Debunking Pakl Thread

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Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
I am going to make this and settle it once and for all with all the evidence... If you keep denying it after that, then you are *bleep*ing biased retards or trolls LOL


I guess the creator of Broly and producers are biased retards or trolls then ... ao-koyama/

Why did Broli come back three times?
Because he’s the strongest. (laughs) Even including the TV anime, nobody exists in the world who’s stronger than Broli. I mean, even Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans, was trembling in fear. (laughs) I felt that there’s no way that kind of mightiest being would die in a single outing. After all, there were kids who cried at Broli’s overwhelming strength when they saw Burn Up!! at Shueisha’s preview screening. (laughs) It’s always difficult coming up with an enemy for Goku, because I’d constantly have to escalate their strength. So, he ended up appearing three times.

This is true of Broli as well, but Goku & co. are always fighting against “an unbeatable foe”. Goku must win against such an enemy, so he has no choice but to defeat him when his enemy becomes overconfident and creates an opening. There’s absolutely no way he’d be able to win against someone like Broli if he used more orthodox methods.7 (laughs) ... e-of-gods/

In handling the scripts for the films, what I always worried about each time was the problem of what to do about the opponent Goku fights against. That’s because, at the very least, they had to be stronger than [the ones from] the previous movie.
After much hard work, I was unable to come up with an opponent stronger than Broli, and fell into a rut where I made him appear three times.
That is to say, there’s the matter of questioning the idea of Broli as the strongest. As you are well aware, vehement opinions on the subject have been flying back and forth on this message board, as well as a variety of [other] websites.

Why did M10 happen, because no one before hand was stronger then M8 Broly, why then M11 happen, because no one was stronger then M10 Broly, hence why he made him appeared 3 times.

Hell, Broly, the strongest again from another person

The interview is in french, but I tried to translate some parts. ... vDWxYQdSrT ... 3706724352

"In France and in the world, we recognize you for the 8th DBZ movie, the one that revolve around the mythical Broly. How did you had the idea for this change, the movie going in other directions than usual ?

Shigeyasu Yamauchi : When I had to work on the Broly movie, I realized that he lacked something, although he is the most powerful Saiyan. It's this solitude of the powerful warrior that I wanted to retranscribe. He can destroy galaxies but is alone compared to Goku, whom he despises but has a family, just like Vegeta. When he loses at the end, he realizes that strength is not just physical, he would have been able to unlock another kind of power if he had something to protect for example."

Most will be dedicated to Movie 8 Goku as most agree the rest are much weaker than in the Cell Games..

Downplaying the Z fighters, this basically proves Broly M8 > Cell since you don't have the confidence to compare feats and rather downplay who Broly fought against so you can try to ignore the overall feats.

Now let us begin!!!!

Movie Timeline

"Dragon Ball Z: Burn Up!! A Close, Intense, Super-Fierce Battle" was revealed on March 6, 1993 between episodes 176 to 177 just before Goku was about to start his fight with Cell... That means the movie was revealed before Goku showed his full power SSjin vs Cell and before any of the Cell Games Z senshi made their debut.. If they never made their debut in the series then how can they be in their Cell Games selves when their Cell Games selves never even made their debut???

Flawed logic, Goku can be 1% and his designs would be the same, thus whatever percentage he was wouldn't change at all. Nor did the movie follow that chain of logic when Gohan and Goku weren't even in the SSJ forms to begin with, meaning they didn't stick to that idea from the get go. Another huge flaw with this is trying to equate movie release date in the anime to the level of power that is shown as an excuse to pretend like the animators and producers had no idea of their level of power, despite the anime goes by the manga and the manga was all the way up to Cell blowing himself up.


The Daizenshuu says it takes place in the last shadow before the Cell Games.. Some use it to claim they are Cell Games levels but how when it says the last arc before the Cell Games? Remember movies are alternative universe they don't follow the in universe logic so fitting them according to the events of the Anime like they take part of its universe is wrong

That movie time chart from the diazenshuu forums also says the Cooler movie was Cell games, and also it isn't official or anything since it's fan-made lol Thus it's worthless

Furthermore, the last shadow before the Cell Games is the Perfect Cell Arc so it supports the movie being in their Perfect Cell Arc selves as it's the arc the movie follows..

