
Mar 2, 2018
It's Yoshi... SSJ2 was doing some soul-searching, and had decided that Kenshi's direct action and manipulation of the forum at large was unforgivable... He wanted to reach a compromise, however, and has decided to keep Kenshi on a tight leash. He'd invited me back here, only under the condition that I use this name and avatar. I was initially against the idea, as I don't like to be coerced into giving up my freedom... But I can appreciate the hazing rituals you guys might have for me. Public perception of me is at an all-time low and my explaining of Kenshi's misdeeds has seemed to have worked against me... I assure you, I will win you all back...

I will use this account only to talk about which animes are overrated, and also to update you all on my rape case. I hope that together we can overcome the misinformation and gaslighting campaign of one disturbed individual. :sure
Mar 2, 2018
Idea of Gaslight said:
Get on IRC you fat fuck... XD

It's responses like these that make me not want to come back. People seem to think I have a inseparable tie with this place when that isn't the case anymore. I've only logged on twice in the past few minutes. One was for my introduction thread to inform you all of my return, the other was to reply to your post. I want nothing to do with a forum that doesn't treat threads like this in this kind of tone seriously and only makes skype calls flat out roasting my decision like you and SSJ2 have.

I am only going to login to inform you all about how my sexual assault/child pornography case goes and that's it.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I hope not, because if it did tumblr would probably turn every other mental illness into a gender-

Wait, they've already done that haven't they?


Latest profile posts

Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work