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I wouldn't use arguments that go beyond what's stated or implied on the manga, like "Cold used the best scientists" (I mean, according to you those "best scientists" couldn't make Freezer stronger than what an earthling scientist could do with simple, random human beings, so they weren't "that good" as you try to imply to make a point").Evil Vegeta said:1) Not really. King Cold got the best scientists to work on Freeza to revive him and make him stronger than ever. Freeza knows his own power better than anyone else does. It means what it says.
And of course Freezer meant what he said, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to earth had he known how weak he was, it just happens that Freezer doesn't like to train or put an effort on things.
You say Freezer knows his power better than anyone else does?
He didn't even know the power he was born with which was proven when Goku told him
"You want to try testing out your full power too, right? If you didn’t, you would have just fired at the planet again and ended it…"
And he smiled in agreement.
There's another instance of that, when Goku quits the fight. It's Goku that realises how Freezer's power is decreasing because he can't properly fight at his 100%, and when he tells that to Freezer, he is left in disbelief.
And if you want even another clear instance of that, in FnF (in the script written by Toriyama that mostly covers the fight against Freezer) it's also Goku the one sensing Freezer's power and realising his weakness, because Freezer didn't have a clue.
I take statements for what they are when there aren't other statements contradicting those. When there are contradictory statements, it's obvious that we have to use the logic to understand what is happening.Evil Vegeta said:That means Mecha Freeza is more powerful than before, freezamite. Your rebuttal is to create more convoluted explanations to somehow prove why all of these statements are built on deception. No. Sometimes you need to just take statements for what they are.
SSJ3 Goku for example, was he stronger than Fat Bu? Because when Piccolo asked about it he said he didn't think he could've won. But later he said he was stronger and that he just wanted Gotenks and Trunks to defeat Bu, which means that Goku lied at that point.
Yes, it is reiterated in nearly every DB product... EXCEPT FOR THE ONES WHERE THE AUTHOR (Toriyama) SPEAK. When Toriyama was asked about the power of the SSJ, he said Goku in Namek had the same power as when he was using the KKx10 and that the 50x multiplier was too high.Evil Vegeta said:This is reiterated in countless guides, video games, the Anime, everything.
Let me ask you a question, in those guides or video games or anime... is something as basic as Freezer's injuries affecting his power even taken into account? The answer is clearly no, and that's because every time Toriyama wrote a more complex scene Toei fucked up and the Toei boyz of course followed that logic instead of Toriyama's.
Another example, how many guides are there giving Nappa only 4000 units of strength only because in the first part of his fight against Goku he got curb-stomped?
Thing is, he may feel strengthened while still being much weaker. In Namek Freezer was injured and tired, as Mecha he was at full condition and without the drawback of having to force his body to draw his power. That makes him feel stronger, but that doesn't mean he is in fact stronger, he had to train to realise how strong he was and he obviously didn't train even for a bit.Evil Vegeta said:All of these profiles can't be incorrect simply because you believe so. Nope. That ain't how it works, fam. Freeza can feel if his new Mecha upgrade strengthened him or weakened him. He feels strengthened by them. That means he's more powerful by default or he would've never thought he powered-up enough to potentially take on Goku by himself.
Besides, the whole point of using Cold in his transformed form instead of his final form was to show Mecha's performance with something the readers knew. Cold was weaker than Freezer, and appeared in a form we knew how strong Freezer was, so it was pretty obvious what Toriyama intended.
Thing is, Gohan can't know if Mecha is hidding power or not. In fact, Mecha wasn't hidding his power as is proven later by the fact that he fought Trunks without further powering up, and Trunks gave him time to power up (Freezer was the one that launched the attack, not Trunks).Evil Vegeta said:Don't understand the Gohan point at all. There's no lie. He's clearly telling everyone that what they're sensing from Freeza is hardly the extent of his power. This means Mecha Freeza was suppressed.
See? Again, facts >>> statements.
