Captain Cadaver said:How he handed the sword is pretty irrelevant when Base Goku could still lift it with difficulty whereas Kibito couldn't do so at all. The scene itself was also obviously meant as a comparison.
Even assuming Galu simply has an advantage in physical strength from his training, it would seem a stretch to assume physical strength was the pure deciding factor. If that's all it required, Gohan's Ki wouldn't have increased much if at all, something Goku doesn't support with him offering doubt at Gohan beating Boo rather than outright refuting his chances like he did with Post-Rosat Kamiccolo.
If anything, Kibito's YUGE build goes against the idea they're equal.
Super Saiyan said:Lmao @ Kibito dropping the sword because of how Gohan handed it to him. Come on man.
There's a difference. There's also a huge similarity between them as unless the wielder has the strength to lift it, gravity will do the work regardless of how you hand the object. Let's say a guy drops a 5kg dumbell out of his hand for you to catch as opposed to handing you the weight. It's going to be heavier, sure, but the additional kinetic force isn't going to be enough to make it feel like you're lifting 20kg.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Goku never lifted the sword though, he held it; that's a big difference.
Pulling on object out when trapped underneath a structure is a lot more difficult to do than swinging it about; now that's a big difference.Gohan is shown to actually need Super Saiyan to pull the sword off the ground but returns to base afterwards, because lifting an object is naturally harder than merely holding it. Unless you think Base Gohan > SSJ Gohan just by pulling the sword...
If strength was indeed the only factor, Goku would have no need to doubt and be sure of his opinion and I doubt even a Gohan as rusty as he was would think only increasing his arm strength would make a difference against a monster that can tool several SS2s.What else could be the deciding factor? The SEG establishes a clear difference between Ki and Power, and in the same guide Toriyama says Ki training is needed to get stronger because physical strength is limited. Goku himself may be doubtful, but Gohan seemed sure of what he gained: A stronger arm.
Only when faced with a worthy opponent, such as the CHADitz or Appule.Does that mean Kibito can transform into a SSjin3Grd3?![]()
Captain Cadaver said:There's a difference. There's also a huge similarity between them as unless the wielder has the strength to lift it, gravity will do the work regardless of how you hand the object. Let's say a guy drops a 5kg dumbell out of his hand for you to catch as opposed to handing you the weight. It's going to be heavier, sure, but the additional kinetic force isn't going to be enough to make it feel like you're lifting 20kg.
Pulling on object out when trapped underneath a structure is a lot more difficult to do than swinging it about; now that's a big difference.
If strength was indeed the only factor, Goku would have no need to doubt and be sure of his opinion and I doubt even a Gohan as rusty as he was would think only increasing his arm strength would make a difference against a monster that can tool several SS2s.
Chapter: 478 (DBZ 284) said:Context: after Gohan practices with the Z Sword more
Goku: “That’s great! Amazin’, amazin’! I’m impressed that you seem to have mastered it so much in just 1 day!”
Kaioshin: “Magnificent!”
We're shown a miscalculation of the duo later on though. Vegeta initially chalks up Kibito's death to him getting careless, yet is later confident that everyone just overestimated Shin (and by extension, Kibito) due to his status. Also, judging his power on how he looks when he has yet to do anything isn't a solid indicator at all.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Chapter: 443 (DBZ 249), P9.1-3
Context: as Gohan prepares to fight Kibito
Gohan: “Man, this is a predicament. Bulma told me that if people found out my true power, there'd be a big commotion and it'd become hard for me to go to school anywhere. That's why I disguised myself, but...He doesn’t seem like an opponent that I can beat while suitably covering up [my true power].”
In a manga for kids, do you think Toriyama is writing this statement already considering it a miscalculation on Gohan’s part? The point of the Z Sword scene is to make a joke out of Kibito, the reason he failed to hold the sword is irrelevant as he’s still humiliated either way.
He'd been led to believe just one of these two strangers was far above Piccolo due to the latter's surrender. That's more than enough for him to be cautious of what Kibito could be capable of. This is also a Gohan so rusty that he could fall for a Zanzoken and thought Goten throwing rocks at him whilst in SSJ would make a good exercise. With the restriction of not wanting his glasses removed (and keeping in mind how much a difference clothing restrictions will soon makeGreatSaiyaman123 said:On the estimatives for Kaioshin and Kibito, it’s worth noting Gohan did think his SSJ power could beat Kibito, so he wasn’t necessarily overrating him that much. The fact he didn’t even try to fight in base with the stakes being so high on his social life implies it’s more than just an educated guess.
He attributed Kibito's death to him being careless, suggesting that Kibito would at least be capable of dodging if not caught off-guard or doing something more against a Dabura who's movements already presented him as Cell's equal. If that isn't overestimating Kibito, I don't know what is.Vegeta considered Kibito a jobber for not dodging Dabra and Goku implied that wasn’t his FP, so it doesn’t sound like they expected those two to be on their level.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:I thought you had headed out…
So the intent is saying Kibito is weaker than Gohan? After Gohan said he can’t beat Kibito
and supplementary source?
Yeah, it gotta be based on those panels of Goku and Gohan having little trouble with the sword or Kibito failling to pull the sword because of his posture… Because they don’t exist.
Super Saiyan said:It's evident you've never attempted weight training before. I'm 150lbs, and I could probably deadlift upwards of 300 lbs right now. That is literally the stance that Kibito is in when trying to pick the sword up on the ground. Now if I was to try to pick the barbell up with 1 hand fully extended, my shoulder would break off. You're failing to acknowledge that Goku is capable of holding the entire mass of the sword in only one hand with zero leverage. It doesn't matter if the sword is pointing up or down, the mass is still the same. Your argument is also based on the assumption that Gohan threw the sword at Kibito when there is no factual proof of that. The handoff isn't even shown to us, yet somehow you know that it was thrown at Kibito? The point of the scene was for Gohan to make fun of Kibito? Why would he make fun of a guy who is equally as powerful as himself? Gohan was tired of Kibito harping on him and wanted to prove a point to make Kibito shut up. Evidently that worked as we see Kibito embarrass himself.
As for Gohan's assumption that he wouldn't be able to beat Kibito without revealing his disguise is based on an assumption that Kibito is that strong. Kibito's ki couldn't be sensed, so Gohan is going off instinct. We later learn that Kibito is merely a scrub who gets embarrassed when lecturing Gohan. It's simple bro.