It's a simple face value deduction. I see Oozaru I think Oozaru strength. I see SSJ God, I think SSJ God strength.
Yep, I think that montage signifies a 10x boost in strength as well. Goku realizing his "true strength" as Korin says.
That is how I view it. Goku realizing his true strength (Oozaru)
And as I said, there are other instances where apparitions appear where some hidden power isn't being tapped into. Goku wasn't physically with Gohan or in spirit when he fired the Father-Son Kamehameha for example, his spirit was physically with Kaio. And Goku's Ki physically hadn't transferred to Gohan, for if he did, his Ki wouldn't have been noted to be far weaker than SPC's. Goku's Oozaru montage is just that - symbolism.
He died for that mistake.
Kami always planned to handle it himself and had Goku as a backup.
Why weaken your best card? Kami only planned to handle Piccolo through the Mafuba by the way, and he had to have known that it could fail when it has failed once already. Furthermore, AT would be the type to note that a helpful ability was already lost - he did so with how a non-afterlife SSJ3 no longer has the advantage of having no Ki drain for example, he emphasized Gohan losing his former power repeatedly. Even as recently as Broly and Super Hero he made sure to make note of Goku no longer having access to UI after the ToP, and Goten and Trunks no longer remembering how to fuse properly. This whole theory is just grasping at straws imo.
Not to mention, Kami removed Goku's tail to restore the moon. If he knew it would weaken him to that extent, he could have just held off on restoring the moon until after Piccolo had been defeated.
Post-KP Goku would have come first, Tien would be the latter. Goku getting a marginal increase is appropriate considering Krillen stating how Saiyans improve after battle.
A lot of these issues are more matters of preference, both sides are plausible.
I think Tenshinhan being an opponent weighted Goku can't beat (despite getting stronger in the 3 years) loses its luster completely if his kid self was already on that level. That short exchange was to show that Goku had improved since post-Daimao, weights or no weights. Ten was just on par with weighted Goku in power and faster.
Wait until you find out about how much better Piccolo did with King Kai's training than Goku. Lol
This stuff is all plot.
Agreed, but we have to find ways to explain it. Maybe Kami taking a more active role in the training, plus having more training partners helped the humans gain better increases to their power. Nothing can justify Piccolo's Kaio training gains but I like to slightly justify it saying his weights from when he was on that planet were still holding him back post-Nail, so he must have been training with extra heavy weights