Gohan stated that Freezer could increase his power, but Freezer couldn't do that, we saw it and it didn't happen. Gohan simply compared Mecha's power with Freezer's power in Namek, and knowing Freezer could hid his power (in the usual way and even through transformations) he assumed that's what was happening.
Trunks's Ki only increased for an instant when he cut Freezer's men (an instant short enough to make it impossible to identify), otherwise Gohan would've known from the beginning that Trunks wasn't his father.Evil Vegeta said:The Super Saiyan Trunks quote is simply talking about the Chi of a Super Saiyan. We're told that Super Saiyan has a special feeling to its Chi. If it was strictly a power statement, then why didn't Gohan say anything when Base Trunks' huge Chi appeared after cutting up Cold's men?
Because the Chi, despite being huge, had no familiarity to it whatsoever. Super Saiyan at least allowed Gohan to speculate that it was Goku because he had that type of Chi on Namek. Proof that Cold can transform? I'd like to see it.
Regarding the SSJ ki, yes, it has a different feeling than the usual Ki of a saiyan and that of course is what made Gohan say that Trunks was his father (because later in the series we know that even as SSJ they have no problem in identifying themselves), the thing is, he said he was his father with the ki he had in Namek. Don't you think that's a very big assumption if, according to you, the difference between SSJ Trunks and SSJ Goku was so big that Trunks was abysmally big (like, twice as big or even more)?
Gohan stated what he stated because Trunks Ki resembled that of Namek's Goku both in type and also in size, on the other hand he would've at least said "hey it's my father! But now he is much, much stronger!".
Lastly, proofs that Cold can transform you ask? What more proof do you want than the fact that Cold is already transformed? Remember that Freezer's race doesn't transform to increase his powers (until Freezer showed us his golden form) but to hide it, which means that the strongest form is the last one.
Considering that Cold was Freezer's father, and that he appeared in a form that resembled one of his sons transformations A LOT, it's obvious that he could of course distransform to his normal original form.
I'm comparing Goku's reaction. Yes, after recovering from the illness Goku couldn't beat Cell or the Androids, but Piccolo clearly could. Why would Goku be so scared about a Cell that even Piccolo could defeat if when also facing a stronger opponent (super kami piccolo bu) he mocked him only because Gohan was more than enough?Evil Vegeta said:2) Not comparable at all. Goku's saying he can't beat Cell or the Androids because he's weaker. Gohan is right below Goku when he's telling Boo that Gohan alone can handle him. That Boo situation is the strangest comparison I've ever heard.
Goku: “The way I am now, I definitely can’t beat the androids or this ‘Cell’ guy.”
So Androids>Cell>Super Saiyan Goku
Goku's reaction in those scenes demonstrate that it wasn't Ginger Town Cell what worried Goku (even Piccolo called Ginger Town Cell a disgrace of a monster and assumed that he was worried for no reason), but Cell's potential after having reached perfection.
He was losing power since the very beginning of the fight. Even the part of the fight where #18 was serious and Vegeta wasn't cost Vegeta a bit amount of energy.Evil Vegeta said:3) So he lost that much power in the following panel after Piccolo said he was slowly being pushed back?
After Piccolo said what he said, Vegeta was already at a point of not being able to keep up, and of course, the punches he received from the android further affected his strength, and that's why a couple of panels later he was #18's toy.
Of course Vegeta wasn't equal to her. Vegeta only was equal in terms of brute force, the difference being the android had unlimited energy while Vegeta didn't. That's a HUGE difference in favour of the android.Evil Vegeta said:Vegeta: “This is really starting to annoy me. You act as if nothing’s happened…”
No.18: “I’m surprised. To think that a flesh-and-blood human could be so good, even if you are an alien. Is this man called ‘Son Goku’ even stronger?”
Vegeta: “Don’t kid yourself. He may have temporarily slipped by me, but now things have returned to normal and I should be on top again.”
No.18: “What? So you’re nothing special. Either of you.”
By 18's own admission, Vegeta is nothing special. He's not equal to her. His blast did 0 damage to her.
