Done already. Still don't care. And he never did it in one-shot anyways, so why should I care ? Plus, it's not like we know if there isn't more star/planets, as Goku was only going in the ravaged planet.
"Still don't care" if you don't care, then don't reply.
There was flashbacks of him starting his destructions when he was a teen:
Even after growing up, he was still doing that.
It's clear you didn't watch the movie, because him destroying planets as a child isn't related to him destroying the galaxy since the idea was given from Paragus AFTER he controlled his son, not before. So no
"Attacked" the galaxy. Sorry, I don't rely on the dub. And for such a galaxy, King Kai all but points Goku towards its direction.
Lol and ? He pointed to the direction proves what ? Seriously reread your arguments before presenting them.
"Attacked" the Galaxy. Watch the subs.
Yeah, and many others like King Kai and Goku said he destroyed it as well, clearly the people scripting the movie don't see a difference between attacking, tearing up and destroying.
Again, to "attack" his own nothern galaxy. And to answer to "at this rate", it still took the Galaxy being nearly destroyed to react.
Actually go watch the subs, but since you are not bothered
I hope you understand what it means "AT this Rate", meaning the speed Broly is doing things, he can destroy his own northern galaxy next.
Right, as if Broly just flied in the Galaxy to do what he did.
Yeah, he did, just he did as a baby getting off Planet Vegeta while sleeping lol flying in space as a baby is shown not to be a problem for him.
So what ? Are you suggesting that Broly and Paragus were just flying around in the Galaxy to do the deed ? That they are MFTL and can breath in the Galaxy ?
-.- seriously you just prove you never watched the movie, Baby Broly literally was flying in space asleep. And Paragus ? lol I guess you didn't get the memo when paragus was on earth and said WHILE he was on earth that the legendary super saiyan was destroying the southern galaxy.
Broly has already done some work anyways. And we don't exactly WHEN he controlled Broly. Goku was fully grown up when he was 21, so for all we know, it might have still took years.
Yeah what work ? Destroying 2 or 3 planets ? or 300 planets before being controlled, yeah sorry lol that's still nothing to a galaxy, wouldn't even measure to even star level spacing. Its confirmed that RSSJ Broly, the one Goku fought against, destroyed the galaxy.
Pretty great assumption if you ask me. Besides, I'm beginning to think that they were just assaulting civilizations instead of the galaxy. It makes sense with the flashbacks and Broly's method in the movie (planet by planet), but it's not like you'll ever agree, right ? So let's agree to disagree.
It isn't an assumption, considering both King Kai and Paragus said Broly was destroying the galaxy while talking to others, let Paragus did on earth and King kai with the "at this rate" comment. Meaning Broly is destroying it right in front of them. And it was confirmed by king Kai a SSj was doing it, and that SSJ was RSSJ Broly against Goku.