Dragon Ball Arc Rating/Review


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
Saiyan Arc- 9.8/10

Very good saga, probably tied for last place out of the DBZ arc, but still very good. Goku has met his match before, but this time it's an opponent that can outdo both Goku and Piccolo. So the two of them decide to fight together to take him down. I'd say it's pretty expected that Goku was going to die in that fight. We get the vibe after King Piccolo that all of the characters would die at least once. Giving Goku training from King Kai was an awesome idea and an awesome way to increase his power fast. Much better than the humans power up from 1 year of training with Kami, the boost shouldn't have been as great as it was. Against the saibamen I can't say I was surprised that Yamcha died first. He hadn't died yet and it made the most sense for him to die this way. Chiaotzu and Tien's deaths needed to be linked, as they were, and Piccolo needed to die protecting Gohan, as he did. Very emotional deaths and awesome strategies were pulled off thanks to Piccolo. Goku arriving was incredible, seeing him fool and outdo Nappa was so satisfying after everything he had done. Goku vs Vegeta was the first true feel of Goku's rival, you get a feel that you want Vegeta to stick around and he really does. Seems to get slightly boring once Gohan and Krillin show up. But the result was good. Krillin throwing the Spirit Bomb, Gohan transforming, and Krillin sparing Vegeta's life for Goku. Let's not forget Yajirobe's tail cutting and armor cutting.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Saiyan Arc Overall Score - 8.9/10

Now, the Freeza Arc.

Well, time for me to rant a little on why I find this to be the most overrated (though not worst) arc in the series.
If you compare this arc to it's predecessor, they have a similar structure, but most of the plot points in the Saiyan Arc were done far better. We can say the two arcs have a 3-phase structure in their villains (Raditz/Dodoria and Zarbon, Nappa/Ginyu Tokusentai and Vegeta/Freeza), but in each case, I'd argue the Saiyan Arc felt far more engaging. With Raditz, we had all previous powers getting surpassed by him, who even states Nappa and Vegeta are far stronger than him and also have Goku dying. For the early Namek Arc, we have that in the form of Freeza, but not in his underlings, who only surpass Vegeta if excluding Oozaru. Hell, it doesn't even work for them to be stronger than Vegeta in general, considering how many times he'd boasted of being the strongest in the universe in the previous arc. Despite this, I'm willing to say the early events on Namek are as good, if not better than the set up of the Saiyan Arc. We had a hopeless situation for Kuririn, Gohan and Bulma, making the stakes as high as the climax of the previous arc and also had Vegeta's storyline show some good tactics in bringing the situation in his favour. Despite Saichoro's potential unlock being a simple power, I wouldn't say it's really an asspull, not compared to the Rosat or Elder Kaioshin ritual, as Kuririn and Gohan had to survive a lot and prove their character to Saichoro in order to be rewarded with it. Not as much of a great idea as the previous training regimens, but still better than what was to come. Also, let's not forget Popo's carpet being a glaring whole. He must really enjoy making his toast. Planet Namek was also pretty disappointing with it's landscape, essentially being the same kind of area and climate no matter where the characters went.

The segment with the Ginyu Tokusentai, however, is where things start to go downhill. Whilst fun for their campy nature and having a great theme song in Kai, the Ginyu Tokusentai feel completely out of place and even somewhat redundant. The joke of a group performing flashy poses when firing off their attack is lost when the heroes already do such with their battle stances and attack names. As for their actual role in the plot, the fight with Reacoom was just an uninspired Nappa rehash, except with far less stakes due to the lack of character deaths and Goku's advantage over everyone but Ginyu being far more overblown. The Ginyu Body Change segment did have some intriguing tension, though that was short lived and inconsistent, such as Ginyu noting Goku's body was even faster than his previous one or Ginyu being stupid enough to not kill Goku after the change.
Speaking of Goku's storyline, this is another gripe I have with the arc. His training regime was just a boosted version of what he got from Kaio, with him not gaining any sort of new philosophy from it like his training with Roshi, Karin, Popo or Kaio. Furthermore, Goku's role in this arc makes him feel far less like a character and more like a plot device, staying away from the plot until it calls for him. Unlike previous arcs, he didn't even have any sort of personal adventure or interactions of worth to keep his solitary storyline engaging as it was in the Piccolo Daimao and Saiyan Arcs. Furthermore, I don't really find his characterisation in the Freeza fight to be that good. It was good to see him take on Vegeta's Saiyan pride and accept his heritage, though it seems pretty contrived to do so when the Saiyan race as a whole were only a slightly lesser evil than Freeza and Vegeta had his share of contribution to the Namekians Goku was attempting to also avenge.
Back to Ginyu, his existence detracts a few points as well due to perhaps being the most inconsistent character in the entire arc. He wanted a fair fight against Goku, yet had no problem forgetting this and using the Body Change once he got surpassed. The fact that he can also control his battle power, yet didn't realise how weak his new body was also brings up a lot of questions.

