Figuring Out The Toei-Toyotaro Additions to Super


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Right, so we know Super is "canon" seeing as Toriyama describes the canon Broly movie as a story falling into the broader Super series (and he describes it as a story continuing on from the Boo arc), but the actual products we see in the anime and manga are heavily altered/interpreted by Toei and Toyotaro respectively. Given that they still follow the same basic plot, I'll isolate the events and aspects exclusive to the respective mediums and deduce which aspects were derived from Toriyama's actual notes:

Beerus arc:​

Firstly, most of the slice of life portions seem to be exclusive to the anime (and I won't point out the slice of life stuff from here on out, as it'd be redundant), while Goku having that image training session of past villains seems to be exclusive to the manga. Beerus blowing up that one planet/half of that planet is in both series, so that seems to have been in Toriyama's notes. Moving onto the main Beerus fight, Goku actually fights in SSJ/2 without just beginning the fight in 3 like in the movie, so that seems to be in AT's notes as well. Vegeta being SSJ2 (or at least clearly SSJ2, unlike in the movie where the lack of lightning makes it debatable) is in both mediums, but I can't be sure that was Toriyama's decision or just Toei and Toyotaro deeming the form more suitable for an explosive rage boost, especially when AT said not too long before this that he'd be scrapping SSJ2 and 3. The universe cracking thing is obviously AT's decision as it's in both mediums, although Goku reverting to SSJ seems to be a detail Toei retained from the movie as it didn't happen in the manga.

Golden Freeza arc:​

I won't be talking about the manga at all here, as the manga skips over this arc entirely, other than the fact that Sorbet being seen in Hell with Shisami implies they were the only characters to play any significant role in the manga's version of the arc that Tracetaro skipped, which heavily suggests Ginyu and Tagoma playing roles in the arc were anime-only additions. Not much to say other than that, other than that the training segments of Goku and Vegeta reaching SSJB were obviously anime only. Not much else is changed from the movie, so let's move onto the U6 arc:

Universe 6 arc:​

This is where the differences start to become ever clearer. Firstly, Gohan and Piccolo training during the recruitment portion seems to be obviously anime-only, seeing as Gohan just missed the tournament entirely without notifying Goku in the manga, although it does somewhat explain Piccolo suddenly being way stronger than in the previous arc. Frost's backstory is obviously anime-only, as is him being entirely evil, although in the ToP arc he's evil in both mediums anyways, so very minor difference :troll

SSJB's ki drain seems to be manga only, seeing as Vegeta's later seen transforming in and out of Blue without issues in the Trunks arc even before his Rosat training, while the Kaioken is anime only as well. Hit's improvements and Goku's use of Super Saiyan God appear to both be exclusive to the anime and manga respectively, especially considering that it was later revealed Vegeta using SSJG against Black was Toyotaro's idea, and Toriyama didn't seem to really bother including the God form in any of his scripts until Broly.

Future Trunks arc:​

It goes without saying that Black following Trunks to the past was anime-only, although Black improving by being beaten up seems to be something Toriyama came up with, even if the anime and manga's interpretations differ. Trunks' asspull SSJ3 tier-SSJ2 thing is manga only, although SSJ2 Trunks seems to be a shared thing between both series. Kaioshin disciples being able to use healing powers seems to be something exclusive to the manga as I'd expect to see that in the anime as well, and very well any technique in the anime (Super Saiyan Rage, Black's Scythe, Merged Zamasu's halo and bird stand thingy) all appear to be exclusive to that version, while the manga seems to have asspulled Zamasu's Janemba portal punch thing. Black and Zamasu being cornered by Vegeta post Rosat and being forced to fuse, as well as Zamasu being cut in half after something weird happens to his body appear to be something AT came up with as they're shared in both mediums, while it's also notable that the anime skipped over Black's regular SSJ form while Toyotaro seems to have suggested Vegetto's appearance at the rough draft stage, as the 1 hour time limit is present in both mediums. Seeing as the ending of the arc is basically the same in both series, let's move on to the ToP arc.

Tournament of Power:​

Goku being scratched by that bullet appears to be in both mediums, as well as an exhibition match happening before the recruitment portion. Toppo apparently wasn't supposed to be the guy who fights Goku in the exhibition match in the anime's first draft, so Goku fighting him in both mediums just seems to be a last minute-change Toei made that Toyotaro also decided to roll with. Goku doesn't fight anyone in the manga during the recruitment portions except #17, so AT's rough draft is probably I have a #17 bonerGoku fights #17 and is surprised by how much he's improved or something like that. Everything else appears to be anime-only except for the plot point of Gohan unlocking his Ultimate form by training with Piccolo, and Caulifla learning SSJ from Cabba.

