One thing GT did better than Super


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Is how the characters decide to spend their in-between battles time. In Super everyone is barbecuing together, all gathered in Satan's or Bulma's place. That doesn't feel right, specially for Piccolo and Tenshinhan. They are more the lone wolf type, or lone wolf and cub. They ain't spending time together with everyone. Tenshinhan made it pretty clear when he was parting ways with everyone post the Cell's debacle and Piccolo is generally on his own too in the Kami's temple. I can't see them taking their time and sticking around for parties and these crap. They likely see the hardships of living alone as a way to toughen up themselves as warriors, which GT portrays better. Battlefield is the only place they should be acting together.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Tenshinhan showed up to help Gohan though, so his expectation of never meeting any of the Z Senshi again was broken. GT does the everybody gathering up thing too anyway, with how most of the Dragon Team gathered up post-Baby, or during the Tenkaichi Budokai and so on.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
GT at least felt like the characters were somewhat in-character and that extends to their interactions with one another. Super feels like the collective IQ of all characters was lowered by at least 50%. It's hard to watch after watching Z.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Tenshinhan showed up to help Gohan though, so his expectation of never meeting any of the Z Senshi again was broken. GT does the everybody gathering up thing too anyway, with how most of the Dragon Team gathered up post-Baby, or during the Tenkaichi Budokai and so on.
He only showed up because there was a need to. He intended not showing up because he didn't think there would be another threat that required his presence (as little as his help would amount to). In Super, they're sticking together for small things like a barbecue or a party. At least in GT they had the excuse of a tournament, which attracted Piccolo in the End of Z too -- tho Tenshinhan didn't appear, fulfilling his line of not meeting his comrades again.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GT at least felt like the characters were somewhat in-character and that extends to their interactions with one another. Super feels like the collective IQ of all characters was lowered by at least 50%. It's hard to watch after watching Z.
Not only that, but they actually grew in a reasonable way. Goten's simplistic motivation of girls (despite how one-dimensional it was) still added more than being a kid doing kid stuff (and Super sticking him in that role perpetually), Trunks had grown responsible and showed some interesting parallels to his future timeline self, Vegeta naturally progressed from his Boo Arc catharsis, etc.
Meanwhile, Super's so obsessed with keeping character traits as memorable that it'll either regress characters like Vegeta for flimsy reasons or inflate character traits hyperbolically like Galu's naivete and kind heart being turned into dumb carelessness.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
It kind of reminds me of how Oda constantly uses dumb gag traits for characters like Sanji and Brook. Super does the same thing by making Goku inexplicably stupid at any given chance, or forces Vegeta to be angered by the gap between him and Kakarot. They haven't grown as characters whatsoever, and the rest of the cast is featured so rarely that they have been devolved to irrelevancy.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Nah, you see, Piccolo became a father to the Son family so it's more fitting he would have picnics with them every weekend instead.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
The only thing Super really does better than GT would be fight scenes, which is still undermined by the sheer nonsense that happens in them (which makes GT look tame), like Vegeta going SSJBE straight after using Final Explosion because of muh resolve and whatnot. Super does to its credit show the scale of a universal/multiversal conflict better than GT does though, like Merged Zamasu being able to affect multiple timelines as a ghost and Kefla being able to universe bust with a casual blast whereas even a supposedly universal concentration of negative energy like Yi Xing Long's Minus Energy Ball looked like a tiny Death Ball from SSJ Galu vs. Freeza in Namek filler :troll and didn't even erase base Galu's body, and he tried to kill Galu with a fucking clock of all fucking things and thought he'd die from being dropped onto a fucking pirate statue at a theme park lmao. Both GT and Super are fucking terrible though. Would only watch them over say Naruto Shippuden because Studio Pierrot made that show 80% filler.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
The only thing Super really does better than GT would be fight scenes, which is still undermined by the sheer nonsense that happens in them (which makes GT look tame), like Vegeta going SSJBE straight after using Final Explosion because of muh resolve and whatnot. Super does to its credit show the scale of a universal/multiversal conflict better than GT does though, like Merged Zamasu being able to affect multiple timelines as a ghost and Kefla being able to universe bust with a casual blast whereas even a supposedly universal concentration of negative energy like Yi Xing Long's Minus Energy Ball looked like a tiny Death Ball from SSJ Galu vs. Freeza in Namek filler :troll and didn't even erase base Galu's body, and he tried to kill Galu with a fucking clock of all fucking things and thought he'd die from being dropped onto a fucking pirate statue at a theme park lmao. Both GT and Super are fucking terrible though. Would only watch them over say Naruto Shippuden because Studio Pierrot made that show 80% filler.
Supers fight scenes are terrible for 99% of the series. The animation for the entire series is usually stiff, lifeless and about as well animated as a clip show. The point where the series gets some good fights scenes is the Future Trunks arc (the brief clip of Goku and Trunks V Zamasu and Goku Black) as well as Vegito V Zamasu. The only point where Super ever gets well animated and visually appealing battles is in the ToP saga. But even then I'm not sure to call them better than GT because Super completely cribs from the late Buu arc (early GT) style for them.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Supers fight scenes are terrible for 99% of the series. The animation for the entire series is usually stiff, lifeless and about as well animated as a clip show. The point where the series gets some good fights scenes is the Future Trunks arc (the brief clip of Goku and Trunks V Zamasu and Goku Black) as well as Vegito V Zamasu. The only point where Super ever gets well animated and visually appealing battles is in the ToP saga. But even then I'm not sure to call them better than GT because Super completely cribs from the late Buu arc (early GT) style for them.
GT's fight scenes are usually all Ki blast spamming and stilted looking dodging scenes though. I can confidently say there are a mere handful of good fight scenes in GT after Galu vs. Redjic, with the Goku Jr. vs. Vegeta Jr. fight in the last episode of all things being the highlight of the latter half of GT in terms of choreography when SSJ4 fight scenes should've logically looked far more impressive. Not to mention other than Oob being relevant for one episode after merging with Good Boo, everyone but Goku and/or Vegeta being fodder is probably taken to the greatest heights in GT compared to any other part of the franchise except FnF.

