ahill1 said:
I completely disagree with Freeza not being at 100% when he said he'd go 100%. Maybe his power started to drop after the Super Nova vs Kamehameha clash, since he said he'd lose even more power was he caught in the explosion, but that's about it.
That goes directly against the overall rule that an injured character loses strength. And why would Freezer lose energy if he was caught in the explosion of Namek but not when he was caught on the Genkidama?
Freezer being at 100% when he went 100% would be bad writing considering the context of the series, so unless there's a statement out there that I missed confirming that Freezer doesn't lose energy when he is injured, then he should do it.
He clearly loses energy when he is cut with the kienzans, he is aware that he will lose energy if the planet explosion catches him and his "even injured I still can kill you all" sentence wouldn't have any sense if he was still fresh as if nothing had happened so everything points to him having lost energy.
Furthermore, that would cause further contradictions with the manga, because why did Goku give Cell a senzu bean if Freezer wasn't affected by the injuries and of course that ability transferred to him?
ahill1 said:
That doesn't make sense. Even if you think Freeza's 100% was way below his 50%, Gohan was completely flabbergasted with Goku having SSJ and didn't state anything about it having less power than his Kaioken x20.
1. Ki perception is not like a scoutter. It depends on a lot of factors that go from the attitude of a fighter, the strength the perceiver has... and even when it works, it doesn't give a number but a notion of how strong someone is. An obvious example is when Cell powers up in front of SSJ2 Gohan and everyone is terrified at how strong Cell is. Why would they be terrified if he was fodder to SSJ 2 Gohan? They didn't realise Gohan's superiority until he trashed Cell.
There are dozens of examples that demonstrate how vague the ki detection is compared to the scoutter (hell, even Cell believed he could defeat SSJ2 Gohan despite being much weaker).
And given that Gohan went from being at 100% fresh condition when Goku used the KKx20 to nearly not having any energy when Goku turned into a SSJ (he gave most of his energy to Piccolo and used what he had left in a Ki blast against Freezer), I'm not so sure Gohan could've been able to properly compare KKx20 Goku with SSJ Goku.
2. Even if Gohan could have compared Goku's Ki to his previous KK states with 100% of accuracy, it wouldn't make any sense for Gohan to state it. Goku was a SSJ and he was stronger than Freezer at that point, why would Gohan have the necessity to say "hey father, don't get cocky because you aren't that strong"?
And in the same way he doesn't state anything about it having less power, he also didn't state anything about him having become stronger than ever.
ahill1 said:
He said he felt more like a 10x boost when drawing. That doesn't invalidate the boost being 20x+, at least in the Namek saga, whereas it was pretty much implied the SSJ was a higher boost than Kaioken x20.
Unless Toriyama was possessed by a spirit when he was drawing the manga and could only guess what that spirit had on mind, then what he felt is what was drawn.
One doesn't draw a character with the idea of giving him a power of 1.000 and then that character magically ends with a power of 10.000 unless he screws the writing.
He drew the SSJ being close to the KKx10, and that also happens to be the better approach considering that your option implies a multitude of writing errors for Toriyama's part.
I insist in that if we go with your interpretation then Freezer only looses strength when the plot requires it and not when he should, Cell is also a contradiction because shouldn't loose any strength if Freezer didn't loose it, and Toriyama basically fucked everything up only to portray an idea that wasn't what he had on mind to begin with. And all that while Freezer speaks as if he had actually lost strength which would make the writing even worse (if Toriyama didn't want to weaken Freezer, it would've been as easy as to make him say something like "that was your best attack monkey? Because it has felt like a mosquito bite to me").
If you had some indisputable evidences that this could be the case... but it seems you don't. Gohan could've noticed and could've said that the SSJ was weaker than the KKx20 even if he had no reason to say so, but then he could've also said that he was much stronger than ever before and he didn't say that either. So unless you bring other more solid evidences, then I have to stick with my position here. Toriyama could make some mistakes, but he wasn't completely retarded either.
ahill1 said:
Since I have Goku base at 7,000,000 his SSJ would be 350,000,000 imo.
Those numbers would add even more inconsistencies to the series in my opinion. Firstly, Cell's absorption method would be inconsistent. If by absorbing hundreds of thousands of humans he gained hundreds of millions of power, or nearly every human he absorbed was as strong as Raditz or he should've surpassed Piccolo once he got the energy of his arm.
On the other hand, 7.000.000 for Goku's base state would also contradict the 40 tons feat of the Bu saga that scales well with a base power limit of 300.000 to 400.000 at best.