Dragon Ball/DBZ Movie Reviews

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I'm done watching that movie.

I love the bonding of Gohan and Icarus should be canon. The plot of the movie is good enough to be entertaining and Turles played his role very well. One of my frustration of the Toei's movie are the henchmen and doesn't serve any purpose other than for foe for the humans and Goku. Piccolo's role wasn't great either and had a 5 mins to shine which is very rare IMO. It seems that M3 and M4 has a same plot lol and I'll have to watch it later.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless Zamasu said:
Which version of Goku was on M3?
As in relation to his canon self? M3 Goku seems to be a completely separate entity to his canon self, given the implications of the timeline and M4 seemingly being a sequel to it. Comparing him to his Namek self or himself during his training on the way there seems the most comparable in terms of power, plus he's wearing the same gi as he wore on his trip there and during the battle on Namek.

Now it's time for DBZ Movie 4 - Super Saiyan Son Goku/Lord Slug

I'll cut to the chase and say this is easily the worst of the first 5 movies and one of the worst DBZ movies overall. Whilst the others drew a lot of plotlines and events from canon content, this one ramps it up to over 9,000 with a villain who's a complete clone of Piccolo Daimao in all but the extent of their goals, as well as to an extent 23rd TB Piccolo. Evil Namekian, wishes for eternal youth, wrecks Goku before he gains a power up, can turn giant, got their stomach ripped open by Goku forcing his way through it...a complete rehash.
Along with this, the movie also felt like either a repeat of previous films or a complete step down from the same material offered before. The cast featured compared to M3 was far lower, whilst the plot of a villain wanting to slowly change the Earth and being beaten by a Genki-Dama were done in the previous one, and the one before it in the case of the latter.
I'll admit that it did have some positives. Toei's take on what a Super Saiyan may look like was pretty interesting for the time and it was good to see Piccolo kill a henchman again after not getting enough spotlight for 2 movies in a row, though it's not saying much when Dorodabo didn't do anything of worth to make this a good Piccolo moment, especially not when the next film would improve on that aspect threefold.
Overall score - 1/10. Only worth watching if it's the Abridged version.


Oct 10, 2015
Yea, Lord Slug ain't worth my time. Their version of Super Saiyan was pretty damn cool.

Also, to fuck people up, Lord Slug is stated to be stronger than Freeza IIRC. Fucked up.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
lol. I am pretty sure Goku uses a Kaio-Ken x100 at the end. :toei


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
And still ends up weaker than Beerus with SSJB thrown on top of that. :toei

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review: of M4:

The bonding between Piccolo, Gohan and Icarus was great and the narrative of ''Super Namekian'' VS Super Saiyan was awesome but it wasn't executed very well nevertheless it was still entertaining. Piccolo played a huge role in the movie since its based on Namek story also Yamcha, Tien and Chouzu weren't in the movie. My frustration of this movie are another useless henchmen, Slug is just another copy of King Piccolo, Goku didn't used KK10x which was stupid since he already mastered that technique and Spirit Bomb saves the day.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Now time for Z Movie 5 - The Incredible Mightiest VS Mightiest/Cooler's Revenge

This is easily the one of the best DBZ Movies and the best thus far, with only Movie 3 challenging that statement.

The movie automatically gets a higher score than most for being something that could fit into the canon if a few inconsistencies were tweaked. Coola, whilst mostly a rehash of Freeza, is far more justified in the canon content copying of most movies by actually being Freeza's brother, thus making most similarities fine. As far as canon comparison goes, Neizu and Sauzer's techniques were a lot more interesting than any of the Ginyu Tokusentai other than Ginyu's himself and Gurd's. Following on from what I said about the very few positives in Movie 4, this film really gave Piccolo his shine by having him kill all of the henchmen. I would've liked for Gohan and Kuririn to play a better role, though it's at least a one up from Goku getting all the fodder kills.
The art and animation for this film was also superb for a Toei product. Coola's 5th form is one of the coolest looking designs in the franchise (no pun intended), whilst the detail and level of Goku's physique is something very lacking in DB nowadays. This was probably the best SSJ Goku ever looked. The animation during the Piccolo VS Sauzer fight and Coola practically swimming through Goku's Kamehameha are something you wouldn't expect of Toei considering their current standing in animation (unless you'd watched how good their animation for the HnK movie was, at least).
This film did have a few flaws, however. Goku getting a Zenkai boost to face Coola was an asspull, though far less of one than in the latter portion of the Freeza Arc. Him not being able to go SSJ at will was contradictive to what was shown against Freeza too, though I must admit I prefer this less convenient use of Super Saiyan. The use of SSJ being completely superior to Kaioken prior to being mastered always seemed too convenient, considering it's Ki output.
Overall score - 5/10. Easily one of the better DBZ Movies.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I think M5 is one of the best out of the films. Coola was badass, his crew wasn't that bad. I'd say his crew was one of the best/the best of the movie crews who are usually filled with forgettable faggots who you do your best to forget about. M5 had some solid action going for it, but the power scaling aspect of it was completely retarded. To be fair though, every film is fucking retarded when it comes to power scaling.