Incorrect, even the movie trailer shows Gohan and Goku in their cloths out of the time chamber and Goku standing in the ring so it's taking place just before the Cell games, where the Perfect Cell arc ended long before that.


How Movies work

Movies are alternative universe as said by Akira Toriyama

What is your personal stance on Dragon Ball’s theatrical films, Sensei?
I take the movies as “stories in a different dimension from the main story of the comic”. I’m entirely just an audience member for them.]

That means movies don't fit in the main timeline as I said before and they are alternative universe so anything related to the series plot should not apply for the movies as it's in a different deimmension


But you are applying it to the anime of the main series, which follows the main source of canon the manga, thus movie 8 has no relation to what happen in the anime. So you legit don't make sense here and picking 1 side after another side.

Now, every movie follows some arc in the series.. movie 1 follows the Raditz Arc... Movie 2 follows the Saiyan Arc etc etc... In the Cell Saga, there are 4 movies and 4 main arcs... Movie 6 follows the first arc which is the Androids Arc... It's revealed at that point andis based on it seeing as Vegeta going SSjin and Goku respects it.. Coola being some kind of an android... Vegeta saving Goku from Coola in a similar way as he did vs Android 19 etc... M7 follows the Imperfect Cell Arc as the movie was released at that point and Piccolo is Kamiccolo... He talks to Android 13 like he did to Cell and its way after Androids 18 and 17 defeated Gero....Movie 9 is Cell Games Arc and there is no need to explain...

Don't really care much about the other arcs, this is about Broly

Now, the only arc left is Perfect Cell Arc... The only movie left is movie 8... M8 follows the Perfect Cell Arc as it's made by that point and revealed before the Cell Games.... We already know the scenes in the movies are based on the scenes of the arc it follows as I showed...

Love to know this WE business you got going, cause so far, nothing indicates from either the release date or movie trailer that it takes place in the perfect cell arc, so how you came with the conclusion of how it does is a mystery within itself.

Now, Vegeta kicks RSSjin Broli in the neck like he did vs Cell and blasts LSSjin Broli like he did with Cell and both walked through it... Broli's transformation to LSSjin is based on Cell's to his perfect form... Broli's hair is green relates to Cell too imo and both make an annoying noise while they walk... Vegeta and Trunks are ASSjins like in the Perfect Cell Arc... In the CG, they are SSjins in the Manga..

Am I reading this right ? You think the movie is in perfect Cell arc because of Foot steps? you also think Broly transformation is based on Cell ? And Broly green hair is based on Cell, and Vegeta blast Cell like he did to Broly ?

So any time Vegeta kicks someone in the neck, or blast them, or has the same sound effects or hair green hair, they are copying Cell and are only Cell level from the Perfect Cell saga

Vegeta and Trunks designs haven't change at all actually, in movie 9, they used the same concept design of movie 8.

The Anime has them as ASSjin but the movie was revealed before the Cell Games in the Anime.. Gohan and Goku being taken from their initial MSSjin state all proves movie 8 follows the Perfect Cell Arc.. It's a fact...

This legit makes no sense, you say Vegeta and Trunks are ASSJ yet when the Cell games was about the happen they had finish training in the HBTC for the 2nd time. Based on movie released date within the anime, it was before Cell games, not when Gohan and Goku just got out of the time chamber, because when Gohan and Goku got out of the time chamber, Trunks hair was short, where in the Broly movie, his hair was long. And Goku and Gohan being MSSJ proves as well it's not the perfect Cell arc as they were never MSSJ at that point.

So no, far from a fact :cena

Now we know movies are alternative universe based on the arc they follow.. Movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell Arc and ONLY WHAT'S SHOWN in the Perfect Cell Arc and not anything else just like any movie is based on only what's shown in his only arc. Furthermore, you should know Manga has no relation to movies when it comes to date releases... Movies follow the Anime and are made for the Anime fans... Both made by TOEI.. They reveal the movies according to the Anime episodes.... Movie 1 was revealed when Goku used Kaioken X3 vs Vegeta in the Manga but movie 1 is Raditz Arc as the Anime was only at that point... Movie 2 was revealed when Vegeta fought Zarbon in the Manga but movie 2 is based on the Saiyan Arc as it was the only arc the Anime had at that point etc etc

Yet they need the manga to make the anime to begin with -.- this point once again makes no sense since you ignoring 1 and accepting another. Movies are made months before their release dates, they aren't made on the spot for starters, thus months previously, they wouldn't have made all that stuff happened in Movie 1 and 2, because they would require to change the plot and the whole movie in general. Plus this isn't an indication of power as movies and time placements have different standings itself.