And even when Vegeta's blast did 0 damage to her, that wasn't Vegeta's best attack nor anything like that, as he was still confident on being able to beat the android.
Look at what happens when Vegeta really tries his best and that does nothing:
Vegeta is not Goku. When Vegeta realises he is being overpowered he doesn't smile nor anything, he trembles in fear in fact. Against #18, her resisting that attack wasn't something Vegeta felt extraordinary, it surprised him a bit because he was underestimating the android, but nothing decisive. In fact, Vegeta still fought with #18 at her same level for a bit after that ki blast, it wasn't until later that he lost too energy to continue the fight.
Which is true. He was helpless against #18 because he barely matched her in terms of strength and the Android had unlimited energy. I mean, can you imagine beating someone that has your strength but that unlike you he doesn't get tired, nor loses strength when he is damaged? For Vegeta that fight was completely impossible to win even if he had a comparable strength.Evil Vegeta said:She even says he was helpless against her:
No.18: “He’s a damn fool…! Does he think that someone who was helpless against me could do anything against Cell the way he is now…?!”
Yes, Piccolo was considerably stronger (in terms of DB) than Vegeta, no one denies that. And the androids were of course superior as well (even the weakest of them, #18, was impossible for Vegeta).Evil Vegeta said:Let's see what Vegeta has to say on the matter:
Vegeta: “The battle power I sensed then really did surpass mine, as a Super Saiyan…Im-impossible…He’s just a Namekian...”
Vegeta: “They’re all just dicking around with me…! Easily surpassing the Super Saiyan, the greatest in the universe…!”
Are you aware that #17 is stronger than #18? If Piccolo could rival them, that means that he probably was between #17 and #18 at that point.Evil Vegeta said:Can't forget #16:
No.16: “It’s on the outskirts of West City…Two gigantic powers are probably fighting…”
No.16: “I don’t know. Neither is in my data. But one of the powers is large enough to rival you two.”
So no, Vegeta's not equal to #18. Not even close. #18 rivals the power Piccolo displayed against Cell, and that power alone outstripped Super Saiyan Vegeta's. Read Vegeta's quote. He says they've "easily" surpassed the Super Saiyan. Those aren't the words from someone who narrowly lost a battle because of stamina. The Super Saiyans were hella outclassed, as the quotes clearly show. You can use that one quote from Piccolo. I have a plethora of other quotes to show Vegeta isn't on 18's level at all.
And you say that Vegeta "narrowly" lost a battle? No, there's nothing narrow about Vegeta's defeat. You're trying very hard to undermine the importance of having unlimited stamina.
It's not only a matter of not getting tired, it's also a matter of not losing strength when you're injured. With Namek Goku and Freezer, even if Freezer was losing stamina faster than Goku, he could still have won if one attack could've injured Goku enough to compensate for that. With Vegeta and #18 that possibility wasn't there, it didn't matter how good hits Vegeta could connect, the android wouldn't be affected by them unless it was completely destroyed in a single attack.
Look, you have that fight very well explained in the manga. Everyone agrees (and when I say everyone, I mean everyone) in that Vegeta is fighting her in equal terms. Ten Shin Han agrees on it, Krilin agrees on it, Trunks agrees on it, and even Piccolo, who makes the observation that Vegeta is going to lose, agrees on it.
Even #17 agrees on it after seeing how good Vegeta is, when he says that if the other ones interfere, #18 wouldn't be able to win. The only quotes you have provided doesn't contradict what I'm saying, they just say that the androids were superior to SSJ Vegeta, which is true. It's just that for whatever reason you want Vegeta to be much weaker than he was.
Vegeta wasn't even a FPSSJ in the end of the Cell saga, so of course he got stronger. But he got stronger through training his SSJ, not increasing his power in his base state. The base state has a limit, and you asked why would they train in his base state if it can't improve, and the answer is to maintain his strength. Turning into a SSJ requires an extra effort for the body, so if they just want to do basic conditioning (which can be done in base state) why would they turn into SSJ and waste energy as a result?Evil Vegeta said:4) What does that have to do with anything? Vegeta trained in both Base and Super Saiyan to enhance his power. You do realize it's stated he was training to surpass Gohan and become the strongest again, right? The point is he's training to get stronger. Not merely to stay in shape. You added that.
