Has Beerus been fodderized?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
withheldforprivacy said:
Powers increase so fast in DB/DBZ/DBS that every omnipotent guy is already useless by the next saga.
For Beerus to remain omnipotent, his power had to keep being retconned. Without the retcons, he'd
have been yamchafied by FNF saga already.
Or they could have not written stupid statements like how much Beerus used against Goku or say Vegeta and Goku together could defeat Beerus to begin with.

That statement of Goku and Vegeta being capable enough to defeat Beerus is only in the movie version of FnF. I think the stupid statement that Toei written was when Beerus said that he was only using 10% of his power against enrage Vegeta. :toei

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