DB Super Power Levels


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I'm making a list for the manga, but i'm totally lost. Show me ya numbers, gaps, multipliers, all. Manga only btw.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Check this one out, http://www.dbzeta.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8612

You might learn something from that thread.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I'll help you out after I get a haircut, bro. The manga is rather easy up until the Goku Black arc...then things start to get mushy.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Pyro said:
I'll help you out after I get a haircut, bro. The manga is rather easy up until the Goku Black arc...then things start to get mushy.

Yeah, i started to have trouble by the Black Arc. I was doing ok with the anime until i quit watching due to filler and Power Scaling getting even more nonsense.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Check this one out, http://www.dbzeta.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8612

You might learn something from that thread.

Thanks, but that list is quite outdated. I no longer believe in Base Goku ~ SSG and whatnot. I'll make a new list some time in the future.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Battle of Gods
- SSJ2 Rageta > Gohan & Gotenks is shown through feats. However you want to make the gap is up to you.
- There's no mention of SSJ2 Rageta being stronger than SSJ3 Goku, but it's a logical choice considering Vegeta is stronger than the half-breeds.
- There's no mention of the Base Saiyans being weaker than Freeza.
- There's no mention of fusion not being enough to beat Beerus.
- There's no mention of Goku absorbing Super Saiyan God's power into him, so you don't need to buff up Goku at the tail end of the Beerus fight.

There isn't much else in the way of strength for this arc. It's very brief compared to the anime.

Resurrection of F
- Skipped over, so draw from it what you will. Personally I wouldn't even count the one-shot Toyo drew before the real manga even came out.

Universe 6 Tournament
- Beerus is implied to be slightly stronger than Champa.
- Vados is implied to be slightly stronger than Whis, but Whis contests it. Make of that what you will.
- Base Goku > Botamo, but Botamo is so invulnerable to damage that Super Saiyan might not even be enough.
- Third Form Frost is one step ahead of Base Goku, who's somewhat stronger than First Form Frost. Mighty small transformation boosts for Frost it seems.
- SSJ Goku > Final Form Frost by a wide margin.
- Frost is weak enough after fighting Goku to be a good bit above Piccolo, but not so much that he can beat Piccolo easily.
- Frost is called the strongest U6 warrior by Vados, but I'm willing to assume that's taking into account his transformations since Vados said that when he was already in his third form. So Final Form Frost >>> Third Form Frost >>> Magetta > Cabba > Botamo, I guess.
- Vegeta calls Cabba his equal without transformations, but then later Goku says he could've beaten him with Super Saiyan. I normally attribute this to Vegeta being weakened from his fight with Magetta (which is pretty visible), rather than have Cabba actually as strong as Vegeta in equal forms.
- SSG Goku >>> SSB Vegeta [<10%] > SSJ Goku >= suppressed Hit. Vegeta at less than 10% power can't overcome Hit's time skip, but he's still stronger than a suppressed Hit. SSJ Goku should be a bit stronger than this Hit as well, but his stamina will give out before Hit's, evening the playing field. Whis says SSG Goku has "far surpassed" suppressed Hit as well as the power Vegeta displayed, which means Hit's time skip is moot since it only works on people below or near his level (allowing SSB Vegeta to be stronger than SSJ Goku so as to not contradict the statements). This also implies the gap between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue cannot be hundreds of times, otherwise Whis's statement wouldn't make any sense.
- SSG Goku and full power Hit should be on par with each other since Goku felt the need to use Blue to get the surprise advantage.

