Piccolo > Kaioshin Numbers


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
Goku 1,000
Majin Yakon 900
Vegeta 800
Kid Gohan 750
Gohan 600
RoF Gohan 500
Vegeta (vs Pui Pui) 450
RoF Piccolo 375
Piccolo 350
Vegeta CG 305
Trunks CG 300
Kid Trunks Rosat 300
Goten Rosat 290
Pui Pui 300
Trunks 250
Goten 240
Android 18 225
Expected Saiyans 200
Kaioshin 150

Man, I think this is pretty perfect. Notice how I placed RoF Gohan in here. RoF Gohan is piss weak, in the anime there seems to be talk about him possibly being weaker than Kid Gohan. I have enough room to actually make this work.

The only way to make RoF Gohan piss weak compared to Kid Gohan and super strong against the boys is to put him around either Goku CG or Teen Gohan's level. I opted to make him even weaker than his Buu Saga self and put him in line with CG Goku.

I made RoF Piccolo at 75% of RoF Gohan, showing the huge disparity in power between the two of them.

Here's the breakdown of Piccolo's power over the course of being Kamiccolo.

Piccolo (vs 17) 250
Post Rosat 325
Buu Saga 350
BoG/RoF 375

I think Piccolo > Kaioshin is the only way to make majority of these things work. He's clearly nowhere near as strong as implied and perhaps Piccolo picks up on his God abilities or something, which appear to be at least Super Saiyan tier or even better.

Gohan >>> (Vegeta vs Pui Pui) >>> Pui Pui >>> Expected Saiyans >> Kaioshin

There's no way that will jive with the idea of the boys being close to the adults and Piccolo still being stronger than the boys. I think I've found the only way to make all of this work.

Kaioshin ends up being equal with Goku, but not CG Goku, he's equal with Androids Saga Goku, which is enough power to kill Freeza in one shot.

Vegeta (vs Pui Pui) should be well above his power at the CG, considering Gohan and Goku in the anime filler comment on Vegeta being much stronger now, yet, still way below Gohan's level, since Gohan can help out against Yakon and Babidi expects Yakon to kill 3 Vegetas easily.

I think I've finally gotten my resolution on what to do with these characters. See, most people don't realize what an absolute nuisance it is to power scale things at this point of the series. You literally can't power scale the complete Cell Games until you've addressed RoF Gohan vs Piccolo issues as well as where the Buu Saga powers end up. You have to go 100 steps forward to complete 1 step.

It's such a pain.

And that Kaioshin thing was a nightmare, I think I'm comfortable with this. There's no way the adults are 10x the kids.

Toriyama clearly changes certain ideas from the Budokai into Babidi's ship, so this seems to be a good way to handle things.

Kaioshin considers Babidi a real threat, Piccolo walks through him like nothing.

I doubt I'll ever even power scale Super, but I'd like to set myself up to be able to do it. Or perhaps someone can continue my work one day.

The Fusion stuff is going to be difficult, the big question is whether or not to give fusions the same boosts as everyone else. Logic would dictate yes, otherwise, Vegetto using Kkx10 against Buuhan would have been more logical.

But that's an issue I'm not ready to cover yet.

Now with the new Budokai Retcon logic, I have to take some time to figure out how to do the Super Saiyan 2 Boost.

I think 4x is probably still going to be the right number. Super Saiyan 3 might be 10x. And if you are going 4x for Super Saiyan 2, it feels like why not make it a clean 5x?

I feel like 3x for SSj2 works good as well.

Perhaps and 8x SSj3 boost would work too? Essentially just doubling the SEG numbers?


May 30, 2015
The Daiz states that Kaioshin is stronger than Piccolo. This backs up what we see in the 25th, where Piccolo forfeits against Kaioshin.

Goku: 1,000
Yakon: 933
Vegeta: 667
Gohan: 500
Pocus: 467
Kaioshin: 333
Kibito: 315
Piccolo: 250
Trunks: 250
#18: 233
Goten: 233


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
The Daiz states that Kaioshin is stronger than Piccolo.
The Daiz also says that Goten has power that is not in the least bit inferior to Gohan.

We also have Piccolo coming out strongest in Buu.

Which means...

1. Gohan ~ Goten

2. Piccolo > Goten.

3. Gohan > Kaioshin > Piccolo > Goten

See the issue?

We have multiple contradictory issues. The weakest claim is Kaioshin > Piccolo.

Piccolo: 250
Piccolo is stated to have reach a new level after his training in the RosAt.


