ask me stuff


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Ain't nothin to be proud of when taking residence in Virginville, brother.

Right now or anytime soon? No. I don't have the time or freedom. In general? Maybe a few people in the future. Maybe.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Who's somebody that you would totally geek out for if you met them in real life?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Hmmmm. Very hard to say. These days I tend to not think too much about who directed what or who played what or who developed what game or what have you, so I don't really know who I'd geek out over the most. If I could name a few people that came to mind first:

- Stanley Kubrick, simply because he is a genius and his perfectionism will be missed (sadly he's no longer with us so that wouldn't quite work, but I couldn't leave him out; RIP).
- Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of some of my favorite games ever.
- Leonardo Dicaprio. I was struggling between several actors, but I settled on this guy. I was also thinking of Robert De Niro, but honestly I'm not sure if I'd recognize him right off the bat these days. Morgan Freeman is also up there, but I had this one janitor at my school who looked just like him so it might not have as much impact on me anymore tbh lol.
- Eminem. I don't really have a favorite musician of any kind, and I've gone through these phases of what/who I'm most into throughout my life. The "Eminem" phase for me lasted the longest by far. These days my interest in music is very unfocused, but I return to his stuff the most often. He's also the first artist who actually got me to think about what people are saying in songs. I do think he's fallen off a bit but that's irrelevant. Anyway yeah, that'd be cool.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
You just made my day, so I have to bounce this right back at you:

Best Stanley Kubrick movie?????


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Ugghhhh you like the hard questions, don't you? Keeping in mind that I've still yet to see much of his filmography, probably A Clockwork Orange. Though my memory on it's a bit dull and I could use a rewatch, it was shocking – not scary – in a way with the way it used violence and other disturbing images, yet effective – it didn't feel 'edgy,' if you know what I mean, even though things that go as far as it did would often be classed as works that are edgy or try too hard to be dark. It's also not black and white. Many other movies would just show us that Alex is wrong for, to oversimplify, being a dick, and that he should change, but it's not that simple here. The events that the movie presents admittedly seem a tad implausible at first glance, with a whole lot of, let's just say, extreme things happening all throughout, but in a way it does stay within the bounds of realism while some of the weirder scenes (like this one scene where I think a doctor and nurse are fucking which may come off as random and thrown in) serve their purpose as well. It's hard to describe my thoughts on it though, especially a movie of this nature, so sorry if this sounds like a lot of incoherent rambling lol.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 8, 2015
Kyo said:
Ain't nothin to be proud of when taking residence in Virginville, brother.

Right now or anytime soon? No. I don't have the time or freedom. In general? Maybe a few people in the future. Maybe.
Cheers love.

Yeah, until you settle down and get your shit done, you should focus on your current life.

So what do you generally do for entertainment lately?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Kyo said:
Why must we pretend? Don't you think that deceiving another is to deny that person reality? Or is reality dependent upon perception? Is my reality different from your reality?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How excited are you for engineering?

Are you a hoe?

Do you like hoes?



High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Kyo said:
Why must we pretend? Don't you think that deceiving another is to deny that person reality? Or is reality dependent upon perception? Is my reality different from your reality?
I will take Philosophy 101 some day and get back to you.
Zoro said:
How excited are you for engineering?

Are you a hoe?

Do you like hoes?

Mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness. I'm afraid of the workload and the difficulty/complexity of the material, but I'm glad that I'm going to be legitimately challenged mentally, unlike most of high school. I have my textbooks now and I'm going to read a few chapters before university starts.

I am not a hoe, but I can be one.

I generally do not like hoes, but there are always exceptions.

I generally do like Syns, but there are always exceptions.
Jk there aren't any exceptions.
Mike said:
What kind of music do you listen to?
Kind of varied, it's easier to name what I don't listen to (heavy/death metal, country). I probably gravitate most to hip hop, though I'm by no means a hardcore fan or anything. I'm a bit shallow with music; I'll just listen to whatever sounds okay, which is a lot of things.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Do u style ur hair?

Hey man wazzup?

Is my speech in the wrong order?

Fictional characters who are similar to you/have traits in common with you?

Any hobbies you think you would like to take up but can't right now?


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
shchavkyossj2 said:
Do u style ur hair?
Occasionally, usually too lazy to. Have had this gel lying around for months...use it like once a week at best. Right now my hair is short enough to where I could kinda smooth out bed hair and it'll be ok anyway. No need to style. Well not that you have to style with longer hair. But it is harder to manage. dun ask these hard questions plz
shchavkyossj2 said:
Hey man wazzup?
not u
shchavkyossj2 said:
Is my speech in the wrong order?
i see no speech, did you write a speech? i'd like to hear it, although you should post a text version so i could listen to you and learn how to pronounce new words at the same time. monkey d. luffy.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Fictional characters who are similar to you/have traits in common with you?
Idk. I am lazy and read manga targeted at little boys, Gintoki does that, so I pick him. However Gintoki is an inspiration to the world to ski on human bodies and I am not, so I have to work on that.
shchavkyossj2 said:
Any hobbies you think you would like to take up but can't right now?
Some martial arts. Can't cuz I'm weak. Well, I could probably still do it, but I'd rather not be the thinner-than-average guy tryna learn martial arts.