So let's not start with the bullshit of them appearing in the manga as we know that movies follow the Anime and the Anime preceeds them.. Even in the Manga, the movie came when Cell just showed his full power in the Manga meaning the movie was made before Vegeta and Trunks even fought in their Cell Games selves lol

More lies


Broly Movie 8: March 6, 1993

Seru Geimu Hajimaru
The Cell Games Begin
13 October 1992
Weekly Shōnen Jump 1992 #45

Son Gokū Furu Pawā
Son Goku at Full Power
10 November 1992
Weekly Shōnen Jump 1992 #49

Seru Junia no Jigoku
The Hell of the Cell Juniors
26 January 1993
Weekly Shōnen Jump 1993 #08

Son Gohan Bakuhatsu!!
Son Gohan Explodes!!
02 February 1993
Weekly Shōnen Jump 1993 #09

Seru Geimu no Ketsumatsu
The End of the Cell Games
02 March 1993
Weekly Shōnen Jump 1993 #13

No, when the Broly movie was released, they were up to Cell blowing himself up, meaning everyone showed their full power.

... And again, Cell is not mentioned in the movie nor the Cell Games because it never existed in movie 8 universe... There is a reason Trunks's SSjinG 3 form didnt exist in movie 8.. It's alternative universe based on the Perfect Cell Arc... Please read it over until you get it LOL

Trunks didn't go grade 3 because he went in the HBTC for the 2nd time, hence why it's just before the Cell games started lol, Trunks hair was even long in the movie, where in the anime and manga before Gohan and Goku got out, it was short. Plus a lot of movies don't mention the canon villains, so nothing special their.

When Goku and Gohan got out the time chamber, Piccolo went in, then Vegeta for the 2nd time, then Trunks for the 2nd time.

Trunks short hair when Goku and Gohan got out of the time chamber


Trunks hair long in Cell games

Movie 8 Trunks


How Strong Are Vegeta and Trunks

This is not much debatable but I would say it... It's a fact movie 8 Vegeta and Trunks are 1st RoSaT and based on their Perfect Cell Arc selves.... Vegeta's fight vs Broli when he kicks his neck and blasts him is based on his fight vs Cell because they are the same level... They are ASSjins as shown in the design when in the Cell Games they are SSjins


The written words in the design say "Super Vegeta" which is what he calls himself when he fought Cell.. Furthermore, his design his copied from his fight with Cell as he was 1st RoSaT

Compare the Vegeta in the right side to the Vegeta in this panel below


Compare Vegeta from the left of the concept to Vegeta in that panel


Compare Vegeta from the middle of the concept art to Vegeta in the last panel of the Manga


They also used the same designs for movie 9 Vegeta and Trunks

Trunks Movie 8

Movie 8 and Movie 9 Trunks designs in SSJ

Movie 8 Trunks design in base

Movie 9 Trunks

Every movie provide new designs for characters, yet they stuck with the same designs as Movie 8 for Movie 9 for both Trunks and Vegeta.


Trunks is the OVA which happened after movie 8 has short hair here meaning he is not his 2nd RoSaT even in the OVA

Nonsense, considering the movie took place after the Cell games as the satan city sign appeared. And satan city only happened when Hercule defeated Cell

So the movie took place after

Full story their, videos all over youtube

Hatchiyack movie and satan city sign, not looking good for you Pakl

As for Piccolo.. We know CG Piccolo should be at least as strong as ASSjin Vegeta.. Some put him not that far from Trunks and Vegeta... Movie 8 Vegeta is the second strongest seeing as how his energy made the biggest effect vs Broli... M8 Piccolo is weaker than M8 Vegeta so M8 Piccolo is weaker than his Cell Games.. Movie 8 is Perfect Cell Arc uinverse so Piccolo should be between his Kamiccolo state to his cell games self in movie 8.... Gohan was clearly a weakling and fought in par with Trunks... So we know M8 Z fighters are way weaker as they are based on their Perfect Cell Arc selves...