Moving onto the actual tournament, Frost being betrayed by Freeza is a shared plot point, so that one's obvious. I won't go into detail on the different ways everyone's eliminated as that'd take way too much time (and I skipped a lot of the anime's fillerish episodes like Kale awakening new forms anyways), so I'll just go over what I think is shared between the two mediums. Kuririn and Tenshinhan being the first to be eliminated is an obvious one, though as for the rest of the U7 eliminations there are several differences such as #18's elimination being different, and manly gainz Ultra Instinct Roshi is obviously manga-only, although him being way stronger seems to be something AT rolled with anyway as he outperformed Kuririn in both mediums. Kefla seems to be shared between both mediums, though the way she's created and pretty much everything about her appear to be exclusively creations of Toei and Toyotaro. Speaking of Kefla however, it was revealed Kale was an anime staff creation, so Kefla was probably an idea Toriyama had after designing Caulifla to go with Kale.

Gohan has a double knock-off in both mediums, so that seems to be something AT wrote as well as Piccolo being done in by that insect guy. Hit fighting Jiren and losing seems to be something AT wrote as well, as well as Toppo and Dyspo being the last Pride Troopers standing alongside Jiren. I'm not entirely sure Toppo fighting Vegeta was in AT's script when Vegeta isn't the one to knock off Toppo in the manga, so it could just be something from the anime the manga also rolled with similar to Toppo vs. Goku in the exhibition match.

Moving onto Jiren, the manner in which he's eliminated is basically the same in both mediums, so that was probably AT's plot point, and AT did intervene and make Jiren a guy with the personality of a cardboard silent stoic when Toei attempted to give him Toppo's personality, so AT probably came up with his backstory as well. The way they're told differently tells me Toyotaro didn't like it just being infodumped in the most generic way and thought it was more natural for Belmod to just briefly mention Gicchen in the bleachers. Jiren fighting SSJBE Vegeta also appears to be something from the anime staff the manga also rolled with, seeing as SSJBE isn't in the Broly movie. Meanwhile, Goku fights Jiren and falls out of UI twice in both the anime and the manga, so that's obviously something from AT's rough draft. Not sure if the Genki Dama is something from AT's script or not since I heard something like "Freeza donating energy to it was anime only," but seeing as it's not in the manga and AT doesn't have a Genki Dama boner like Toei, I'm about 70% sure it's anime only. Not much else to say other than that #17 exploding and surviving also appears to be AT's decision.

If you feel there's anything I missed, do point it out.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Vegeta being SSJ2 (or at least clearly SSJ2, unlike in the movie where the lack of lightning makes it debatable) is in both mediums
Not when he lacks the form's distinctive long hair :troll.

which heavily suggests Ginyu and Tagoma playing roles in the arc were anime-only additions.
Makes sense, considering Frog Ginyu somehow locating Freeza in the manga continuity would be a giant plot convenience even by Super standards.

SSJB's ki drain seems to be manga only
Whis makes an off-hand mention of SSB lacking stamina in the ToP Anime, so either it was in Toriyama's drafts and Toei simply mitigated the drainage by comparison or Toei were backtracking as they did with SSG's return.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
By SSJB's ki drain I mostly meant the whole "losing over 90% of your power by using it twice" bullshit. It's mentioned the form costs ki to maintain in both versions, but that weakness was only exclusive to the manga and seemed to have been mitigated only after Vegeta's RoSaT training/Galu's CSSJB asspull.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I thought that the anime and maybe the manga did Vegeta owning Goku-Black post-RoSaT really bad, because we already saw him get owned before or at-least fought evenly with that when Vegeta owned him after the training it didn't come-off as that big a deal. Anime did even worse when it didn't have them fuse right-away to show urgency since Vegeta might defeat him.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
I thought that the anime and maybe the manga did Vegeta owning Goku-Black post-RoSaT really bad, because we already saw him get owned before or at-least fought evenly with that when Vegeta owned him after the training it didn't come-off as that big a deal. Anime did even worse when it didn't have them fuse right-away to show urgency since Vegeta might defeat him.
Also didn't help that the anime added in the pointless part of Black using some kind of clone technique and a whole lot of other abilities like his Ki blade and scythe, yet Merged Zamasu uses none of them later on. Say what you will about Manga Merged Zamasu having bland techniques, but at least he didn't completely ignore several decent techniques of one of his fusees.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Merged Zamasu still used the ki blade, he just didn't have that scythe for some reason. Which makes it all the more gay that the scythe appeared in the first place. It was more or less filler to pad the episode so it ends with the Zamasu's fusing because they couldn't just make Vegeta keep beating up Black for an entire episode.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
theallpowerfulpuipui said:
For those of you too lazy to read the post

You forgot the part where :rape molests :mikey :giraffe

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