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Lol go fk urself for that second answer. I meant how I asked how you are after asking about your hair.

Once a week is quite a bit. I thought it was gonna say once a month (I scroll through each answer cuz I'm a foney forumer)

You are a little boy though. A big little boy. A small big man. You can't know until you're 30 if you're more Gintoki or Hasegawa. No other possible outcomes.

You think you're weak? Being skinny doesnt always mean you're weak. I remember when I used yo go to the gym and for stuff literally lifted 3 times on 1 leg what a dude my size was lifting with 2 and saw a lot of peeps day in day out who were biggggg but not strong. But I get ya. I feel the same way when I go to a new gym for yhe first time or when I go boxing. Don't wanna be judged as being a typical skinny dude (bro I eat so much) and feel like people will think bad or even say something. I also love when people realise they were wrong and when they end up looking pathetic next to me, altho that annoys me more too because people givin it the biggun and then not being all that vexes me and cuz it just annoys me that they have similar aims to me but suck....dunno why tbh. I also feel like you have to do extra to prove yourself, but then they'll be cool with you.
Nowadays I'm training differently to gain a bit (using heavy stuff so I can only do like 3 or 4 reps....sometimes have to slow it down a lot to make it harder or do it on 1 leg or sumin like that) although I just lift a box of books up in different ways and stuff. Seems to be working. All I eat/drink is basically milk, pasta, peanut butter, nectarines and maybe fish. Was gonma put "milk" after "nectarines" but that made me imagine nectarine pieces in milk which even for me is weird....altho I guess some Chinese people I knew did eat fruit in milk.

Actually I am up, unfortunately. Need to sleep. Goin with my uncle's gf to the shops in the morning/midday to find smart shirts for me for work (I have 2) and then gonna be here at my mum's mum's cuz it's my birthday. Only slept like 4 hours last night (that was only cuz my alarm took 1 hour to wake me up cuz I put it like 50cm further than usual, otherwise would've been 3) and the night before. Feel sore a bit.
I'm up in the sense of bein in a good mood. Got paid and should have some dependable income (not that I have any plans for it so far. I guess it can go to gym/boxing fees), talked to my cousin on whatsapp, used whatsapp in general a fair bit, progo responded to me in his about me topic (altho I get the feeling he maybe meant "thanks for asking" in a "cuz ur not my friend who I expect to ask" kinda way) and ye bout it but thats enough.

Have u driven? You have a license?
Have you driven a motorbike or scooter or something similar? Maybe I've asked this before 2 or 3 years ago, dunno....answer could've changed anyway.

Hung out with friends lately?

Can you draw? Again probs asked that b4. Got interrupted while posting my a call, was like "fak, might lose everything I've typed".

Are there people you miss from forums?

Are there people you miss or sometimes miss not from forums (people you personally know or knew)?

What are your main concerns/worries in life nowadays?

Do you have some personal aspirations? Of course your education (I guess) but other things?

What would like to improve, see improved or have an improved version of in your life?

What was something you found funny in the last week? Can be from forums but then I also want something from outside of forums.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
I meant how I asked how you are after asking about your hair.
lol yeh I knew that ofc

I don't have sunglasses though. My personality is in my right little toe.

Hmm, well I do know that I'm stronger than I initially expected. I know several people (older than me) who in their last year of high school began to work out and said that they could barely lift the bar when benching (45 lbs/~20 kg). I first benched in my first year in PE or suttin (whoa been so long since I said suttin) and I could at least manage adding extra weight and doing several reps like that. Still, it's not much and I've been really inconsistent with going to the gym. Specially now. Haven't gone since like last summer I think. Although I been trying to do some things at home recently. At least university has a free gym for students which is convenient.

At gyms I usually don't notice people judging me though, at least in my experience people just do their own thing, at least as far as I can make out. It still feels weird despite that though. I feel like they may be judgin and I'm just not noticing/they're good at hiding it. So yeh I don't really like dat.