Vegeta actually did the worst, he got one-shot, but that doesn't even matter since I went over this point already regardless on top.

Movie 8 Goku And Gohan

Movie 8 Gohan design


It's copied from




You can see Gohan was taken from his 10 days state after he initialy existed the RoSaT

There is even one image copied from the RoSaT when they were about to finish their training!!

Now M8 Gohan is also identicl to his resting state...

Movie 8 Gohan


10 days resting Gohan


This is Cell Games Gohan


You can see that both movie 8 Gohan and resting Gohan are identical and Cell Games Gohan is clearly different.. His eyes are not round and he has a huge flare aura...


Movie 9 Gohan is identical to his Cell Games self though because movie 9 is Cell Games...

Now the most complicated part that some don't understand...

Animation difference for starters is a complete no go, since DBZ had horrible animations in the past and was all over the place, second his eyes are the same, you just cherry picked a moment when his serious to when he is non-serious. Plus flaring eyes etc doesn't indicate a FPSSJ or MSSJ, that's just animation effects.

Also, they used the same designs for Goku in Buu saga

Goku designs M8


So by your logic, Goku non-serious eyes and all that rubbish = he is only 50% holding back warm up Goku -.- your logic, not mine.

We know movie 8 was revealed before the Cell Games in the Anime and before Goku showed his full power vs Cell so he can't be his Cell Games selves... Let's see his design for movie 8


Now let's see where did TOEI copy him from





We can see two images were copied from his initial Post RoSaT selves and from his warming up state.. Remember Goku after existing the RoSaT until the his warm up vs Cell had the same power.. We can call it his natural MSSjin state... Now why did TOEI propousely copied Goku in his natural MSSjin state even when he warmed up vs Cell and not Goku's FPSSjin? Note the two images from the ring is Goku in his natural MSSjin before he powered up so no it's not Cell Games Goku's true power...

Going by that, TOEI not only copied resting natural MSSjin Goku straight from the series but Goku is identical to his natural resting MSSjin in movie 8

Natural MSSjin Goku in the 10 days for the Cell Games


Furthermore, the trailer and preview for the movie also protrays Goku and Gohan in their resting states





Notice Trunks's statement about Goku's eyes changing.. That's right... FPSSJin has serious eyes and an aura most of the fight... He doesnt have round eyes... You can see Goku after powering up.... However M8 Goku and Gohan are identical to their natural MSSjin when they rested in the 10 days and they also don't have aura most of the fight like FPSSjins have in the Cell Games but in M9 Gohan and the rest are like their Cell Games selves

Because MSSJ and FPSSJ are the same -.- and have the same designs and nothing changes when Goku is 50% or 100%

Hell let's use your logic more

News designs for SSJ Goku in the Broly movie


I don't see any shine or anything, is he based on 50% MSSJ Goku as well -.- you are picking silly little difference that even the animator ignored after

Goku before dying

Goku vs Cell and Pikkon


This is why this is stupid logic, apparently Goku went 100% once because of that silly little shine and never went again because he lost it smh.

Repeated points as above, just repeating yourself, already address above.

It can be hinted that they show the preview for the episode and the movie in the second link and show Goku in the end like he was when he beat Broli because M8 Goku after absorbing his energy and Broli are just Cell Games FPSSjin tier.. Remember movie villains surpass the strongest in the Anime and the strongest was SSjinG3 Trunks and 50% MSSjin Goku whose power was not known how to be related to the others....

Based on your own conclusions which is entirely false as shown before, 50% and only SSJg3 is not happening nor did it ever happen.

Let's not use the excuse of Goku being dead in movie 10 and Gohan having SSjin 2 is proof Cell Games existed in movie 8 because TOEI is inconsistent. In Movie 5 Goku never went to Yardat and in movie 6 he knows Shunkan Ido.. TOEI didn't even know they would make another Broli movie lol. Goku cant be that much stronger than Vegeta because he was surprised that Broli who he knew was stronger than himself could tank Vegeta meaning Goku didnt expect him to do it meaning Goku cant tank Vegeta easily... This also is part of the alternative universe that each movie and his arc which makes it impossinble to have someone from a different arc when they should be the same arc

So let's ignore what they actually shown and let's go by your fan-made theories that based on animation inconsistencies and fan-made interpretation on the Broly movie while ignoring words from the actual producers and writers itself

So in short it's really a fact to have M8 Goku equal to his resting state because he is not known to be stronger than SSjinG3 Trunks in the Perfect Cell Arc AKA movie 8 universe...

