Does this line imply 19 post > Sick Goku? Gero should be expecting Vegeta to be at least = Goku.
Chapter 343 (DBZ 149), P12,1
Context: after Vegeta goes on and on about his Super Saiyan form
No.20: “Let’s stop the nonsense at that. Just changing like that naturally won’t make you a match for us androids. Just like Son Goku earlier…”
Gero’s thought process is so weird. He thought 19 could win because he beat Goku, even though it was merely by luck. Even if he expects 19 to win via absorptions or thinks SSJ drains too much power (Gero didn’t know Goku was sick), he’s still shitting bricks when Vegeta pounds 19 down. Weird.
Is it possible Gero thought he could beat Vegeta because he suspected Piccolo was much stronger than the others? What he was currently sensing were just suppressed numbers since the Z Fighters weren't fighting, but it's possible Yamcha's power gave him a good measure on the humans' power and he expected Piccolo (and maybe Gohan) to be much stronger than them as usual.
So my point still stands. He expected the Z Fighters to power up (I mean, they were all suppressed due to not fighting) but didn't expect Piccolo to power up as much as the others.
Though Piccolo was never multifold stronger than the humans before Namek so the 10x multiplier might still be needed or something. But that + Gero only needing to be in Vegeta's ballpark to win helps explain stuff.
Gero didn't seem to hear Gohan and co. talking about Goku's heart, otherwise he'd have shown some surprise about the mentions of the "youth from the future." He probably just thought Super Saiyan was a very debilitating form that'd wear out Vegeta just as it did Galu.
It seems strange Kuririn and Yamcha in the 23rd Budokai would be so worried about a figure like Tao Pai Pai that Goku defeated 6 years ago when they are eons above that level.
No way lol. They weren't thinking clearly about his prior level of power if Roshi thought he would give Tenshinhan trouble. They were deluded by his status as the world's greatest assassin.
Why was Chaozu so weak? We saw in the 22nd Budokai that Chaozu wasn't a complete pushover for Krillin. What changed after this? In the 23rd Budokai, we see Yamcha and Krillin approaching Young Piccolo Daimao's level, yet Chaozu wasn't even close to that level despite undergoing the same training. Then after 5 years of training with Tenshinhan + Kami's training he amounted to less than Yajirobe lol. Wtf happened?