Moving onto the fight with Freeza, the part of it prior to Freeza using his true form is perhaps the most pointless segment of the manga in retrospect. It makes sense for Vegeta to let Freeza transform, since they'd just be wasting stamina fighting his 1st form, but when he unveils another transformation every time his power is surpassed, it's no longer a fight, but more akin to a game of tennis in which battle powers are the ball and the rackets are contrivances. You could've honestly just had Freeza's true form be his only transformation and not much in the plot would change. It also doesn't help how easily Freeza can just assume another form compared to how Cell or Boo would, since rather than going through any effort to attain those power ups, Freeza could just do so with a thought. This doesn't change even when Goku arrives, despite his anger and wanting to avenge the Saiyans and Namekians, as it still ends up being a case of "I'm not even using my full power", making the fight up until the Genki-Dama pretty pointless when knowing all that was preventing Freeza from instantly killing everyone was his own arrogance. Really, the fight only regains it's worth once Goku went Super Saiyan.

Speaking of Super Saiyan, most tend to forget that this iconic aspect was the result of a retcon. In the Saiyan Arc, Nappa and Vegeta only mention it in jest as a way of referring to Half-Blooded Saiyans and never put much credence into the existence of it. Halfway through this arc, however, it becomes Vegeta's obsession out of nowhere and the thing Freeza secretly fears, even though up until the main fight, it was clear Freeza only feared the Saiyans due to strength in numbers. Speaking of inconsistencies with Freeza's character, he also conveniently forgot about the existence of Goku and Gohan despite talking about them with Zarbon, to the point he was even guessing Gohan was Raditz's son.
In terms of Goku gaining Super Saiyan, whilst it does help as being a good potential endpoint to his character and the scale of the series, should Toriyama have chosen to end things here, it also presents a major flaw of the arc; Goku shouldn't have been the main focus. Up until he arrived on Namek, Gohan, Kuririn and especially, Vegeta were the main focus of the arc, with Goku only being there to save them at the last moment. I would've felt the arc would've been a lot better had Gohan been the one to achieve Super Saiyan, given his potential and character were the main appeal of the Z section of the manga. Moreover, the Super Saiyan form seems far too convenient, having a far greater boost than Kaioken but very little stamina drainage in comparison. Gone is the importance of energy control in favour of...just getting angry.

I also can't talk about the arc's problems without bringing up battle powers. The existence of them cause the scale of the arc to become even more ludicrous than any arc prior, especially due to the conveniences of Zenkais. We're meant to assume Vegeta could lose so easily to Monster Zarbon when he took damage from a far superior fighter like Kaioken x4 Galu, or that getting beat up less than Kuririn or Gohan would allow him to get an incomparably greater boost in power after a nap than the damage he sustained on Earth....and Goku gains far more power from the same level of injury. Battle powers may have never been fully consistent, yet their should've at least been some relative limit to how strong characters could become from such simplistic methods.

Despite all my criticisms with the arc, I don't hate it. It may have contradicted so much, but it still did well in exploring concepts previously established such as the Namekians and the Saiyans' benefactors and despite my many problems with Super Saiyan, it's still a striking enough concept that once properly integrated into the plot, was built up well enough for Goku VS Freeza to feel satisfying. Freeza himself was also a very unique and iconic villain to the franchise, beyond the typical megalomaniac personality seen in most other of the franchise's villains, though I'd say that Piccolo Daimao was a better antagonist. Vegeta's focus was also a clear positive of the arc, with most of it being his story and the race against time at the end gave it some tension, though nowhere near as much as the previous arc since Goku can still be revived with the Namekian Dragon Balls, regardless of the outcome. I'd say this is probably the weakest arc of those reviewed thus far and far from being the best as most of the fanbase claim it to be, though still better than the Cell and Boo Arcs to come.