In fact, even calling Vegeta relevant is stretching it when he still hasn't achieved SSJ3 15 years after the Boo arc, and his only moments of relevance were as Baby's vessel or as a component for SSJ4 Gogeta (with him just becoming reduced to a punching bag for YXL and the revived SXL after they defuse).
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Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
GT's fight scenes are usually all Ki blast spamming and stilted looking dodging scenes though. I can confidently say there are a mere handful of good fight scenes in GT after Galu vs. Redjic, with the Goku Jr. vs. Vegeta Jr. fight in the last episode of all things being the highlight of the latter half of GT in terms of choreography when SSJ4 fight scenes should've logically looked far more impressive. Not to mention other than Oob being relevant for one episode after merging with Good Boo, everyone but Goku and/or Vegeta being fodder is probably taken to the greatest heights in GT compared to any other part of the franchise except FnF.

In fact, even calling Vegeta relevant is stretching it when he still hasn't achieved SSJ3 15 years after the Boo arc, and his only moments of relevance were as Baby's vessel or as a component for SSJ4 Gogeta (with him just becoming reduced to a punching bag for YXL and the revived SXL after they defuse).
Did we watch the same series? GTs fight scenes were absolutely nuts with what Toei did, Baby's assimilation of Earth and those fights, Goku V Baby, Uub V Baby, Super 17 V Goku. Goku Vs Eis Shenron and Nuova Shenron. As well as the massive brawl with Omega Shenron. GT doesn't have a lot of big massive fight scenes like Z does, probably because its a much smaller series that also had a heavy adventure focus. But what it did bring to to the table was excellent for the series.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
GT's fight scenes sucked, lol. Goku vs. Baby (1st fight) had terrible animation, the second fight was him getting knocked out of SSJ3 in like a minute after doing nothing and even the final fight after they went into their final forms ended with an episode with terrible animation (the one where Galu blasted off Baby's tail). The first Oob vs. Baby fight was Baby somehow deciding to play around with a guy weaker than the same Goku he stomped in a form far weaker than the one he entered after absorbing the Saiyans' and Earthlings' power, with possessed Gohan and co. being idiots that somehow assumed Baby was in danger (which is retarded considering Baby even said he didn't even need to use a RDB as big as the one he tried to kill base Goku with against Oob, and makes him look weaker than he should). Majin/Super Oob vs. Baby was better, but it was 90% just a big Ki blast struggle and no real meat to it. None of the other fight scenes you named are good, except maybe that one episode where Galu succeeded in blasting Super Yi to pieces with his Dragon Fist, but then the Gogeta episode was 90% Gogeta just fooling around and even the Big Bang Kamehameha looked pitifully weak compared to Gohan's Father-Son Kamehameha or SSJ3 Galu's Kamehameha in Z episode 280. I don't think the "it's a smaller series" excuse holds up by then either since by the time of Baby arriving on Earth, GT had shifted into the planetary/universal scale superpower battle theme from DBZ (to the point the final GT battle went almost exactly like the battle against Boo).

The whole reason I'm even delegating time to writing a GT fanfiction every weekend is because there's so much room for improvement even though there were several good concepts like a return to the worldly/intergalactic adventure theme we saw in pre-Piccolo Daimao DB or in Freeza arc filler, Evil Dragons and so on (none of which were handled well).

Granted, most of the fight scenes from the first 3 or so arcs of Super (except the rare exceptions like Goku vs. Hit) are even worse than GT's fights, but two wrongs don't make a right. I definitely agree GT had better character writing and less plot holes (even though there were a lot), though.
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