shchavkyossj2 said:
4 realz whatever you do, do it early. Not gonna work out well if you wait for your 2nd semester to go similarly and then try n sort whatever makes you not study well.
how's school aside from studying? Pr good? Best things about uni?
Music you've been listening to lately?
Well, I'm working on it. I can salvage the semester if I ace my finals in the next 2 weeks, so I'm studying hard from today.
School aside from that has been pretty shit. I live in the worst possible residence full of engineers (sorry kyo), who are all cocky as fuck and look down on you if you aren't an engineer. I've been tempted to beat the shit out of some of these kids because they constantly talk shit for no reason lol. It's like they envy my lifestyle because I wasn't in the books all semester, so they would talk shit about me when I was literally 1 room next to them. Luckily I have decent composure, so I've made it through semester 1, but it's a dump. My roommates are the exact same, and one is schizophrenic or something along those lines. He broke my $20 spatula because he thought I stole his lol. Like wtf, what a freak.
I realize I'm no saint, but living at that place didn't help any of my habits this semester.
Best thing about uni is nothing. I had a lot better of a time when I was working 6 days a week.
I've been trying to get back into rock again lately, I used to love that genre.