Has Master Roshi really surpassed Yamcha?


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
I haven't watched the new movie but I decided to do some research on it and it turns out Ten thought Freeza's army would be too much for Yamcha and Chaozu and told them to stay on the farm but no one had any problem with Roshi tagging along. So is it true Roshi > Yamcha. I mean Roshi could have done some training with Krillin in between the Cell Games or Boo arc. I didn't know said training would give him that kind of power up though.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Lol, I don't know. It doesn't make much sense. The best psuedo explenation I can muster is that Yamucha was being a bit of a coward, or perhaps to look after Chouzu while Ten was gone.

As opposed to Roshi who just said fuck it, I'm old, let's go.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Lol, I don't know. It doesn't make much sense. The best psuedo explenation I can muster is that Yamucha was being a bit of a coward, or perhaps to look after Chouzu while Ten was gone.

As opposed to Roshi who just said fuck it, I'm old, let's go.

I believe the translation said due to a lack of power.

FutureProtagonist said:
Roshi was confident in challenging Broly.

From what I remember Roshi threw a rock at him and then ran away, I wouldn't call that confident.


Low Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
He was showing Broly the fuck up. I think we can certainly place him above Cell Games Gohan.

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">I don't really have a problem with Roshi being above Yamcha. Toei certainly has a hard-on for him and if he's managed to surpass Freeza soldiers, he must have gotten some kind of powerup. Besides, Yamcha could be 1,000 for all we know. His power is so underutilized that any kind of fan estimations are basically just hype. Sure he trained and stuff, but he never did anything. At all.</div>


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
Roshi tagged along to bring Senzu beans and it was his own choice to come and fight. Out-of-universe it is fan service. In-universe Roshi is itching for an exciting battle after so many years of relative peace at least for himself. I noticed while watching it in the theater that Roshi used a lot more martial arts and melee attacks than anyone else, using few ki blasts and no flying, and while he did well for a while, he was the first one to start getting overwhelmed by the Freeza force.

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