Score - 4/10

Anime-wise, I don't have a different score for this. Some filler was terrible, such as Fake Namek and Bulma Ginyu, though it did have it's positives such as actually giving Bulma her own storyline, giving more focus to the intensity of Goku's training and actually show the training on Kaio's planet, rather than having Yamcha and co. be there for Kaio's exposition.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Freeza arc is right there with Saiyan Arc. Perhaps, it's the best performance of Vegeta in the entire of the series and it's arguably Goku's peak as well. The arc is just too unpredictable, you've got Freeza and Vegeta who wants DBs very badly and Gohan/Krillin also wants it too. It's completely a one sided story but and it took a lot of lucks for Krillin and Gohan to survive against Vegeta and Freeza.

Also it's the best story in terms of finding the DB'S, probably because the others are mediocre at best. Also the fact that they keep abusing the Zenkai screams plot at this point since nothing from the previous series implied that Goku can get stronger after recovering from the brink of death (ex: against Piccolo Sr/Jr). It also played Piccolo's role very well with his race getting exterminate by Freeza and Vegeta and gave Piccolo a reason to do something.

Goku Vs Freeza is one of the best fight in the series but it also felt so dragged in the anime version along with that 5 minutes bullshit. But the stake is YUGE!



Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I still find this arc to be the best in the series due to more focus on the story and increasing tension without excess asspulling compared to the out of nowhere villains that most arcs in the series do (esp. Cell and Boo).

Firstly, the transition from the Saiyan saga is perhaps the only smooth one in the series barring the Piccolo Daimao and Jr arcs (the latter of which is basically an epilogue anyways), which at least wasn't nearly as contrived as the usual _ years pass text bubble exposition faggotry between arcs.

Freeza's reasons for staying in the sidelines also made far more sense and didn't detract from the tension compared to Black being retarded enough to sit on his ass and not get in the robot suit until his entire army was gone when he wasn't even the leader until he killed Red moments before fighting Galu, or Daimao making three minions that shorten his lifespan while magically not knowing a thing about the DBs that his other self created, etc. Adding to this was Zarbon trouncing Vegeta who seemed invincible while already foreshadowing Freeza's hidden form volumes in advance. The gathering of the DBs was also more well done here, especially considering it was almost skipped in other arcs sans Pilaf.

The Ginyu Tokusentai also wasn't bad until Ginyu revealed his body change ability, where there wasn't sufficient enough explanation for how his flight speed was somehow as high as Goku's yet his power was low as some suicide victim underneath a building. It was also at this point the power jumps got asinine, what with Vegeta getting seemingly two zenkais from fighting Racoom and Goku's healing chamber zenkai being almost as contrived as SPC's.

Still, some of the other power ups were at least slightly sensible, such as Gohan and Kuririn's potential boosts giving them residual power boosts from fighting, and Piccolo merging with Nail made sense, although his implied gains on Kaio planet were comedic. (Still not as bad as the one time plot device Choshinsui imo.)

In regards to Freeza's transformations, I didn't think they were that bad, at first serving to make his power far more bottomless and worthy of needing a SSJ to defeat, although the "I have 2 forms left" shit combined with him being under 5% against Goku until the Kaioken x 10 was ridiculous, especially anime wise where the fight took like 25 episodes.

The post SSJ portions of the fight were great though, as was Kaio's plan and Dende trolling Freeza. Ofc, Freeza's survival was almost as retarded as Gero building several robots SSJ tier and above without Namek data or Boo's plot shield, where he blew up Earth sparing only the people at his power or lower e.g. Goku, Vegeta and two ants. Still, that could be chalked up as a flaw for the next arc as he was raised from the dead to hype up the cyborgs, and the previous arcs' simple assed structure makes this arc's tension and story look sublime by comparison due to not being so simple as new villain (s) arise - Goku is defeated - power up - day is saved - time to make wishes - training segment.

6/10. Anime wise 2/10 and Kai-wise 4.5/10 due to retaining the shitty animation.

