Who's stronger? Crane or Tao?
When Roshi takes off his shirt to get serious, Tenshinhan notices he’s stronger than Tsuru. This is after Tenshinhan defeated Yamcha, who thought he could win the Budokai knowing how strong Goku was after training with Karin.
Master Roshi > Tsuru > Yamcha > Goku (Post Karin) > Tao
1) Why was Piccolo Daimao's crest left at Krillin's dead body? It it a calling card or a plot device? If so, Piccolo really gave himself away at the word go. Could have not left that there for everyone to see.
2) Help me understand the relationships here with regards to martial arts schools.
Mutaito was the top guy, and he trained Gohan, Roshi and Crane Hermit. Did he also train Tao or did Tao learn on his own?
So Crane Hermit goes and does his own school, where Tenshinhan trained and sometimes Tao was there too as a teacher.
Roshi and Gohan also then went their own ways and started schools. Both taught Goku which brings us to where we are today.
Do I have this tree correct?
1) Probably a calling card. Piccolo wants people to know he’s back for blood.
2) Mutaito trained Roshi and Tsuru. After the Piccolo Daimao Wars they went their separate ways. Roshi also trained under Karin at one point, probably before since Karin thinks Goku is stronger than Roshi after both trained with him, but In the Piccolo Saga Roshi says he used to be far stronger when young, despite rivaling 22nd Budokai Goku.
The anime and manga converge as to whether Tsuru left before or after Mutaito died. Can’t remember which is which. But each founded their schools, and Roshi trained Gohan and Gyumao. They trained together, but it’s implied Gohan was closer to Roshi’s age than to Gyumao’s.
did tsuru-sen'nin's school only train future assassins? i'm not sure, if any-1 can & wants to answer.
I want to answer, but I can’t
It was definitely assassin style, and most became assassins (assuming there weree students other than Tien and Chaozu), but idk if it was specifically a assassin school.
that'd also be kewl to knw more abt the relation-ship between tao & kame-sen'nin i think but not much there i think
I don’t think they ever met. Tao is 300 years old and Piccolo spent 300 years dormant, so Tao was a baby when Roshi and Tsuru parted ways.
It’s implied the two friends still saw each other since they recognized themselves in the 22nd Budokai as old men, but not sure about Roshi and Tao.