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
Piccolo forfeits against Kaioshin.
Piccolo only forfeits based on sensing Kaioshin's God presence, he never actually senses his ki. Piccolo can't sense the ki of a god.

Where do you put Expected Saiyans on this list?


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
Below Kaioshin.
This is wrong though.

Kaioshin doesn't think he has a chance against Goku, then later outside the ship, states that the other Saiyans might rival Goku.

Expected Saiyans >> Kaioshin

And not just by a little bit. By at least 1.2x at minimum I'd think.

Toriyama forgot Piccolo went into the ROSAT.
There's no evidence of this.

Piccolo is stronger then the Base Boys, who have trouble with Android 18 and then go into the Rosat and are still weaker than Piccolo. The evidence points towards Piccolo being a lot stronger than the Boys.

Piccolo > Base Boys Post > Base Boys Pre > Android 18

Proves Piccolo did indeed go into the Rosat and progress his power.


May 30, 2015
I might have to edit my Battle Powers again.


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
I might have to edit my Battle Powers again.
The Buu Saga is truly treacherous.

I think there are several retcons going on.

I don't think Kaioshin is anywhere as strong as he's initially implied. Remember, he's not only stronger than Piccolo, he's dimensions above him. This is not a mere 1.5x boost. It must be referring to something else.

Also, being dimensions above Piccolo doesn't warrant Gohan to think he ever needs Super Saiyan against a guy who's friends with someone who'd smash Piccolo.

Base Gohan > Much stronger than Piccolo > Piccolo

So that's something to keep in mind.

And Piccolo > Base Boys seems to be grounded in pure logic. The struggle with 18 and respected her power.

Base Boys > Piccolo is equally as bad as Piccolo > Kaioshin.

It's a rough saga, but we have to make good decisions.

Either Pui Pui isn't as strong as expected, Kaioshin is not stronger than Piccolo or Piccolo is not stronger than the Base Boys.

It's a pick em which one is worse. Maybe short changing Pui Pui would be the right answer, but I don't really see any evidence for it.


Mid Class Warrior
Aug 21, 2016
The Daiz also says that Goten has power that is not in the least bit inferior to Gohan.

We also have Piccolo coming out strongest in Buu.

Which means...

1. Gohan ~ Goten

2. Piccolo > Goten.

3. Gohan > Kaioshin > Piccolo > Goten

See the issue?

We have multiple contradictory issues. The weakest claim is Kaioshin > Piccolo.

Piccolo is stated to have reach a new level after his training in the RosAt.
I don't think cherrypicking inconsistencies and acting like it's representative of the entire guide is a genuine argument to make. It's like if I were to claim, "Well, the Daizenshuu states 17 is stronger than 18 which is true. Therefore, we should always trust the Daizenshuu." Just because someone has been wrong once doesn't mean they're wrong all the time. Shueisha views it as their most comprehensive guide and Toriyama did approve it in some capacity.

All that said, I agree based on our conversation that Kaioshin > Piccolo causes way too many issues.


Nov 24, 2019
RoF Gohan>RoF Piccolo>Buu arc Piccolo>>>>>>>>>>>Namek Freeza>Buu arc Base Goku>Cell Games Base Gohan


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I’m starting to think RoF Piccolo > RoF Base Gohan. Gohan’s former peak power is pretty vague. Tagoma flat out calling Gohan the strongest looks solid though.

@FeatsofPower don’t forget Daizenshuu 7 also says Kaioshin fears Yakon, so the guidebooks even everything up.


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
I feel like RoF Gohan is talking about Kid Gohan as being his top form. Perhaps when he most highly trained. Kid Gohan at that level had been through some intense training.

He trained for 3 years preparing for the Androids, then he trained for a year in the RoSaT, I believe this is his top fighting form heading into the Cell Games.

I don't think it's his top power, Z-Sword Gohan is obviously much stronger than this, but Z-Sword Gohan isn't the most trained.

I think this ties into the narrative that the Gohan who Trunks visits is not the same being he was at the CG.

I think Kid Gohan had overwhelming power in comparison to RoF Gohan and is greatly superior to him.

I think Gohan has regressed all the way to Goku's power at the CG, a far cry from his own power at the CG.


High Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2022
All of Zamasu's survival feats are attributed to his immortality.
Whoops, you are right.

Survival feats aren't much to speak of. Tagoma is essentially KO'd by Ssj Gotenks groin shot.

I think Base Gotenks could have easily done the same.

SSJ Gotenks > Base Gotenks > RoF Ssj Gohan > Rof Base Gohan

I think Gotenks is much, much stronger than Gohan is.

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