Goku Black
- In Trunks's future, Boo was going to be released about 10 years later than the present timeline IIRC, but he was able to beat Dabura. SSJ Trunks was at a disadvantage, but SSJ2 Trunks pretty handily stomped Dabura with a teensy bit of help from Kaioshin. This basically sets the stage for the rest of the saga because you have to base Goku Black around Trunks's strength. You could work backwards from Goku's strength in order to get Trunks's too. Trunks himself should be a lot stronger than he was in the Cell Games since he said he trained a lot, and he trained with the Z Sword, and then he fought Black for a year before going to the past.
- SSG Goku >>> SSJ3 Goku >= SSJ2 Trunks >>> SSJ2 Trunks (suppressed) >= SSJ2 Goku, supported by feats and statements.
- Base Black is strong enough to toy with SSJ2 Trunks, so he's much stronger than SSJ3 Goku.
- Black is even stronger than the last time Trunks fought him when they go back to the future the first time.
- This is where things get messy. Despite Base Black being logically far stronger than SSJ3 Goku, and Goku and Vegeta being on the same footing, SSJ2 Vegeta was able to surpass SSJ Black. Most people chalk it up to Vegeta utilizing his rage. Anyway, I made another post here detailing the fight, so that should help out there. SSR Black >> SSJ Black (2nd zenkai) > SSJ Black (1st zenkai) >> SSB Vegeta >>> SSJ2 Vegeta >> SSJ Black >>> Base Black. This really screws up the multipliers. If Vegeta had just used Blue from the start, things would've been fine.
- SSJ Goku is strong enough to hold off regular Zamasu, but immortality gets in the way. Trunks is also stated to be stronger than Zamasu.
- Post-RoSaT SSG Vegeta is strong enough to hold his own against SSR Black, and toy with him using Blue.
- Merged Zamasu > Merged Zamasu (initial) >>> SSB Goku/Vegeta. Initial Merged Zamasu is so fast SSG Goku/Vegeta can't even track his movements, and he one-shots them out of the form. Then he toys with them before powering up, going so far as to say it looks like Goku isn't even moving when he attacks. He continues to toy with them after powering up as well.
- Base Vegetto is possibly implied to be above Goku and Vegeta individually, but that's really up to you.
- SSB Vegetto >= Beerus >>> Merged Zamasu. SSB Vegetto is clearly above Merged Zamasu to the point where Zamasu can't even fight back. He's also at least on par with Beerus.
- I don't know what's going on with this Complete Super Saiyan Blue stuff yet, but now Goku is able to fight evenly with Zamasu.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Pyro said:
Battle of Gods
- SSJ2 Rageta > Gohan & Gotenks is shown through feats. However you want to make the gap is up to you.
- There's no mention of SSJ2 Rageta being stronger than SSJ3 Goku, but it's a logical choice considering Vegeta is stronger than the half-breeds.
- There's no mention of the Base Saiyans being weaker than Freeza.
- There's no mention of fusion not being enough to beat Beerus.
- There's no mention of Goku absorbing Super Saiyan God's power into him, so you don't need to buff up Goku at the tail end of the Beerus fight.

There isn't much else in the way of strength for this arc. It's very brief compared to the anime.

Resurrection of F
- Skipped over, so draw from it what you will. Personally I wouldn't even count the one-shot Toyo drew before the real manga even came out.

Universe 6 Tournament
- Beerus is implied to be slightly stronger than Champa.
- Vados is implied to be slightly stronger than Whis, but Whis contests it. Make of that what you will.
- Base Goku > Botamo, but Botamo is so invulnerable to damage that Super Saiyan might not even be enough.
- Third Form Frost is one step ahead of Base Goku, who's somewhat stronger than First Form Frost. Mighty small transformation boosts for Frost it seems.
- SSJ Goku > Final Form Frost by a wide margin.
- Frost is weak enough after fighting Goku to be a good bit above Piccolo, but not so much that he can beat Piccolo easily.
- Frost is called the strongest U6 warrior by Vados, but I'm willing to assume that's taking into account his transformations since Vados said that when he was already in his third form. So Final Form Frost >>> Third Form Frost >>> Magetta > Cabba > Botamo, I guess.
- Vegeta calls Cabba his equal without transformations, but then later Goku says he could've beaten him with Super Saiyan. I normally attribute this to Vegeta being weakened from his fight with Magetta (which is pretty visible), rather than have Cabba actually as strong as Vegeta in equal forms.
- SSG Goku >>> SSB Vegeta [<10%] > SSJ Goku >= suppressed Hit. Vegeta at less than 10% power can't overcome Hit's time skip, but he's still stronger than a suppressed Hit. SSJ Goku should be a bit stronger than this Hit as well, but his stamina will give out before Hit's, evening the playing field. Whis says SSG Goku has "far surpassed" suppressed Hit as well as the power Vegeta displayed, which means Hit's time skip is moot since it only works on people below or near his level (allowing SSB Vegeta to be stronger than SSJ Goku so as to not contradict the statements). This also implies the gap between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue cannot be hundreds of times, otherwise Whis's statement wouldn't make any sense.
- SSG Goku and full power Hit should be on par with each other since Goku felt the need to use Blue to get the surprise advantage.

