ahill1 said:
But it isn't like Luffy was pushed too far while on Gear Fourth. The whole time while on G4, he was outmatching Doflamingo, so it's doubtful that such state would undergo a power increase. I mean, I dunno... It's possible, but I'd be more content on assigning a power increase to the states that were indeed outperformed by Dofy, the G2 and G3.
He was so fatigued after using it that he required constant rest immediately after defeating Doflamingo, so his body was certainly pushed to the limit by just using it. I wouldn't say there's anything to suggest his boost didn't remain proportionate to each form, given the only time where the gap between them was presented as lowering afterwards was when he was
getting an asspulled power up gradually increasing his Haki in base against Katakuri.