I have a sweet tooth so I've had to challenge myself to avoid sugary things. Metabolism isn't the same anymore. I used to be that guy who could eat everything and not worry about gaining a pound. Well, I think I still kind of am that guy, but I doubt it'll last long. Had a scare a few months back when I felt like I had a bit more belly fat than usual. Usually I don't even notice any fat there. So of cos the first thing I started to work on (at home) when I decided to exercise a bit again was abs. Friend gave me one of those workout vids and I copy that. Fkn annoying though. WE'RE GONNA DO 10 REPS. CAN U FEEL THE BURN. THEY'RE FEELIN IT. AIGHT LETS GO. ONE TWO. AHH IT BURNS. Blah.

your birthday's today or tomorrow? Happy birthday PrinceofSaiyajins456!

no license, I have a learner's permit. Will hopefully get license very soon. Took too long to get the permit as is (more because it took a long time to have it mailed...). University startin in like ~2 weeks though so chances are i'll be takin the bus for a while.

Nah can't draw. Never really tried to get good at it but yeh can't do it. Can't even do it very well with a picture for reference. I was at my best when I was like 9 yrs old and I was copying DBZ faces from the dialogue boxes in DBZ Legacy of Goku 2/Buu's Fury. Those were the days...

Hmm yeah. Miss nimbus, he's been gone for such a long time that it's crazy. Sometime last year he randomly came back to Shinden Reborn and posted in the shoutbox about how he was back and his dick was bigger than kenshi's, and then he signed up on Grid's Infinity Forum and never did anything. Haven't seen him since. Also miss Biz, he's still on DBZF and shows up from time to time but still, not much talkin. Hmmmm Slayerslice (I was just interrupted by my father and went to go practice driving, anyway back to this). I feel like there are more people but I can't think of any right this second. Arkadom.

Yeah, there are those people, though most of them were from a rather long time ago so the memories have faded a bit. However seeing as how I just finished high school I'm sure there are some people I know now who I might not end up keeping up with a in a few years.

Main concerns/worries, just keeping up with college work I guess. I tend to not think too far into the future. All I hear is big workload and oh less free time and oh such hard tests. Blah. Stop tryna scare me. But yeh for now I'm just thinking about defeating the obstacle that is college. Well, not really an obstacle. But it helps to think of it that way, maybe.

Hmmm, not sure. I guess $$$. Lol aside from that, I guess, assuming I have kids, I want to have a good relationship with them, because the relationship between me and my parents isn't the best (not bad, good actually but not particularly great/kind of distant), so I wouldn't want to replicate that with my own.

I would like to improve my ability to interact with people I don't know. Small talk, I can do, even though I don't like it/find it to be somewhat of a waste of time/effort/thought if it's just small talk for the sake of small talk. Holding an extended conversation is harder unless the person is good at that, so I don't have to worry about it. The biggest issue though is just that I don't like approaching/getting to know new people, or at least I'd rather not initiate it. I suspect that that would be a problem later in life. Aside from that, I suppose I need to work on better habits with exercise. Be consistent with it.

Uhhh. My friend's 7 year old brother imitating slang/colloquialism, like saying "bruh," and he's been copying memes too (he caught up to the stupid "9+10=21" thing or whatever that was). I found that funny and I kinda egged it on much to the half dismay half amusement of the older sibling. Like I would go, "you shouldn't say 'bruh' so much, bruh." Funniest part was him laughing at my shitty jokes like the aforementioned one.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
@shc: Saw your q but went away from page with the intention of answering later. Skipped over it by accident when TIST posted. I'll get to it shortly.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
:'( :'( :'(

ok then wat abt urs???

but srsly now:

how u've been l8ly???

WAT ABT MINE?!!!!!!!!?!

I have been okay. I was hoping to use my summer as a way to fix my sleeping habits, but such a thing has not yet occurred. Fear not, however, for I still live and prosper as well as any. But with university starting up within 2 weeks I might have to try and change that.

Some noteworthy things that have been going on: I quit work. I decided I'm going to get a feel for university first rather than risk getting overwhelmed by both at the same time. I'm one of those who breezed through HS so the transition to college is going to be especially challenging for me, or so I suspect, so chances are I'll be devoting the majority of my time and attention to that. Plus, a computer engineering major suggested that I do so based on personal experience, but yeah. I worked at a store affiliated with the university anyway, so they understand and are perfectly willing to rehire me whenever I feel it's time, which is good because money is good.

My parents are taking care of tuition this semester, so money-wise the money I've made over the past year should over other expenses (food and such) for a good enough time. Eventually I will get work again and help pay some of my later tuition myself.

Been playin some games. Not much. Is fun. I have trouble playing things for an extended period of time. I'll go 2.5 hours at best. The average session is probably closer to 30-45 minutes.

Learning the drive is easier than expected. I've only actually been driving for a few days but I think I've improved a lot. Still have trouble with left turns of all things tbh. Left turns are big so they're kinda wonky. Haven't even tried parallel parking yet. But that's been fun. I don't think I'll have my license by the time university starts, and even if I do I won't have a car quite yet, so I'll have to bus to the university. Is that a verb.

Fuck the ice cream

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