover small cool things that most people don't go near as well, like old buildings, old factories or whatever.

I always heard socks n sandals or slides was a faux pas as a kid/teen, but I think it's somehow come into fashion a little in recent years.

Amazonian tribes have fish, dolphins, other sea creatures and random forest fruits (like açai, passionfruit and chayote) as staple foods, so I guess the Amazon River is decent for fishing - the world's largest freshwater fish, Arapaima, lives in the basins of the Amazon and the Essequibo (in Guyana). In Indonesia the Mentawai hunter-gatherers (who live on the Mentawai islands, with a combined area of 6000km², made up primarily of three main islands) mostly eat land mammals like deer, primates, pigs, sago (similar to tapioca, except it's starch from a sago palm tree and not cassava), fruits and fish. They also eat Rhynchophorus beetles, which are sometimes called "sago worms".

I'd probably pick the steppes option. Would be nice to just be in the middle of huge green plains, where you can see a pitch black sky, see the horizon and drink clean water from a stream. The mountains would be cool too though - always wanted to experience the stress of high altitude and there probably won't be many horrible bugs at those temperatures and oxygen concentrations (there are a lot places I'd like to go to where bugs are the main thing that concern me. You're probably more used to it. My aunt went to Thailand when she lived in Vietnam and they went into the hotel room and they could hear a bunch of scratching noises from the wardrobe. They opened it and turned on the lights and there was like a mass of cockroaches scuttling around, like wtf FUCK OFF PLEASE, THANKS. They ran out and told the reception they don't need their money back and they'll find another hotel lol). I suppose the language in the Andes would be more long-term useful, since a lot of them speak Spanish now, although I could learn Spanish any other time, whereas Kazakh or Mongolian there's an 0% chance I'd ever have another decent opportunity or motivation to learn it.

That's quite cool. Money art is one of those things people have on them for decades, but don't take much notice of. Like the only person from the banknotes here I can recognise (aside from the Queen obv) is Adam Smith and I only learnt that this year (because I had an expired paper £20 note somewhere and was looking up how to swap it for a polypropylene one). Well, I just checked and I recognise Churchill too, but not the others from the last decade or so.
Do states get their own bank note or coin designs at all? Like over here Scotland and NI get their own note designs, but you never run into them here so people get confused and wonder if it's legal tender or not (didn't even know until several years ago when I came across a Scottish one).