Same repeated point as above

Movie 8 Broli Power

Broli can't be in par with Cell.... The highest level shown in the series is 50% MSSjin Goku while Cell's full power was barely in the Manga... Movie villains surpass the strongest level at the anime meaning M8 Broli is > 50% MSSjin Goku... Having Broli in movie 8 being as strong as Perfect Cell is like having Garlic Jr being as strong as Nappa or Slug as strong as 100% Freeza... It's also worth noting that the producer of the movies say new movie villains are stronger than the last ones

LMFAO wot ?


The producer basically said that new movie villains are MEANT to be stronger yet that wasn't the case with Broly as they couldn't find anyone stronger thus making him appear 3 times. Use that brain a bit, if Cell was stronger than M8 Broly or if Bojack was stronger than M8 Broly, Movie 10 wouldn't exist, because they found someone stronger than Broly lol.

And no it doesnt mean who only Goku fights... Stop making excuses

Look here

Now if you follow my stance then it makes perfect sense... M8 Goku being his natural MSSjin state was as strong as the Cell who fought Trunks... Trunks was said to surpass Cell and so RSSjin Broli surpasses M8 Goku and tanks Vegeta's kick sligltly better than Cell.. That makes RSSjin Broli as strong as SSjinG3 Trunks

You also forgot Broly in his RSSJ powered up before going LSSJ, you also forgot that in Movie 10, SSJ to LSSJ > SSJ to SSj2. Meaning Cell is still weaker even if you nerf Broly :umad

Broli then does a shocking power up that makes everyone scared like when Goku powered up for Korrin... It had the same power up traits as Goku too which makes SSjin Broli in par with 50% MSSjin Goku and when going LSSjin he is in par with Cell Games FPSSjin Goku which is why movie 8 was released just before Goku fought Cell...There is also a guidebook saying Broli is based on SSjinG3 Trunks but a better one implying they intended M8 Broli to be Cell Games FPSSjin tier as it's the stronger form of SSjinG3.. It alll fits by the time line feats designs and such..........

What ? If Broly before going LSSJ does the same power up as Goku, when before the power up he was already stronger than 50% Goku, than means Broly in his SSJ form is stronger than MSSJ 100% Goku.


It says LSSjin is based on SSjinG 3 but his speed is ultra and its a stronger form than SSjinG 3... Now, Cell Games FPSSjin Goku is said in this guidebook to be SSjin Grade 4 because it was before official names were given..... Broli being a stronger form of SSSjinG 3 is another evidence he is Cell Games FPSSjin tier

Didn't you say Broly form was based on Cell ? Now it's based on Trunks, clearly you can't make up your mind. And wot smh amazing how you find stuff and pretend like it relates to your point when it has nothing to do with it. Broly designs, not power, designs are related to Grade 3, his power is not however and that was made clear.

Overall, what a waste of time this was.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Those manga scans reminds me how great Toriyama's artwork was. Anyway tag the dude if you really want to catch his attention (not that he wouldn't come here but still.) :pakl [mention]Pakl[/mention]


Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
Don't worry, Pakl isn't going to do anything but talk shit and run away, he is the john cena of Broly debates, repeats the same 5 shit, gets debunked, then pretends like he won and runs away telling others not to take them seriously lol


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Only problem I have is the use of the DBwiki, only because it's not all that reliable of a source.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Only problem I have is the use of the DBwiki, only because it's not all that reliable of a source.

The wiki is just explaining that the hatchiyack movie took place after Cell games due to the satan city sign, I gave the link below for the Hatchiyack movie to see. But their was 2 movies so it could be either one of them.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
The Great Fearless said:
The OP needs to put a spoiler on that first page so anyone can scroll it down easily.

