Captain Cadaver said:
So battles that actually had some level of strategy and skill such as those of early DB are far worse because they don't have characters destroying the Universe?
It's not a matter of being worse simply because.
DragonBall to DragonBall Z weren't filled with terrible battles. The series has scaled up & evolved in terms of power level, & so has the level of destruction.
So TO ME DragonBall to DragonBall Z are great but compared to DragonBall SUPER they were less spectacular when it came to the power levels.
But Believe whatever you want, SUPER isn't lacking in skill or strategy, again that was the point behind Roshi, Krillin, Android16 & Android17, Krillin's sparring with Gohan, etc.
And even HIT vs Jiren.
The underline message was to allow weaker characters to hold their own & surpass their limitations.
HIT himself is the very definition of that as he is weaker than SuperSaiyan Blue yet manages to hold his own not through strength but strategy & skilled techniques.
Captain Cadaver said:
It was seldom used in a manner of skill being the defining factor though, plus having skill be important still required the characters to get stronger by an illogical degree to pull off.
Done so there'd be continued usage of the characters.
Even with techniques such as HIT has it becomes pointless if every character has enough brute force to slam through it.
So it's either increase these lower level characters enough to be useful, or simply get rid of them altogether.
Captain Cadaver said:
It should still remain balanced as to not make so many previously impactful characters look like a joke and for there to actually be room to keep fights and escalation engaging. How exactly is a fight supposed to be engaging when the only new way to present how strong the characters are is by how many Universes they can destroy, or where do you go from there?
Power creep's been a problem with the series since the Freeza Arc. It doesn't need to get worse.
What Anime/Manga series you think this is.
I totally agree there can be more than the focus of pure strength & power deciding victory.
But this isn't Bleach or Naruto.
There's alot of stuff i wished Akira Toriyama followed up on & expanded, but i'm not going to waste time complaining about every little thing & making up poor excuses for continuing to watch the series either.
I take it as it is, hope for the best, or quit watching altogether & let those who enjoy it, have it.
Captain Cadaver said:
Because the likes of an annoying woman constantly talking about love and beauty or a guy making beep boop noises in a robot suit are entirely refreshing and likeable...
No as there's other characters like Beerus, Whis, Vados, Kefla, Toppo, Jiren, HIT, etc.
And none were created from a wish for a pair of panties from a "hot babe".
Captain Cadaver said:
I'm starting to believe you don't understand the necessity of limitations to keep a story engaging. The removal of limitations leads to plot conveniences becoming far more common and the writing of a series becoming worse, with Super being a good example of this.
I see the dependency on limitations as a way of keeping something engaging a lack in creativity.
What's the point of creating a fictional universe & limiting possibilities.
Captain Cadaver said:
Still more creative than a palette swap.
It's all yours dude.
Captain Cadaver said:
It didn't. It just gave him a palette swap form. Reviving him is what offered unexplored possibilities (and not until the ToP), not giving him an uncreative new form.
It's not about the color palette but what it represents.
Captain Cadaver said:
You mean the potential to give Goku/Vegeta a power up, the former of which becomes irrelevant less than 10 episodes after it first appears? Yeah, that's certainly new potential.
And SuperSaiyan 4 was what exactly.
Captain Cadaver said:
Super even existing is stretching it beyond it's necessary length.
We already know Universe 7 will survive to align with the end of a manga, making it's events predetermined and any tension one could find within it completely vapid.
And yet you're still watching. Even after you're complaints & criticism can't be all that vapid when you're still coming back for more. So it's doing something right.
Captain Cadaver said:
They do if you care about important things like character writing, though it's clear you only care about power inflation.
What's clear is you only see what you want to see & that's how you miss everything else.
Captain Cadaver said:
Unlike any villain I have ever seen before...
Of course there's others just as if not more intimating then Jiren, but every powerful character doesn't have to be loud & obnoxious, super cheerful, or a sparkling nitwit.
There's nothing wrong with the strong silent type with a mysterious past.
It makes it that much more challenging & interesting when trying to figure them out.
Captain Cadaver said:
New idea doesn't equate to good. I fail to see how anyone can consider a form gained by 6 people holding hands to be considered good.
Maybe they're the same people who considered a form gained by two people ridiculously posing, or simply putting on an earring good.
Captain Cadaver said:
This makes it clear you don't even know the meaning of the phrases expanding on existing material or asspull; the latter being for an author to bring a concept out of nowhere in an overly convenient manner. Elder Kaioshin knowing about SS4 is indeed an asspull, though the way of acquiring it and how it ties into the themes of the arc such as the primal conflict between the Saiyans and Tsufurians is not.
Goku gaining a new form by being hit with the Genki-Dama makes no sense due to it already being established the Genki-Dama won't harm the pure hearted or the notion of such a thing being possible never being brought up prior, not to mention the Genki formed by so few people shouldn't be that great in the first place. He can also spam this form at convenient moments despite the point of it being it isn't permanent, thereby making it's concept and execution an asspull.
Vegeta's is even worse, with him getting a new form just because of "muh pride", despite him always being extremely prideful, as well as being able to spam this form that should use up a high amount of Ki even after using draining attacks such as the Final Explosion because plot armour. Asspull 101.
Goku going from SuperSaiyan Kid to Adult SuperSaiyan 4 in 0 to 60seconds dispite unable to hold SuperSaiyan 3 as a kid.
Or Bluma building a Blutz Wave Generator so Vegeta can reach SuperSaiyan 4, which isn't permanent because his tail doesn't remain but convenient enough so he & Goku can fuse into Gogeta.
Rildo” as long as there’s metal on this planet I’m invincible!”
A few episodes later dies from a kamehameha on planet full of metal.
Goku swallows a DragonBall, survives & Nuova Shenron emerges from Goku's forehead, purified by the latter's positive energy.
Kid Goku taking on both Frieza & PerfectCell & wins.
Hell Fighter 17 was built in hell & could easily fuse with Android17 no problem.
There's your AssPull 101.
Captain Cadaver said:
Because why should it make sense if it looks nice or cool?
That notion sums up Super in a nutshell, as well as the majority of your "positive" notions about the series.
It's not simply because SUPER looks nice or is cool.
I like DragonBall SUPER because i enjoy the possibilities it has shown.
The expansion on the Deities, the addition of The Gods of Destruction & introduction of GodKi.
The fact that it's not just mortals involved, but beings from different universes.
You criticize me for enjoying SUPER because & not seeing it as you do. Really what does it matter to you how enjoyable i find it.