In regards to the art/animation, I also feel it peaked here in terms of choreography, seeing as the flow between each panel and movement surpasses Cell's and far surpasses Saiyan's, where the art was still cartoony. Cell's art peaked in its detail though, although the choreography was shit other than Goku vs Cell or Piccolo vs 17.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
Frieza Arc- 10/10

Anime wise it's probably my favorite, manga wise it's the second best. Fantastic arc, best parts of this arc is definitely Vegeta's action. We got an awesome point of view of Vegeta in this arc and it was the first time we really had an anti-hero in Dragon Ball. Watching his power rise and kill all of those past servants of Frieza was awesome. Seeing him later team up with Krillin, Gohan, and Piccolo was also really cool and new for us to see. Goku in this arc was also pretty awesome. Instantly when he arrives on Namek he had already surpassed Vegeta in strength, a guy who was weaker than him just a couple weeks ago. Truly awesome. Goku vs Frieza is my favorite DBZ fight and my favorite anime/manga fight of all time. An explosive battle that led Goku to my favorite moment in the series, Super Saiyan. Definitely deserves this high of a rating.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Atem King of Nigs said:
I still find this arc to be the best in the series due to more focus on the story and increasing tension without excess asspulling compared to the out of nowhere villains that most arcs in the series do (esp. Cell and Boo).

Firstly, the transition from the Saiyan saga is perhaps the only smooth one in the series barring the Piccolo Daimao and Jr arcs (the latter of which is basically an epilogue anyways), which at least wasn't nearly as contrived as the usual _ years pass text bubble exposition faggotry between arcs.

Freeza's reasons for staying in the sidelines also made far more sense and didn't detract from the tension compared to Black being retarded enough to sit on his ass and not get in the robot suit until his entire army was gone when he wasn't even the leader until he killed Red moments before fighting Galu, or Daimao making three minions that shorten his lifespan while magically not knowing a thing about the DBs that his other self created, etc. Adding to this was Zarbon trouncing Vegeta who seemed invincible while already foreshadowing Freeza's hidden form volumes in advance. The gathering of the DBs was also more well done here, especially considering it was almost skipped in other arcs sans Pilaf.

The Ginyu Tokusentai also wasn't bad until Ginyu revealed his body change ability, where there wasn't sufficient enough explanation for how his flight speed was somehow as high as Goku's yet his power was low as some suicide victim underneath a building. It was also at this point the power jumps got asinine, what with Vegeta getting seemingly two zenkais from fighting Racoom and Goku's healing chamber zenkai being almost as contrived as SPC's.

Still, some of the other power ups were at least slightly sensible, such as Gohan and Kuririn's potential boosts giving them residual power boosts from fighting, and Piccolo merging with Nail made sense, although his implied gains on Kaio planet were comedic. (Still not as bad as the one time plot device Choshinsui imo.)

In regards to Freeza's transformations, I didn't think they were that bad, at first serving to make his power far more bottomless and worthy of needing a SSJ to defeat, although the "I have 2 forms left" shit combined with him being under 5% against Goku until the Kaioken x 10 was ridiculous, especially anime wise where the fight took like 25 episodes.

The post SSJ portions of the fight were great though, as was Kaio's plan and Dende trolling Freeza. Ofc, Freeza's survival was almost as retarded as Gero building several robots SSJ tier and above without Namek data or Boo's plot shield where he blew up Earth sparing only the people at his power or lower e.g. Goku, Vegeta and two ants. Still, that could be chalked up as a flaw for the next arc as he was raised from the dead to hype up the cyborgs, and the previous arcs' simple assed structure makes this arc's tension and story look sublime by comparison due to not being so simple as new villain (s) arise - Goku is defeated - power up - day is saved - time to make wishes - training segment.

6/10. Anime wise 2/10 and Kai-wise 4.5/10 due to retaining the shitty animation.

In regards to the art/animation, I also feel it peaked here in terms of choreography, seeing as the flow between each panel and movement surpasses Cell's and far surpasses Saiyan's, where the art was still cartoony. Cell's art peaked in its detail though, although the choreography was shit other than Goku vs Cell or Piccolo vs 17.
Meng. Very interesting. I think I agree.


Mid Class Warrior
Nov 16, 2016
Freezer saga

In terms of overall story progression, I think this is the best saga in the whole manga. With Gohan, Krilin and Bulma as the main characters and there not being the usual "good vs bads" but 3 competing parties (Vegeta, Freezer, and earthlings) allowed Toriyama to create character interactions impossible in any other context.
Namek may be the best overall saga from the whole series because of that, it's a non-stop of interesting events since the beginning and it only gets better and better.