How'd you get injured originally? Yeah I mostly look for comfort too, and then I ride out that comfort for 7-10 years if I can lol. It was only recently that I even seriously considered owning more than one pair of sneakers so I could wear one to the gym (the one with the flat bottom that I still don't remember the name of).
Leather pumps? Semi-smart indeed. Semi-smart is too smart for me though.
I've never owned a pair of New Balances think I think the N logo is tacky. I think I know some people who like them though. Not sure.
Possible essay incoming. I was wearing pretty old hockey trainers that my dad gave me basically new (well, I'd worn them for a couple years basically 100% of the time, ran in them, squatted in them, started boxing in them. They were totally battered. Like I started wearing slightly nicer clothes at that time (as opposed to just t-shirts and jeans), but my shoes were fucking it up). I always thought they felt heavy on the treadmill too, so maybe they had some stability stuff in them. I'm sure I had some imbalances in my gait too (most people do tbf, so it's not definitely gonna cause problems. I always inconspicuously pay attention to how people run and a lot of people have something wrong with their running, same thing when I used to watch people walking on poolside when I worked at swimming pools. For walking I usually noticed things like overpronating, one or both feet turned out, or one hip dropping down). Anyway I just over-trained late 2015, like I walked a couple miles a day and shadowboxed a couple hours+ a day lol. At that time I found it way too easy to push hard (I did judo a few times a week for a year or so a little while after this and at least a few times a week at home I'd be like "I'm gonna practise this technique for 5 minutes" and do like two hours or so without even requiring any mental effort) plus I'd just come off a while not doing anything (for familial reasons, basically), so I was pretty excited to be training after moving out (was living with my uncle, but he was only home 3-4 days every fortnight, so I mostly did my own thing). This was when I didn't have proper internet for a while, so basically all the time I wasn't at work I just trained and listened to the radio lol, which I didn't mind doing. I do think you could do that much without getting fucked up, if you're more careful with how you build it up and how you rest. Then it did kinda hurt, but yeh I just pushed through it way too much. Most of what you hear about training is all about going harder and that matched up with my natural drive and created an imbalance. Now I'm too chill with training, since I made an effort to try to tone it down and err on the side of caution more - hard to imagine training that much or that hard now and I basically never train angry in the gym either now (because I just don't have much anger to tap into lol). Then I went on holiday (cousins' weddings) and went running with my older cousin one time, which I shouldn't have done but I suppose it was a rare opportunity and it fucking hurrrrt, like pretty sharply (whereas before it was a pretty dull, sore pain) I was like damn, although I didn't wanna look like a pussy (in general this was true, but even more so visiting from a Western country, since they already kinda think you must be a bit of a wimp) so I did carry on a little, like a genius, but then I just walked. Anyway I rested for over three months after that, but it never fully healed and would get worse again every so often if I pushed hard or go hit on my leg by a badly timed foot sweep (fuckkkkk, like I'd have to take a couple months off if that happened). I went to two physios (one public, one private), a podiatrist and a sports injury doctor and they gave me exercises to do, but it was all pretty useless (I've pretty successfully done physio for my shoulders in my early 20s and for a couple other things over the years). They weren't really sure what the exact problem was. The sports doctor did make some small gait recommendations, which might've improved my gait (she said I overused some muscles on the top of my foot when walking and gave my exercises/told me to try to keep those muscles relaxed), but definitely didn't improve the injury. Anyway I quit everything (except sometimes doing weights) October 2017 and just found other shit to do (like bass, video games, trying to copy kpop dances (pretty tiring)). It did still frustrate me sometimes (another thing is I kinda somehow jacked my right ankle in 2017, so I can't really do back squats now (due to lack of mobility), which sucks because they were easily my favourite gym exercise, although I found somewhat decent replacements eventually. Might try to sort that out later, but so far it's been no good), but I mostly just moved on. Anyway, April 1st 2018 Tony Ferguson tore his LCL tripping on some cables at a media event (apparently someone said hi to him and he suddenly waved at them and said hi back and then fell over) the week he was meant to fight Khabib for the vacant LW title (Tony was the interim champ, then Conor got stripped for inactivity. 4th time Tony-Khabib was cancelled, which is unheard of for a single matchup. Loads of fans thought it was an April Fools' joke. 5th time it got cancelled because the covid pandemic started lol, like some force really didn't want this fight to happen). He had surgery and the doctors told him he would need to wait 6 months to a year to fight again. He wasn't satisfied with that and did his own rehab, fought Anthony Pettis in October (5 months. Same night as Khabib-Conor) and looked pretty great, although since he's lost a bunch of fights now some people have since claimed he was a little slower since the injury (he's also old for a LW though). I watched that live at like 3am and was like fuck, I'm doing this shit myself (already had done loads of reading, but thought I'd give it another go). Obviously physio and especially doctor advice was usually to not do something if it hurts and GPs simply just say to rest and just to not run if it hurts, with no other advice (which is funny to me, because telling people to avoid exercise is just gonna put the NHS and NHS staff under even more strain in the long run (it's already fucked right now. Long waiting lists, over 450 excess deaths/week in A&E (ER) last year due to delays, nurses and docs both went on strike this month) when people are unfit/obese, but whatever). Starting in Spring 2019 I just jogged every day for really short distances at a time (<200m) and...I already said this part in the last post. At first I basically treated every step like a rep, in the sense that I focused on having as correct form as possible (I read around and watched some videos on running mechanics online (this is one, although it's one's about sprinting, so I probs watched it like 6-12 months after I started), like focusing on how my foot landed (pointing forwards, not rolling in, running on my forefoot (some debate on this, for middle to long distances), strong core/slight forward lean, making sure my kickback is straight, high enough knees and coming up in the correct plane, not dropping my hips, making sure my glutes are firing (exaggerated this at first to make sure, would run occasional steps with my hands behind me to check, still do sometimes while warming up. I always do some warm up exercises/drills before running too (just kickbacks, sprinting on the spot with really low steps (like the step height he has here, but not as retarded lol and not hopping) and then getting my knees up to 90° (I can usually tell from how fast these are whether I'll be able to run fast that day or not), an arm pump drill (can't find it online, but this, except with one leg forwards and a bit bent, back leg/ankle extended and leaning forwards, cuz you lean when you run. I think of any number from 1 to 8 and then do that number of swings as fast as I can but correctly/in-sync, then do the all the other numbers and swap sides), probs some abductor shit, maybe that shit where you're in the position at the top of a pushup and then hold one arm out in front of you, a few wall leg switches, maybe even some calf raises, maybe even some thoracic rotations) just lowers the risk of a hard run and you get more out of running with good form anyway)). I kept the pain below a certain level (the level I'd have from the first step) and slowed down or stopped a couple days if the pain went above that level and eventually could run 5k a few times a week, by like autumn 2019. Life story over.

7 years, fuck. Although if you're wearing slides a lot of the time your sneakers shouldn't get too worn out, plus you probably walk less than I do. New Balance was always one of those uncool brands like Fila or Asics, but I kinda like them now. I've seen them come up in Japanese media a couple times and I heard they run a little wide, so I tried them. I've actually heard Onitsuka Tiger Asics (almost the same shoe as the Cortez, they were released in Japan under Onitsuka in 70s, which became Asics) mentioned in a Japanese hip hop song, so maybe they're considered cool over there.
I meant pumps like these btw, just in case (I just googled "leather pumps" and got women's shoes lol).

The N is tacky, eh? Would you wear these classy numbers?

Do you mean the dichotomy between being tough/independent and all depressed? Or between being sweet and sassy?
Never really listened to Kendrick (or any new Anglosphere hip hop, besides literally a few UK ones and Rich Brian), although I recognise the album cover. In my mind Drake and him are the same person...where your grandma stay tho...guess he's like the opposite of takeshi619 and Robert Kelly.
That first Travis Scott beat is so nice.
I like the Shaq-looking guy (Jay Rock)'s flow. That transition is less abrupt than the ones above it, feels more like it's actually one song. Cool how they have that guy in the middle of the cars.
The Lil Wayne transition is alright, although might just be because the second beat is so good. Dunno wtf he's on about, but yeh.
Do you think the beat switches reflect the lyrics changing? Is the Stargazer one like the guy tripping out, maybe partying and then later he's explaining the dark side of why he's doing drugs/the dark side of drug addicts?

How did you get into hip hop? How did you get into music in general?

Do you like this guy's hair? (not the song, although the song's fine too) First time I've been super impressed by a guy's hair in a hip hop video. Looks like a pain to do though.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
What is a song or songs where you wish the vocalist would just (plz) stfu (plz) so you can listen to the instrumental? Unless an instrumental version of a song is released, most of the time even on YouTube you can only hear bad recreations or can you of instrumentals?

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