Can the BOZ Tenshinhan-FP Raditz gaps fit into the 250-1,250 range?

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
What do you have as SSJ2's normal multiplier without the rage? Because I feel like SSJ2 Gohan still gets enough respect that he should be above SSJ adults.
It's weird. Super feels weak. GT feels weak. Daima feels weak. It feels 2x in those places.

In CG obvi Gohan is stupidly powerful. But even in the Buu Saga, I'd say Damaged Majin Vegeta and Goku, despite losing a whole SSJ2s worth of power, are definitely way above a SSJ imo.

I always like 4x boost personally. I don't expect to change any time soon. But these continuations do suck.

Plus, most people have Grade 2 as a 2x boost already, so it would be weird for it to be the same.

I'd say majority of the fandom has settled on 4x for SSJ2.

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