Trunks time travel affected a lot of things, but of course, there's a reason why that happened. The SSJ put a strain on Goku's body, no one denies that, but Goku used his SSJ forms countless of times to prepare to fight the androids. In fact, he turned into a SSJ much more times in the present timeline than in the future one, even if you assume that he did it against Cold, because in the present timeline they knew about the androids and that forced them to train more than what they would have trained.Evil Vegeta said:5) We're told why it affected him much earlier. Countless times. Trunks' time traveling changed the timing of things. I have no idea why you even mentioned Kaio-Ken x20 when Vegeta clearly said turning Super Saiyan put extra strain on Goku's heart. Gohan said the symptoms never appeared, so he avoided taking the antidote. Goku most likely became a Super Saiyan to defeat Mecha Freeza and Cold in the future. The heart virus affected him quickly because that's just the way it happened. There was no interference in the timeline to change things.
Piccolo knows the power of a SSJ, and in fact he has a power that's pretty close to that of a SSJ, which means that during those 3 years Goku turned into a SSJ countless times, and still, he was less affected by the virus than in the future timeline.
So yes, it was the excessive stress on the body that made Goku vulnerable to the virus, and the only thing that could justify why in the future his body was more stressed is the Kaioh Ken, that technique that completely destroyed Goku's body even if used for just an instant.
In the manga there's plenty of consistency to it. In the earth, after having mastered the 10G gravity and further training for a period of time, Goku had 8k strength.Evil Vegeta said:6) Ergh, no. That's not true at all. There's no consistency to it. Super Saiyan Vegeta couldn't even lift Magetta at 1000 tons despite being wayyyyyy above Base Goku from Otherworld. You simply can't use numbers to reach a conclusion based on that one showing.
In Namek, after having mastered the 100G gravity and having taken a couple of zenkay powers more, he has 90k units of strength.
We know Goku had an extra zenkay power in Namek, and we know the base state limit is reached when you achieve the SSJ form.
We also know that 40 tons was TOO MUCH for base Goku. So yes, it may not be mathematically calculated, but it's obvious we can draw a pretty good approximation of Goku's power in his base state.
You've added Gohan's extrasensorial powers to know how much power a character is hiding, something that only happens in that single scene in the whole series and that doesn't happen even once any more.Evil Vegeta said:7) I don't add things that aren't in the story. Freeza having no clue about his new power is something you added.
I'm just saying that, in the same way Freezer didn't know about his power even BEFORE having turned into Mecha, after having done that, it was a strong possibility that he wouldn't know either, as we have countless of examples of characters having drastic changes in powers and not knowing how that change affected them until they try.
Look, AT is the one that said that SSJ Namek Goku was just about 10 times stronger than regular Namek Goku, which is what I'm saying and what is coherent with the feats and data given in the series.Evil Vegeta said:What this tells me (since you label it as "common sense") is that you believe your interpretation supersedes ours, AT's, every guidebook that says Mecha Freeza was stronger
I mean, you're using AT's name to contradict what AT was saying!
Am I the only one? Surely? Because I've seen in a lot of forums people saying that Mecha Freezer fought Trunks with a fraction of his power, which, in practical terms (Mecha being defeated while using a fraction of his power or him being defeated because he had a fraction of his power doesn't change anything power-scaling wise) it's more or less the same.Evil Vegeta said:the video game bios that said he was stronger, etc. You're the only person who seems to understand this hidden meaning while all of us are clueless. Come on, man. That's basically what you're saying.
And remember, you're the one contradicting what Akira Toriyama said in an interview, not me. I usually don't use interviews to prove my points as the manga is pretty clear about that, but since you want to use videogames or the anime, then the author's direct statement on the subject should clear any doubt more than anything else.
