You mean as a giver or as a receiver?Alex said:Do you like anal?
Yep, got like three bottles in the fridge lol.Oshino Shinobu said:Do you have an emergency supply of maple syrup?
Blue looks intimidating. I like it.Arcadya said:Why is blue your favourite colour?
If it isn't, why are your opinions so bad?
Because FMA > One Piece.Queen TD said:How are you a Super Saiyan if you have One Piece set?
I don't like anyone.Saiyan said:Who is your favorite member on all forum?
SuperSaiyan2 said:Ask me any question you want!
They haven't for me. What browser are you on?Kenshi said:Why did all the likes and dislikes disappear?
Google Chrome.Zoro said:They haven't for me. What browser are you on?Kenshi said:Why did all the likes and dislikes disappear?
Golf is a huge part of my life. It has essentially saved my life as well, if I didn't have it then I would still be in a very dark place.Southern Gothic said:I take it you are a golf fan? Tell us about your love for the sport.
Raspberries.Lord Saiyajin said:Favorite fruit?
I hate you equally to every other member.withheldforprivacy said:What do you think of me?
Because you are loyal <3Alex D. Boss said:Tell me one reason why you love me the most of all the members.
I'm playing Heart Gold on DS. Thoughts on it?
Acquainted? Man, I already banged her.Uncle Goten said:Did you follow your dreams and "become acquainted" with Alexis Ren yet?
Oh, you know. It's decent at the moment, I can't complain about too much which is good. I actually don't think I've ever purchased a dvd before.Southern Gothic said:How's life been treacing ya? What's the movie you purchased on dvd?
Sure do. There aren't a whole lot of them around here aside from the odd Tesla that you'll see. It's definitely better than cars that emit greenhouse gases.Wonton Soup said:Do you support electric cars?
What is your daily routine for any casual day?
Not much my friend, just been tying to get my shit together this week. Things are going a lot better right now.shchavkyossj2 said:sup stranger
So I guess I know who gets the Mera Mera no Mi now lol
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Sanji right?
What's been the soundtrack to your life for the last few weeks?