Movie 10 SSjin Broli vs Super Bojack


High Class Warrior
Jul 26, 2015
M8 Broli isn't a true galaxy buster. Just a Large star buster which is required to do everything he did. And massively faster than light.

If m8 becomes canon then large star would fit quite nicely with solar system spc

Super Saiyan Overlord1007

High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Ugh, I haven't been to a battle thread in some time, heck I barely even remember where I put SSJ Broly M10. I like to go with the idea of SSJ M10 Broly = LSSJ M8 Broly, and in which case I'd have him weaker than Super Bojack, heck I'd have him weaker than Base Bojack. So I'll give this to Bojack.

EDIT: I don't think Broly in any of his appearances was a galaxy buster. If you want to say "Broly destroyed the Southern Galaxy", I'd say he destroyed it by leaving it in ruins, purging planets of life one at a time rather than nuking the place in one fell swoop like so many Broly extremist believe. I mean

1. King Kai literally points Goku in the Galaxy's direction, why would King Kai tell Goku to go to a place that was supposedly destroyed? Shouldn't said place that was destroyed not even be there in the first place? How would he expect him to investigate then?

2. You still that stars and planets are very much intact while Goku is traveling to the Southern Galaxy, soo....

3. The whole movie takes place on a planet IN SAID GALAXY, Broly just conveniently left a planet in tact for Paragus' plan? Mind controlled or not, I don't Broly gave a single eff about his father's plans.

I don't think ANYONE in the franchise has Galaxy Busting Power. Beerus, anyone on his level, or the higher ups from GT are the only people I can see having that kind of power.

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