This is the manga of DB, what happens in a different manga isn't a good argument (even more when they have different conditions like the godly powers absorbed when they make those claims).Evil Vegeta said:8) What? Vegeta said he reached his limits and awakened as a Super Saiyan. Goku said training in the rosat a 2nd time would be pointless torture because they (him and Gohan) have pushed their bodies to the limits. How in the world can you say one guys statement is more accurate than the other guys? Vegeta said he and Goku were "nearing their limits" before Champa's tournament and what happens when the tournament ends? They train and continue to get stronger. So the whole "his opinion at the time" is a rebuttal that can easily apply to Vegeta. You're discrediting one statement because you don't agree with it. Not surprising.
And where is the difference you ask? The DIFFERENCE is that both Goku and Vegeta in DBS are SPECULATING. They assume they're close to their limits, but it's just that, an assumption. Both Goku and Vegeta in your examples say that BEFORE trying to train his bodies even further.
On the other hand, what Vegeta says is different. Vegeta says that his power reached a limit, that he continued to train with no results and after some time (and with Vegeta's personality, that probably was a lot of time) he realised that he couldn't go further, and that made him enrage an turn into a SSJ.
The difference is that Vegeta isn't speculating, Vegeta is CONFIRMING that he reached his limits.
1st: Bibidi says nothing about Vegeta's "natural" limits. That's something you've added to make your point. He just says he will release his dormant power beyond his limits, which can be interpreted as Vegeta's actual limits at that moment, or Vegeta's "natural/absolute" limits. Of course, since Vegeta still got stronger in DBS and under Toriyama's supervision, it's obvious which is the correct interpretation. You adding that "natural" word on the sentence to make your point also prove that you're more interested in being right at any cost (even at the cost of the truth) than in having a fair discussion.Evil Vegeta said:9) Yeah, no. He released all of his dormant power beyond its natural limits. That means Majin Vegeta is at a level that's above what he could naturally reach through training alone. Same with Gohan. When Dende healed Gohan, Boo made it a point to say his power didn't go up at all despite healing from the immense damage he took. These statements are there for a reason. Base Vegeta reaching a limit was his opinion at the time, and we later see that this opinion was wrong.
2nd: Yes, Mystic Gohan really broke his natural limits, the elder kaioshin insisted on that when he explained his powers. And of course, Mystic Gohan never turned any stronger than he was at that point (in fact, he became much weaker in DBS).
Vegeta: “I was tranquil…Tranquil and pure…Pure evil, that is…I wished to get strong just by training earnestly…And so I went through stupendous training over and over again…Eventually, I realized my limits…Through my anger towards myself, I suddenly awakened…into a Super Saiyan!”
So you think that one day the thought "I reached my limits" crossed Vegeta's head for no apparent reason and he just turned into a SSJ?Evil Vegeta said:He realized his limits and suddenly became a Super Saiyan. Nothing about "absolute", or anything that remotely makes this quote vastly different than the others. Simply disregarding what Goku said as "his opinion at the time" can easily be done here. Goku realized his limits in Full-Power Super Saiyan and didn't want to train again. Same thing.
No, that's not a valid interpretation at all.
He says he went through stupendous training over and over again... and that EVENTUALLY he realised his limits. That means that Vegeta trained a lot, he saw little to no improvement, but still continued to train a lot. And after a lot of training with no result, he realised his limits, then enraged and turned into a SSJ.
That wasn't Vegeta ending one of his trainings after having increased his strength (like Goku after the RoSAT) and saying "hmmm I may be in my limits" and then plufff, him suddenly becoming a SSJ.
No, that was Vegeta training with no results for a lot of time, getting frustrated as he couldn't reach what Goku achieved, and in the utmost height of his desperation becoming so enraged with himself that he achieved what normally only someone with a kind heart can achieve, a rage boost that allowed him to transform into a SSJ.
Of course it's different, it's completely different in fact.