All done, cheers


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahah ahahahhahhahahahahahhahaaahhahah ahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaah!!!!!!!!1111111


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Can't believe this troll even tried to counter an established solid basis of a non canon work. You have not debunked a thing you idiot. You just showed your ignorance and fanboyism again. You proved it by using manga release dates when the movies follow anime time lines. The simple fact you are denying movie 8s basis is the Perfect Cell arc proves you are a fanboy. You are also so stupid to realize my stance by keeps saying I say M8 Goku is 50% when I just said TOEI copied Goku from his initial post rosat state where he was only known to be stronger than ASSJ Vegeta which is whar the movie shows us too

A fact which you keep denying like a dumbass. Dont bother replying because I wont treat you anyway.

make it simple... Movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell arc.. Vegeta is 1st rosat.. M8 Goku was taken from his initial post rosat self when he is only known to be stronger than 1st rosat Vegeta. M8 Goku is not multiple times ahead of Vegeta...

RSSJ Broli also tanks Vegetas kick like Cell or a little bit better which place him around SSjinG 3 Trunks

Hence RSSJ Broli ~ SSJ Grade 3 Trunks > M8 Goku > M8 SSjin Grade 2 Vegeta..

I explained it this way because you are too stupid to realize a simple time line placement for a character. Lol. I challenge you to ask people if you could debunk a thing because nowadays, 90% of the fans agree at least that your beloved Broli is weaker thab Bojack and Perfect Cell in movie 8. However 0% agree with your lunatic fanboyism that Broli is movie 8 is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan (I lol at even writing such thing) or that Broli can even touch SSjin 3 Goku in movie 10

Your trolling and fanboyism are really dedicated.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Wogman said:
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Only problem I have is the use of the DBwiki, only because it's not all that reliable of a source.

The wiki is just explaining that the hatchiyack movie took place after Cell games due to the satan city sign, I gave the link below for the Hatchiyack movie to see. But their was 2 movies so it could be either one of them.

I'd say it's more accurate to say that each movie would've taken place during the time period where the manga/anime where at the making of it. Because Toei obviously doesn't care about where it slots into the manga's time placement.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 5, 2017
Pakl said:
Can't believe this troll even tried to counter an established solid basis of a non canon work. You have not debunked a thing you idiot. You just showed your ignorance and fanboyism again. You proved it by using manga release dates when the movies follow anime time lines. The simple fact you are denying movie 8s basis is the Perfect Cell arc proves you are a fanboy. You are also so stupid to realize my stance by keeps saying I say M8 Goku is 50% when I just said TOEI copied Goku from his initial post rosat state where he was only known to be stronger than ASSJ Vegeta which is whar the movie shows us too

A fact which you keep denying like a dumbass. Dont bother replying because I wont treat you anyway.

make it simple... Movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell arc.. Vegeta is 1st rosat.. M8 Goku was taken from his initial post rosat self when he is only known to be stronger than 1st rosat Vegeta. M8 Goku is not multiple times ahead of Vegeta...

RSSJ Broli also tanks Vegetas kick like Cell or a little bit better which place him around SSjinG 3 Trunks

Hence RSSJ Broli ~ SSJ Grade 3 Trunks > M8 Goku > M8 SSjin Grade 2 Vegeta..

I explained it this way because you are too stupid to realize a simple time line placement for a character. Lol. I challenge you to ask people if you could debunk a thing because nowadays, 90% of the fans agree at least that your beloved Broli is weaker thab Bojack and Perfect Cell in movie 8. However 0% agree with your lunatic fanboyism that Broli is movie 8 is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan (I lol at even writing such thing) or that Broli can even touch SSjin 3 Goku in movie 10

Your trolling and fanboyism are really dedicated.

I stopped reading after "Can't believe this troll even tried to counter an established solid basis of a non canon work"



Staff member
May 31, 2015
I think you should work on your people skills, Pakl.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Lol the troll is mad... All he did was repeating thr exact same idiotic things he did in the last 6 years... I already exposed the links... He is the worst Broly fanboy troll who even makes memes about Broli.. No life scum

Here is the evidence for his trolling


Staff member
May 31, 2015
Stop insulting people, please. Be more constructive and civil when you discuss.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
This guy was trolling and insulting me for years.. Why would I be civil? I will just ignore him


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
But the noobs

THE NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :boy
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