Chapter: 143, P6.3Super Saiyan said:@Captain Cadaver what are the statements implying he got a zenkai?
But it wasn't exclusively destroying the boulder. Goku then fought Yajirobe and was shown to be serious which would be the perfect way to gauge his own power. When Tambourine returned to fight again, Goku made note that he had something to eat now. It seems odd that he would say that if he got a significant power increase.Captain Cadaver said:Chapter: 143, P6.3Super Saiyan said:@Captain Cadaver what are the statements implying he got a zenkai?
Context: after Piccolo and Goku fight a bit, before Piccolo gets serious
Piccolo: “To think that there’d be someone in this world who could knock my back to the ground…I see…At that level, it’s no wonder my underlings couldn’t handle you…”
Chapter: 144, P7.1
Context: after seeming to kill Goku
Piccolo: “Naturally, this level is about as far as a human could go.”
Even if assuming this was on account of Daimao underestimating this era's fighters or the "about" suggesting he's not quite Mutaito level respectively, both of these would point to a power boost when considering Prime Roshi/Tsuru are alluded to be a measuring stick above the 22nd TB competition.
I wouldn't say Goku's full strength comment need be the case when destroying such a large boulder is far from a noticeable enough strength feat that he could gauge any growth, not to mention Kuririn's statement from the Freeza Arc retroactively alludes to situations such as this being ones where Goku would've gotten stronger.
Captain Cadaver said:Considering Yajirobe was capable of enduring his blows without trouble, it wasn't exactly the best way for Galu to gauge his abilities when he didn't really have much of a measuring stick to how Yajirobe would compare against his prior strength. It can also be argued that neither got their chance to show the full extent of their abilities, given how Goku later remarked that Yajirobe cutting Cymbal in two was incredible.
It can be argued the Daizenshuu is simply reporting on the events as they transpired without taking into account further context in the same way as them saying Non-Ssjin3 Kibito = Base Gohan based on Goku's statement despite him later being shown to be far below the Base Saiyans or saying the battle between Gohan and Dabura was fairly even when Gohan was the only one losing stamina (or stating that Shin > KamicolloSuper Saiyan said:The Fagzenshuu makes it sound as though Galu didn't get a zenkai.
"As a Demon Clansman made to battle, his battle power is many times greater than Cymbal's. He beat down Goku, who was hungry and unable to put forth his true power, but later confronted Goku again. This time when Goku had a full stomach, and blew him to smithereens with a furious Kamehameha." -Daizenshuu 7, Human Racial Dictionary
Kibito not having made the GAINZ to lift the Z-Sword even slightly contradicts him being equal to Base Gohan pretty hard.GreatSaiyaman123 said:But nose of those are contradicted in the series CC.
How he handed the sword is pretty irrelevant when Base Goku could still lift it with difficulty whereas Kibito couldn't do so at all. The scene itself was also obviously meant as a comparison.GreatSaiyaman123 said:You could argue about how Kibito couldn’t even hold it, but Gohan dropped the thing on his hands (Unlike with Goku when he handed the sword to him).
If anything, Kibito's YUGE build goes against the idea they're equal.It’s also possible Kibito had the same amount of Ki but was lacking in brute strength, but given his build I doubt it.