Goku Black
- In Trunks's future, Boo was going to be released about 10 years later than the present timeline IIRC, but he was able to beat Dabura. SSJ Trunks was at a disadvantage, but SSJ2 Trunks pretty handily stomped Dabura with a teensy bit of help from Kaioshin. This basically sets the stage for the rest of the saga because you have to base Goku Black around Trunks's strength. You could work backwards from Goku's strength in order to get Trunks's too. Trunks himself should be a lot stronger than he was in the Cell Games since he said he trained a lot, and he trained with the Z Sword, and then he fought Black for a year before going to the past.
- SSG Goku >>> SSJ3 Goku >= SSJ2 Trunks >>> SSJ2 Trunks (suppressed) >= SSJ2 Goku, supported by feats and statements.
- Base Black is strong enough to toy with SSJ2 Trunks, so he's much stronger than SSJ3 Goku.
- Black is even stronger than the last time Trunks fought him when they go back to the future the first time.
- This is where things get messy. Despite Base Black being logically far stronger than SSJ3 Goku, and Goku and Vegeta being on the same footing, SSJ2 Vegeta was able to surpass SSJ Black. Most people chalk it up to Vegeta utilizing his rage. Anyway, I made another post here detailing the fight, so that should help out there. SSR Black >> SSJ Black (2nd zenkai) > SSJ Black (1st zenkai) >> SSB Vegeta >>> SSJ2 Vegeta >> SSJ Black >>> Base Black. This really screws up the multipliers. If Vegeta had just used Blue from the start, things would've been fine.
- SSJ Goku is strong enough to hold off regular Zamasu, but immortality gets in the way. Trunks is also stated to be stronger than Zamasu.
- Post-RoSaT SSG Vegeta is strong enough to hold his own against SSR Black, and toy with him using Blue.
- Merged Zamasu > Merged Zamasu (initial) >>> SSB Goku/Vegeta. Initial Merged Zamasu is so fast SSG Goku/Vegeta can't even track his movements, and he one-shots them out of the form. Then he toys with them before powering up, going so far as to say it looks like Goku isn't even moving when he attacks. He continues to toy with them after powering up as well.
- Base Vegetto is possibly implied to be above Goku and Vegeta individually, but that's really up to you.
- SSB Vegetto >= Beerus >>> Merged Zamasu. SSB Vegetto is clearly above Merged Zamasu to the point where Zamasu can't even fight back. He's also at least on par with Beerus.
- I don't know what's going on with this Complete Super Saiyan Blue stuff yet, but now Goku is able to fight evenly with Zamasu.

Wow, thanks man. The fanslation i was reading said really different things, like SSJB Vegeta wasn't even 1% against Hit, or Hit's timeskip only works with someone weaker than him. Anyway, what do you think about this chain?

SSJG Goku = Beerus >>>> Beerus (Initial) > SSJ2 Rageta >>> SSJ3 Gotenks > Chou Gohan >>> SSJ3 Goku
Even without the fusion statement, i think SSJG Goku should be on SSJ2/3 Vegetto's level. Otherwise they would have tried at least the fusion dance. Gotenks wasn't much under Gohan by the Buu Arc, and Gohan is getting rusty.

