New DBS Chapter is Out


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Well as we expected Gohan is effectively written out of even the peanut gallery where Pan, the Pilaf trio and 2-foot tall Marron of all people are part of. The 2-day limitation on the RoSaT seems to have been removed considering that the exit didn't disappear when Vegeta walked in and Goku and Vegeta both trained for 3 years straight. The guy Beerus had trouble with, apparently... has a dog shit design to say the least, although the gag with Bulma's sagging boobs was funny.

The 6 Dragonballs under Champa's possession has now been elaborated upon to keep Super's plot hole count from getting any higher. Evidently the 7 Super Dragonballs are scattered throughout both universes, not unique to each universe altogether.

All around far more interesting than the FNF arc ever was.

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