In terms of character designs, Freezer alone puts it above any saga that came before it (and designing iconic characters is also part of what makes a good series) and would influence any saga coming after it.

Finally, the fights. They're not the best in the series (although they're at a pretty high level) due to the focus being more in the character interactions and the quest for the Dragon Balls, and the fight against Freezer, despite being good, is not as good as the fight against Vegeta (too one-sided for my tastes, although 100% Freezer vs SSJ Goku is great).

In terms of entertainment, that saga is the best tied with the androids one outside of the main battle.

9,6/10 despite some plot armors that prevent it from being a 10 (the zenkays were too inconsistent between them and Piccolo went from 2000+ to 40000+ in 6 days of training with Kaito which is BS).

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Freeza Arc Average Score - 7.8/10

Now, the Cell Arc.

Even from the start of this arc, the problems I found with this arc were even greater than the Freeza Arc. Retconning Super Saiyan from a joke of Nappa's into the main focus of an arc was one thing, but going as far as to have Trunks state #19 and #20 were the Artificial Humans of his timeline is another thing entirely, which sets the stage of the quality you can expect of this arc.
Like the previous two, this arc can be seen as having a three-phase structure of it's villains (#19/20, #17/18 and Cell, with Freeza and Cold being Cui-esque fodder), or 5 if you want to say each of Cell's main transformations ushered in a different phase due to the change in tone between them. Comparing the first phase, there's many mixed feelings compared to the Saiyan and Freeza Arcs. Like them, the previous top tier is swiftly pushed from his pedestal, though it was done to Freeza with such a lack of grace to his character that his role in Super can even seem justified in the prospect of giving him a proper sendoff. His level of durability that we see at the start of this arc by his survival also make his swift death more disappointing than engaging. It's also this moment that fans cite when referring to Future Trunks as a badass or great character, to which I have to disagree. Future Trunks is a pretty bland character at best. His main role in the plot is to exposit information to drive the story and have other characters sort out his mess (eg. Needing Gohan and Bulma to tell him what the cicada-like shell(o) might be) and despite his experience, his skill at battle tactics is far below the rest of the cast (Cell needed to exposit the limitations of Grade 3 to him clearly for him to get it, whereas Vegeta/Galu quickly grasped what should be simple physics). His shining moments are also always against foes that are far weaker than he, so beyond the story relevance of the characters involved, they come off as no more important than Kuririn killing the Saibaimen in retrospect.
Also, in regards to Goku's heart virus, that was a little bit of a contrived plot device that wasn't fleshed out too much. The existence of a vaccine would suggest there were many cases of it, though such is never shown in either timeline, so are we to assume Capsule Corp created it for the pure purpose of aiding another timeline's Galu? Are we to assume he got it on Yardrat? Actually making SSJ something that offers tremendous strain without mastery or a high enough battle power would've been a far more solid explanation and made the mastery of it in the Rosat seem far more worthwhile too. Also doesn't help that this arc quickly makes what the previous one built up towards to seem like a redundant transformation halfway through.
Onto the #19/20 section and this actually proves to be somewhat interesting. I liked the idea of foes being able to steal the Zet-Senshi's power and use it against them and would've made for a far more logical reason as to how Saiyan Arc data could result in machines far stronger than Freeza had they been the main villains, though it's a shame this intrigue was quickly lost because "muh power level 2 high 4 u". As far as the first phase of the arc, it's not on par with the Saiyan or Namek Arcs at all.

The #17/18 section was meh. Their designs and concept were a lot less interesting than #19/20's, with their "Infinite energy" being somewhat contradicted by #17 seeming a bit tired after his beating from Cell. It was nice to see the Zet-Senshi get stomped, though it was nowhere near as high-staked as the battles against Nappa or Reacoom due to their opponents not wanting to kill them and the Dragon Balls still being an easy go-to problem solver. Although this makes things a bit more unconventional, it doesn't work when we're given nothing to suggest why this version of the twins are so different from Trunks' and why their future selves didn't activate #16, or why #19/20 took their place here, other than the poor excuse of "wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff".