SSJB Goku = SSJB Vegeta >=< Golden Freeza >>>> Goku = Vegeta = Final Form Freeza >>> 1st form Freeza ~> SSJ3 Gotenks >>>> SSJ Gohan = SSJ Gohan (Post Z Sword) >>> Shisami > Piccolo
Piccolo was totally hopeless at 1st form Freeza, so i think even the strongest fighter on earth couldn't beat him. SSJ Gohan beating Shisami implies to me that he's too much for Piccolo.

SSJB Goku = SSJB Vegeta >> Hit (Full Power) ~ SSG Goku >>> SSB Vegeta [<10%] > SSJ Vegeta = SSJ Cabba = SSJ Goku >= suppressed Hit >>> Final form Frost > Magetta > Frost (Fatigued) > Piccolo > Assault form Frost > Goku = 1st form Frost >> Botamo
I think Vegeta could have beaten Cabba as a regular SSJ because he has a better control of the form than Cabba has.

SSJB Vegetto >= Beerus > Merged Zamasu (Powered up) > Merged Zamasu >>>> SSJB Vegeta (Post) >> SSJG Vegeta (Post) ~ SSJR Black >> SSJ2 Black (2nd zenkai) > SSJ2 Black (1st zenkai) >> SSB Vegeta >>> SSJ2 Vegeta >> SSJ2 Black >>> Black ~ SSJG Goku >>> SSJ3 Goku >= SSJ2 Trunks >>> SSJ2 Trunks (Suppressed) >= SSJ2 Goku >> SSJ Goku >> Zamasu


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Nice breakdown, Pyrus. Like you said, it's implied SSJ2 Vegeta got way stronger, considering he was easily handling SSJ Black, whereas base Black should be already stronger than SSJ3 Goku. Do you think Vegeta's SSJ Blue form also got stronger, or just his lower forms?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Pyro said:
Battle of Gods
- SSJ2 Rageta > Gohan & Gotenks is shown through feats. However you want to make the gap is up to you.
- There's no mention of SSJ2 Rageta being stronger than SSJ3 Goku, but it's a logical choice considering Vegeta is stronger than the half-breeds.
- There's no mention of the Base Saiyans being weaker than Freeza.
- There's no mention of fusion not being enough to beat Beerus.
- There's no mention of Goku absorbing Super Saiyan God's power into him, so you don't need to buff up Goku at the tail end of the Beerus fight.

There isn't much else in the way of strength for this arc. It's very brief compared to the anime.

Resurrection of F
- Skipped over, so draw from it what you will. Personally I wouldn't even count the one-shot Toyo drew before the real manga even came out.

Universe 6 Tournament
- Beerus is implied to be slightly stronger than Champa.
- Vados is implied to be slightly stronger than Whis, but Whis contests it. Make of that what you will.
- Base Goku > Botamo, but Botamo is so invulnerable to damage that Super Saiyan might not even be enough.
- Third Form Frost is one step ahead of Base Goku, who's somewhat stronger than First Form Frost. Mighty small transformation boosts for Frost it seems.
- SSJ Goku > Final Form Frost by a wide margin.
- Frost is weak enough after fighting Goku to be a good bit above Piccolo, but not so much that he can beat Piccolo easily.
- Frost is called the strongest U6 warrior by Vados, but I'm willing to assume that's taking into account his transformations since Vados said that when he was already in his third form. So Final Form Frost >>> Third Form Frost >>> Magetta > Cabba > Botamo, I guess.
- Vegeta calls Cabba his equal without transformations, but then later Goku says he could've beaten him with Super Saiyan. I normally attribute this to Vegeta being weakened from his fight with Magetta (which is pretty visible), rather than have Cabba actually as strong as Vegeta in equal forms.
- SSG Goku >>> SSB Vegeta [<10%] > SSJ Goku >= suppressed Hit. Vegeta at less than 10% power can't overcome Hit's time skip, but he's still stronger than a suppressed Hit. SSJ Goku should be a bit stronger than this Hit as well, but his stamina will give out before Hit's, evening the playing field. Whis says SSG Goku has "far surpassed" suppressed Hit as well as the power Vegeta displayed, which means Hit's time skip is moot since it only works on people below or near his level (allowing SSB Vegeta to be stronger than SSJ Goku so as to not contradict the statements). This also implies the gap between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue cannot be hundreds of times, otherwise Whis's statement wouldn't make any sense.
- SSG Goku and full power Hit should be on par with each other since Goku felt the need to use Blue to get the surprise advantage.