I don't have an /10 rating for this.


Oct 10, 2015
Easily the best movie in the DBverse. Great movie. Great villain, great backstory, great everything. Cooler fits into canon damn near perfectly. Couple of tweaks need to be made to make it really work but man, this is probably the only DB movie you can actually enjoyably watch.

CC covered everything but to highlight it, Cooler's Transformed state is fucking badass, flying right through the KHH was absurd, one of the best feats in DB of all time. Cooler's quick desperate Supernova, the beating he puts on Goku. Lots of great shit. Goku's Super Saiyan is badass and the desperation of it all, very fucking cool.

Great movie man. Doesn't get any better than that.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I'm done watching!!! :gay

This movie seems to really change my view on the power chain and it does make sense that Goku, Piccolo and Cooler are a lot stronger than I thought. Icarus should be a canon character and I demand it!!! The story itself is great and has a great logic in it except Salza being stronger than Freeza's second form going by guidebooks which is ridiculous since none should be stronger than Freeza in his first form let alone his 2nd form. Piccolo as always saving Gohan whenever he's in danger that needs to be stop since its getting predictable. :idk

Rate: 6/10 :gay

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Now we move on to it's sequel - Clash! 10,000,000,000 power warriors/Return of Cooler

It's often the case that sequels never live up to their predecessors and this follows the rule to the maximum. Whilst it seems like a good idea to expand on the rebooted, short lived plotline of Mecha Freeza, it doesn't turn out as well as expected. The timeline for the movie is even more of a mess of unanswered questions than most others due to Dende being Earth's God. Even putting that aside, the general plot of the film was poor. Coola was just following a similar plan of Freeza's in coming to the Namekian's home world, only with far less casualties. The robots were also the least appealing of all the generic fodder in Z films.
What really makes this a poor film though is the aftermath of the first Meta Coola's defeat. With the Japanese title and the scene following immediately afterwards, you'd expect the film to center around battling an army of Meta Coolas, but this advertisement point only makes up about 30 seconds of the entire movie. Instead, we're immediately treated to Goku and Vegeta's capture as they defeat the real Coola with a small Ki blast, despite being nearly out of Ki and Coola's real self likely being at least comparable to his clones.
Overall, it was an absolutely stupid and misadvertised feature. Gets a 1/10. The version of it in Tenkaichi 2 was a far more appealing take on it than what we actually got.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review M6:

Just like CC said, the timeline is completely mess such as Dende being the new Kami and Piccolo is not Kamiccolo yet due to his performance in the movie. One of the things I hate in the series is about a robots stuffs where they can put if not, strong enough to beat a Super Saiyajins which is why I dislike the Android arc and Cell Arc. This movie is complete shit compared to its prequel and the fight scenes wasn't that great IMO.

Rate 5/10


Oct 10, 2015
Complete shit. Metal Cooler has a lot of cool concepts. Big Gete Star is OKish. Regenerating zenkais with IT makes Cooler pretty bad ass and foreshadowing to the regenerating villains to come.

Then there are thousands of Metal Coolers formed, this makes Metal Cooler pretty much an elite fighter in terms of all of DB. If the Saiyans as a whole can give Freeza some concern, a planet full of Metal Cooler can do the same to Vegetto imo.

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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work