Once things get to Cell, things take another turn downhill. Although seeing Cell constantly on the run from Piccolo at first was a breath of fresh air, the plot points introduced during this segment are a big negative factor, namely the Rosat. Not foreshadowed at any point prior or given any explanation as to why nobody used it earlier. I do like that Cell had to put in some effort to transform unlike Freezie Pop, though once Cell gained his 2nd form, the plot resulted in Vegeta's character taking a nosedive from what was his cautious and tactical self in the Freeza Arc to having arrogance and pride that borders on idiocy. Once more, we also have time travel complications in not having much information on what happened in Cell's timeline to cause this divergence. We also have some things that don't make much sense, such as why Ten never used the Shin Kikoho on #17 if it's capable of holding back 2nd form Cell, or why Cell never tried to drain Vegeta.

The Cell Games were probably the best section of the arc due to it completing Gohan's necessary character development. The only problem I find is that, much like Goku's relevance in the Freeza Arc when it was Gohan, Kuririn and Vegeta's story, Gohan's relevance doesn't fit entirely here due to Goku and Trunks having more ties to the plot due to the Red Ribbon history and being the one to save this timeline respectively. I still don't find it to be too bad though, considering Gohan should've been the main focus of Z anyway, so this seemed like a good payoff overall, or would be so if the battle between he and Cell hadn't been simply swapping between who was winning in a one sided matchup. We also get the infamous contradiction regarding Cell's regeneration.

Regarding Cell's character as well, it seemed like a double edged sword. Although his mixture of many different fighters' DNA allowed for him to be seen as a balanced mix of many personalities and a good concept for a final boss, it also makes his personality seem deritvative due to all his traits being influenced by who's cells are inside of him, thereby making none of his actions truly distinct. That said, I wouldn't say Cell is as good of a villain as Piccolo Daimao, Saiyan/Namek Arc Vegeta or Freeza.

So, to conclude, the Cell Arc has many terrible problems from the get-go, with glaring retcons, a semi-consistent timeline, asspull power ups and some poor narrative decisions, though it's still not terrible due to the positives of having a good resolution to Gohan's development up to that point and having an ending that would've made perhaps the most solid conclusion to the series. Despite that, it's still without a doubt the worst arc of the original manga.

Score - 2/10

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I think we should start from Android arc then Cell arc but nvm.

Cell arc just is the least of my favorite when it comes to the major arc because how they handle the things after Freeza arc. A two robots cannot possibly be stronger than Freeza, let alone stronger than a SSjin which is ridiculous. I know that outside of DB, Toriyama had to change the villains because of his editor or someone which is good given how stupid it was.

It wasn't until when Cell made his debut that start to pick things up. A villain that can be legitimate stronger than Freeza since Cell has Freeza's cells in him. The way they introduced the Ascended SSjin just literally came out of nowhere since SSjin is the Saiyans limit and it shouldn't be surpass! But Toriyama had too and abandoned it later and focused back on a normal SSjin by mastering it and even Gohan's SSjin2 wasn't even a thing until Boo arc. There are lots of good fights and ego in here so


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Dr. Fearless said:
I think we should start from Android arc then Cell arc but nvm.
They're the exact same thing and Cell was the main focus of half the arc, so...


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah the Cell arc has some interesting concepts with terrible execution, similar to GT but done better due to :troll being a better writer at the time. It still has a good ending and some good developments for Gohan and Piccolo, so it isn't all bad. A plot hole ridden mess of retcons, though.



Mid Class Warrior
Nov 16, 2016
The Cell arc (Androids + Cell) is a nice change of perspective and style from the rest of the series. Except for the red ribbon army excuse that was bad and the fight against Cell that could've been better (too one-sided for my tastes, like the freezer one but this time with Cell in the loosing side which made it more anti-climatic), the rest was some of the best writing in the whole series to me.

Firstly, SSJ Vegeta was the opposite of what I was expecting the character to grow into, and that was GOOD. He got softer, but as a SSJ he was as brutal as ever.

Then in terms of the minor fights and power scales, it's the best saga by far. Vegeta vs A19 and A20, Vegeta vs A18, Piccolo vs Cell and Piccolo vs A17 were all entertaining, and some of them as deep as the fight against Vegeta although shorter.

Cell being the weaker foe despite being the bad guy is also something I really appreciate. If it was just the Cell saga making DB I would punish it for that, but after so many sagas where the bad guys were the strongest and the good guys had to catch up, this is positive to me.