Goku Black
- In Trunks's future, Boo was going to be released about 10 years later than the present timeline IIRC, but he was able to beat Dabura. SSJ Trunks was at a disadvantage, but SSJ2 Trunks pretty handily stomped Dabura with a teensy bit of help from Kaioshin. This basically sets the stage for the rest of the saga because you have to base Goku Black around Trunks's strength. You could work backwards from Goku's strength in order to get Trunks's too. Trunks himself should be a lot stronger than he was in the Cell Games since he said he trained a lot, and he trained with the Z Sword, and then he fought Black for a year before going to the past.
- SSG Goku >>> SSJ3 Goku >= SSJ2 Trunks >>> SSJ2 Trunks (suppressed) >= SSJ2 Goku, supported by feats and statements.
- Base Black is strong enough to toy with SSJ2 Trunks, so he's much stronger than SSJ3 Goku.
- Black is even stronger than the last time Trunks fought him when they go back to the future the first time.
- This is where things get messy. Despite Base Black being logically far stronger than SSJ3 Goku, and Goku and Vegeta being on the same footing, SSJ2 Vegeta was able to surpass SSJ Black. Most people chalk it up to Vegeta utilizing his rage. Anyway, I made another post here detailing the fight, so that should help out there. SSR Black >> SSJ Black (2nd zenkai) > SSJ Black (1st zenkai) >> SSB Vegeta >>> SSJ2 Vegeta >> SSJ Black >>> Base Black. This really screws up the multipliers. If Vegeta had just used Blue from the start, things would've been fine.
- SSJ Goku is strong enough to hold off regular Zamasu, but immortality gets in the way. Trunks is also stated to be stronger than Zamasu.
- Post-RoSaT SSG Vegeta is strong enough to hold his own against SSR Black, and toy with him using Blue.
- Merged Zamasu > Merged Zamasu (initial) >>> SSB Goku/Vegeta. Initial Merged Zamasu is so fast SSG Goku/Vegeta can't even track his movements, and he one-shots them out of the form. Then he toys with them before powering up, going so far as to say it looks like Goku isn't even moving when he attacks. He continues to toy with them after powering up as well.
- Base Vegetto is possibly implied to be above Goku and Vegeta individually, but that's really up to you.
- SSB Vegetto >= Beerus >>> Merged Zamasu. SSB Vegetto is clearly above Merged Zamasu to the point where Zamasu can't even fight back. He's also at least on par with Beerus.
- I don't know what's going on with this Complete Super Saiyan Blue stuff yet, but now Goku is able to fight evenly with Zamasu.

But Goku did say after turning into Super Saiyan God that he had no idea that realm of power existed, so even in the manga SSJG Goku has to be much stronger than SSJ3 Vegetto.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I find it odd that the fusion wasn't consider as an option in the manga, I wonder why Toyotaro/Toriyama dropped that statement.


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
I'm making a list for the manga, but i'm totally lost. Show me ya numbers, gaps, multipliers, all. Manga only btw.

