I can tell you that at least in the Anime, all ToP fighters (except for Botamo) are superior to all DB / DBZ / DBGT (except for Gogeta SSJ4, Goku (EoGT) and Genkidama Universal).
Virtually irrelevant characters such as Dr. Rota or Caway, in some other way or another, are not completely insignificant compared to Goku Base (ToP), therefore they scale.
Recall that Goku SSJG (Initial) >>>>>>> Beerus (False "10%") >>>>> Vegeta SSJ2 (Enraged)> Beerus (Initial) >> Vegetto SSJ3 (BoG)> Ultimatte Gokhan (BoG) >>>>> Ultimatte Gokhan (Boo) >>> Vegetto SSJ3 (Boo).
Then Goku SSJG getting used to the form had 4 power increases and at the moment when Goku SSJG was turning on for the last time, he launched a Kamehameha that collided with a blow from Beerus (Suppressed) and such impact was strong enough to make it disappear Universe 7. They could say that the sum of both powers can destroy Universe 7, however it must be considered that much of the impact hits them and the Universe only receives the energy waves that bounced.
Later Goku SSJ absorbed all the power of the SSJG, then he had a power increase as SSJ. Finally, the clash between the Kamehameha of a Goku SSJ (Post God) and a Beerus (Suppressed), turned into a single ball of energy and Goku Base (Post God) managed to destroy it.
We can say that Goku SSJG (Peak) is a Universal Destroyer and Goku Base (Post God) is much more powerful still.
Then a Goku much more than 10x stronger and probably with a decrease in the SSJ multiplier (considering that in the ToP, the SSJ multiplier on the Base did not seem to be higher than 2.5x), it could be said that Goku Base (ToP / Anime) is many tens or maybe hundreds of times stronger than Goku Base (Post God).
Characters like Gogeta SSJ4 and Goku (EoGT) I have more or less at the level of the SSJB (ToP). Indeed Gogeta SSJ4 did not fight seriously at any point in his fight. According to the GT Perfect Archives, Gogeta SSJ4 has Unlimited and unquenchable power, which means that Gogeta SSJ4 outperforms hypothetical like a hypothetical Potara fusion between Goku (EoGT) and Pan SSJ4. He also beats hypothetical Trunkten SSJ4 and Gotenks SSJ4.
Goku (EoGT) is probably a God, Goku by absorbing the Dragon Balls, surely he reached the power of Omega Yi Xing Long? He then trained for 100 years, managing to stay young. I think Goku (EoGT) having such great power, his power would not increase much even if he fused with Potara with an SSJ4. Gogeta SSJ4 is still stronger than Goku (EoGT).
Characters like Infinite Zamasu and God Toppo are in the category of Universe +, therefore any character that climbs to them, surpasses Gogeta SSJ4 and even a hypothetical Vegetto SSJ4.