The overall plot was genius with the time paradoxes, but what really impressed me the most was how deep the characters became. Goku lied, Trunks lied... different characters with different interests interacted between them like adults, something that one rarely sees in a shounen.

Finally, in terms of characters I like this saga a lot. Cell is one of my all time favourite villains in terms of design and personality, and future Trunks is great because one can see how traumatised he is without the need of a single "buaaah mama I miss you" scene.

So I give this a 9,5/10. It would've been a 10/10 if it wasn't for the final fight being a bit anti-climatic and the red ribbon being a weak excuse for such formidable enemies.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cell Arc Average Score - 5.6/10

Now, the Boo Arc.

Things had already started to go downhill with the Cell Arc (and detestably the Freeza Arc) and despite this arc not being so bad, it never managed to regain the quality the series once had. Every good decision gets abandoned in favour of the worst option. Instead of Gohan or Gotenks inheriting the role of Earth's saviour, Goku is put back into the spotlight. Instead of expanding on previously established material as the Freeza Arc did with the Namekians and the Saiyans' employers, or the Cell Arc did with the Red Ribbon Army, concepts are just brought up without any sort of foreshadowing. Instead of more strategic ways in which to combat Boo, we get power ups so contrived that they just boil down to either dancing, having someone dance around you, or just putting on some earrings. It also doesn't help that Goten and Trunks could become so strong naturally, especially when Trunks' future self didn't. Goku's characterisation also takes a negative turn due to not killing Boo when he had the chance.
One major problem is a lot of things just seem unnecessary. Goku's SS3 form feels contrived, having no build up towards it and overall, being too debilitating to really use effectively, Gotenks accomplished nothing other than wasting time and Boo's absorption capabilities just made things seem like a rehash of Cell.
That's not even getting into the plot holes of the arc. We have Shin conveniently forgetting how strong the Saiyans are in between entering Babidi's ship and Yakon's death, as well as Kibito doing the same for Gohan specifically. We have Boo going into a new form once his Good self is released by Vegeta instead of his Pure Evil self for no reason. The laws of the Rosat are also made far more messy due to 4 people being in there at once, Goku not simply bringing Gohan to fight Pure Boo, etc.

I could go on listing the evident flaws of this arc, but I'll focus on mentioning the positive aspects. It was nice to see the changes in the cast, such as Mr. Satan being able to hold some plot relevance through his actions and Vegeta's character becoming fully developed. The fights were also quite entertaining, featuring the best stomp match in the series (Videl getting turned into a Spopobitch :bitch), even if somewhat unnecessary and this arc has some good aesthetic appeal in character designs, though mainly just in the anime due to the detail of the manga's art reaching an all time low at this point, particularly after Evil Boo was formed. It still had more continuity consistency and focus than the Cell Arc, but was the 2nd worst arc of the manga.

Score - 2.5/10

Anime-wise, it gets a 1/10 due to filler scenes making powerscaling as messy as in Super, if not moreso, with things such as Yamcha stomping Olibu, SSJ Goku and Vegeta being able to fight against Ultimate Gohan and SS3 Gotenks as well as Pure Boo being made the strongest Boo.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Boo arc is one of my favorite arc of all time that's probably has to do with my bias with Boo.

Part 1, it started with Gohan goes to the high school which was entertaining and a very rare in DB for characters to interact with other human in the city along with the Great Saiyaman stuffs. But with bad stuffs like Goten and Trunks being damn strong by forced and no explanation, it was really hard for me to swallow that disappointment and could at least explain with Vegeta and Gohan training the kids at the early age which is fine but cancer.

The tournament was a great way to start the real story just like how the 22nd budokai kicked off the King Piccolo arc. But with Supreme Kai being such a letdown character and perhaps has one of the great potential to be something but that didn't happen. The introduce of magic is one of the things that I like from Boo arc with Babidi's magic, Dabura's magic, Boo's weird magics etc. Vegeta turning into the bad guy was a great execution but with terrible timing because the fact their rematch was overshadowed by Boo. Fat Boo was a great character and villain, Vegeta's sacrifice was one of the best moment in DB, the story was already getting better until that fucking Gotenks ruined it for me and it wasn't until Gohan surpassed his limits where it started to picked up. The fights were amazing even with the filler stuffs like Goku Vs Bootenks, Base Vegito VS Boohan etc.

