FnF in the manga

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Didn't you say on your first post that you think it went like the manga though? Or was that a typo?

I wouldn't say that Goku absorbing God power is "Clearly not the case". The manga has given us no info about this so far.
I wouldn't say he didn't absorb any God power, considering that his SSJ form isn't far weaker than 10% SSB Vegeta, but he definitely didn't absorb all of SSG's power when it's implied numerous times in the manga that's a threshold only his God forms are capable of reaching and him using the form in the anime despite Beerus' statement would suggest his absorption of it into his SSJ form was just a temporary boost.


Jun 19, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Is there any way of knowing how the events of FnF went out in the manga? Toyotaro did skip that part in the manga so is hard to tell. Did it go like the movie? The anime? Are the 3 chapters Toyotaro released canon?

Skipping it allows us to imagine it happening in a way that makes sense.

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