Kuririn had a spare Senzu during the Raditz battle?


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Let's say that Kuririn and Yamcha still had those spare Senzus they said they had in the 23rd, allowing the former to just heal Galu's Makankosappo wound. How does this change the events of the series?

Assume that Galu doesn't get a plot breaking Namek style zenkai, only a zenkai of 1.33~1.5x similar to the ones prior to the Ginyu Force battles.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming Kami doesn't telepathically intervene and tell Kuririn to let Galu die for the greater good Kaio's training will provide, Piccolo discusses with Goku about Gohan's hidden power and the necessity to train him. Goku reluctantly agrees and goes with Piccolo to train him. With Goku there to support Gohan, his physical and mental development is drastically improved from in canon with him becoming far more balanced and his adjustment to training far more natural. Piccolo is conflicted about training and aiding his sworn enemy, but takes some solace in having proven he can kill Goku in the right circumstances. Having an equal training partner helps Piccolo grow far stronger than in canon and Goku, though it's ultimately less effective for Galu than Kaio's training. Even if made aware of his Zenkais, Goku would have no method of abusing them with limited senzu and wouldn't bring up the Rosat when he may believe the three of them to have reached the level they can handle the new threat. Even should the group beat Nappa, Vegeta is too much for them and he kills the Dragon Team before eradicating Earth's population and heading back to Planet Freeza #79. Things progress the same for Vegeta until he arrives on Namek as the lack of a Zenkai would make him even more secretive than in canon, not even trying to fight Cui openly. Eventually though, one of Freeza's elites kills him be it Dodoria, Zarbon or a Ginyu member, Freeza fails to get his wish granted and he destroys Namek. Freeza continues his reign uninterrupted unless he should somehow encounter Babidi or Beerus decides to wake up decades later.
Assuming Gero managed to survive due to Vegeta not outright destroying Earth and the durability of his gate ( :troll ), he reconstructs himself as an Artificial Human far earlier, though lacks the ability to make #17 or #18 or their equivalents. Thus, Cell is unable to achieve his perfect form, for now. Once Cell emerges, he and Gero use what resources they have to go into space to more hospitable planets. They eventually encounter the Freeza Force and overthrow Freeza, utilising their resources to their advantage to create the components Cell needs to become perfect. After that, it's debatable if Cell would keep Gero around, though either way it leads to Cell venturing space to find new opponents to prove his perfection against. Whether or not he'd have the ability to overcome Dabura or Broly through his abilities, however, is anyone's guess.

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