Finally the final battle begins with Goku and Pure Boo having one of the best fight in the DB history. That 1 minute of Boo's torture on Vegeta was awesome, Mr. Satan helping the Saiyans was funny, Boo VS Boo was awesome with Goku finally defeating Boo with a spirit bomb.



High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
Darn I missed the Cell Arc- 10/10

Best arc in the series manga wise. Second best anime wise.

Buu Arc- 9.7/10

Pretty good arc, I'd say it's pretty underrated. Starts off with Gohan as a High Schooler, which had some pretty good humor in both the anime and the manga. We meet Videl who is hot, but a bit less once she cuts her hair. Buu is the worst character ever created, probably the worst thing about this arc. Goku and Vegeta were awesome all throughout. Goku vs Vegeta was a bit shorter than I would have preferred. Super Saiyan 3 was freaking amazing. Gotenks was pretty cool, however now they make him an annoying character. Goten vs Trunks was an awesome fight. Vegito was probably my second favorite moment in the series. My first was Super Saiyan 3 Goku. The Spirit Bomb was a good way to end the final DBZ battle. Uub sucks.


Mid Class Warrior
Nov 16, 2016
The main problem I have with the Buu saga is that it didn't find its tone until Buu appeared.
Despite some comedy driven chapters at the beginning of the saga, once the tournament begins it becomes too serious for its own good.
The menace of some "magical beings" suddenly being on earth felt a bit forced, and despite the SSJ 2 Vegeta vs SSJ 2 Goku being intense, I don't find those chapters too enjoyable.

But once Buu appears and Toriyama decides that another serious Cell-like saga wouldn't be the best option, it all improves a lot. Buu is actually very funny, and thanks to Goten and Trunks (and Gotenks) we have fights like Gotenks vs Super Bu which were really funny without having to change anyone's personality.

The powerscale was mostly respected, except for when Toriyama retcons both Gohan and KaioShin.

Rating: 8,5/10

Finally, one last thing:
Captain Cadaver said:
It also doesn't help that Goten and Trunks could become so strong naturally, especially when Trunks' future self didn't.
In that I disagree. Toriyama's logic for the series is that whatever the fathers had learned, the sons inherit it, and that wasn't new from the Buu saga.
Cell inherited everyone's techniques and even the SSJ aura, so it's only logical that present Goten and Trunks are that strong since they're the first naturally born SSJ (they have the SSJ form mastered naturally).
Future Vegeta never became a SSJ (that's heavily implied in the Cell saga already, and confirmed through this), so future Trunks was like present Gohan: very strong for his age -thanks to his father being very strong- but not a SSJ since birth.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
freezamite said:
Future Vegeta never became a SSJ (that's heavily implied in the Cell saga already, and confirmed through this), so future Trunks was like present Gohan: very strong for his age -thanks to his father being very strong- but not a SSJ since birth.

Prove it.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
freezamite said:
In that I disagree. Toriyama's logic for the series is that whatever the fathers had learned, the sons inherit it, and that wasn't new from the Buu saga.
Cell inherited everyone's techniques and even the SSJ aura, so it's only logical that present Goten and Trunks are that strong since they're the first naturally born SSJ (they have the SSJ form mastered naturally).
Future Vegeta never became a SSJ (that's heavily implied in the Cell saga already, and confirmed through this), so future Trunks was like present Gohan: very strong for his age -thanks to his father being very strong- but not a SSJ since birth.
Never stated or proven, so just an assumption. By that logic, Bra should have some Freeza tier natural strength and be able to go SSJ easily, yet from what we've seen of her at the end of the manga, that clearly isn't the case.
Boo Arc Average Score - 6.8/10

Final Tally of the Manga Arcs' Average Scores:
Hunt for the Dragon Balls - 6/10
21st Tenkaichi Budokai - 7.2/10
Red Ribbon Army - 7/10
22nd Tenkaichi Budokai - 6.9/10
Piccolo Daimao - 7.5/10
23rd Tenkaichi Budokai - 5.1/10
Saiyan - 8.9/10
Freeza - 7.8/10
Cell - 5.6/10
Boo - 6.9/10

We'll wait a few days to see if enough people want to review GT and Super too.


High Class Warrior
Apr 18, 2016
How did the Cell Arc get the second worst score? Sheesh.

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