Yeh it's fucking bullshit, that driving thing. I got 6 the first time, then 9. After looking up the method I got 13 though. Cool you tried it.
When can you do driving again? Is it banned right now?
What kinda games on emulator? Like what genres and consoles? I played quite a few JRPGs on emulators (SNES Chrono, Treasure of the Rudras a Squaresoft game where you have to make words up to create new spells kickass soundtrack by the FF composer, FF6, Star Ocean SNES (really advanced game mechanics for its time), Secret of Mana, Pokemon trading card game and the DB/Z gameboy color/advance games), Zelda on SNES, Tomba for PS1 and some DS games (Pokemon, Shonen Jump, some One Piece game like smash bros and Ace Attorney). Tried a couple others too I'm sure....some were obscure games that only had a fanslation (like Rudras and Star Ocean). Tried playing Sonic Adventure with a keyboard when I 17 in school, but even the most simple platforming in level one was basically impossible.
Does RDR2 have a story you're playing or is it more like quests or something?
do you play scary games
how do you find/decide on manga to read