NO,,,,just please don't.Your head will explode

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pyro said:
- There's no mention of fusion not being enough to beat Beerus.
As already pointed out, Goku still stated SSG was on a completely different level to anything he ever imagined, so God tier still ought to be >> SS3 Vegetto at bare minimum.

- There's no mention of Goku absorbing Super Saiyan God's power into him, so you don't need to buff up Goku at the tail end of the Beerus fight.
Whilst nowhere near as much as the anime, he would've at least absorbed God Ki into his lower forms or done so through Whis' training, as you even mentioned via SSJ Goku not being too far behind 10% SSB Vegeta.

- Third Form Frost is one step ahead of Base Goku, who's somewhat stronger than First Form Frost. Mighty small transformation boosts for Frost it seems.
Debatable. It was shown that Goku still tanked 3rd form Frost's attacks, which took Frost aback.

- Vegeta calls Cabba his equal without transformations, but then later Goku says he could've beaten him with Super Saiyan. I normally attribute this to Vegeta being weakened from his fight with Magetta (which is pretty visible), rather than have Cabba actually as strong as Vegeta in equal forms.
It's probably more likely Vegeta was simply exaggerating in order to build up his confidence, considering he was treating him like a student.

- Post-RoSaT SSG Vegeta is strong enough to hold his own against SSR Black, and toy with him using Blue.
Kind've debatable for the former, seeing as how Vegeta was using Blue in bursts, with SSG Vegeta not taking much more than some simple Ki blasts.

- Base Vegetto is possibly implied to be above Goku and Vegeta individually, but that's really up to you.
Questionable seeing as how he only took an attack intended for a weakened Base Goku and Vegeta and Zamasu was off guard, though it's up to you how it's interpreted as you said.


May 30, 2015
I have Vegetto Base >> Goku / Vegeta SSJB, but I have a very nerf multiplier for the SSJ forms of Vegetto. Something like:

Vegeta SSJG = 0.25
SSJB = 0.5

Goku SSJG = 0.25
SSJB = 0.5
MSSJB = 3.125

Base Vegetto = 1
SSJ = 2.5
SSJ2 = 5
SSJ3 = 10
SSJG = 25
SSJB = 50

Merged Zamasu (Initial) = 1.2
(FP) = 3

Champa = 48
Beerus = 49
Whis = 73.5
Vados = 75.264.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Captain Cadaver said:
As already pointed out, Goku still stated SSG was on a completely different level to anything he ever imagined, so God tier still ought to be >> SS3 Vegetto at bare minimum.
Yeah, I'm fine with that. It's logical.
Whilst nowhere near as much as the anime, he would've at least absorbed God Ki into his lower forms or done so through Whis' training, as you even mentioned via SSJ Goku not being too far behind 10% SSB Vegeta.
It's possible, but I don't think it's ever actually implied, unless I missed it.
Debatable. It was shown that Goku still tanked 3rd form Frost's attacks, which took Frost aback.
You're right. I was mostly going off memory and the SC for this part. However, Goku did immediately turn Super Saiyan after recovering from that attack. In their actual fight, Third Form Frost held the advantage like Champa said. If anything, I think I'd increase the gap between Base Goku and First Form Frost to compensate for Goku warming up rather than shorten the gap between Base Goku and Third Form Frost.
It's probably more likely Vegeta was simply exaggerating in order to build up his confidence, considering he was treating him like a student.
I can agree with that. I never got the impression Cabba was a really strong fighter like Vegeta, but Vegeta simply saw potential in him.
Kind've debatable for the former, seeing as how Vegeta was using Blue in bursts, with SSG Vegeta not taking much more than some simple Ki blasts.
He had to have been competent in Super Saiyan God in order to fend off Black whilst not using the bursts of Blue, though. He was able to dodge point-blank attacks, which isn't using Blue, as well as block a punch while distracted by Zamasu escaping the Mafuba.
Questionable seeing as how he only took an attack intended for a weakened Base Goku and Vegeta and Zamasu was off guard, though it's up to you how it's interpreted as you said.

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