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The point is that it's a move that is accessible to him. If he wants to do a Kikoho or Shin Kikoho, the choice is in his hands.Captain Cadaver said:To be fair, Tenshinhan specifically trained himself to utilise this variant over years of perfecting the technique rather than something he could just do at will through the Kikoho, hence the "Shin" (New) distinction.
I never attached a percentage to Roshi's form, and there's no need to. I gave you the dictionary definition for maximum, which again, means the greatest amount possible. Since Roshi used literally all of his power, this aligns perfectly with the definition of maximum.Future Warrior said:So now your saying MAX power Roshi means 100% but adding in ''100% and then some'' arbitrarily. And I thought I was the one flip flopping. Lack of self awareness much?
You didn't even address the main point, nor did you give any examples of dormant being used in a way that indicates suppression. So the one creating their own rules here is you. The manga takes precedence over what Future Warrior thinks.Future Warrior said:This may sound hard to believe, but languages allow for many things to not need to be described exclusively by one word. In other words, potato potato.
You're the one applying your own rules on terminology where it didn't exist in the first place.
You're basically whining and making baseless accusations here.Future Warrior said:Dude, what the hell is even this paragraph? Either your choosing to deflect my arguments for the purpose of stalling the debate because you have no actual argument of your own, or you're genuinely not paying attention or understanding anything that I'm saying. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this once that it's the latter.
I literally already said before that the latent power that is Ki is a different case from latent power brought out from things such as the Super God Water, Grand Elder, and Old Kaioshin. They are both accurate terms to use though. I never once implied that the power Kuririn achieved after his potential unlock was accessible to him prior to meeting Grand Elder at any point. I never once implied that all the potential that a person has can immediately be used.
I think it's in both of our best interest for you to not type useless fluff so that neither of us are wasting our precious times.
Latent power is latent power... there's no difference in 'terms' since it's literally the same term. The way the term is used is consistent in the story. Also, not long ago, you said that the manifestation of a user's latent power is their choice, but that is refuted by the Krillin example.
You talk about wasting time, but you often type entire paragraphs that are a product of your opinion and nothing more.
There's no hypocrisy on my end. This is yet another instance of you making an empty accusation.Future Warrior said:Ignoring the utter hypocrisy for the first two sentences
I already know that life energy is a thing in Dragon Ball, so the description you presented is unnecessary. Also, it's more accurate to attribute life energy to genki (元気), which Dragon Ball distinguishes from ki used for attacks. That's why with the Genki-Dama, Goku obtains energy from the surroundings, trees, people, animals, inanimate objects, etc. then changes it into attack energy.Future Warrior said:it seems like you lack the basic understanding of what Ki is, a power that is utilized by literally 99% of the characters in the DB verse.
In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Qi translates literally as "air" and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts.
Qi/Chi literally means life force. Ki is actually just the Japanese pronunciation of that word.
Ki is basically what makes everything in the universe ''alive''. Ki is literally the energy that keeps you alive, hence the word life energy. Literally every living thing on earth has Ki/Life Energy, small insects and even grass. Humans have the intelligence to control and manipulate this energy through training.
When you see a character shooting beams at you, they are literally shooting their big load of life energy that's stored within their bodies at you. A Kamehameha more often than not is not 100% of Ki or nearly there either, because we see characters still continue fighting despite using the move. The amount of Ki used for the Kamehameha is not necessarily what makes it dangerous, it's the fact that it's condensed into a singular point that increases the destructive power of the move that makes it more potent than the total Ki supply that a user has at max. That's the advantage that Piccolo and Goku had against Raditz.
Chapter: 201 (DBZ 7), P6.2-3
Context: said as Goku charges up the Kamehameha.
Raditz: “Impossible!!! His battle power is rising!!! Battle power 924...!!!”
Raditz: “He…He can raise his battle power by concentrating it into a single point!!!”
When Roshi uses his maximum amount of Ki he can hold in his body, his Kamehameha becomes many times more powerful because the amount of Ki drawn from his current supply is multiplied. It's also reasonable to say that the current extent that he can distribute his Ki to the attack is perhaps at 50% (as an example), since we know it can be increased based on Goku's first Kamehameha being very meek in comparison as he lacked the proper training. It's his Kamehameha while in his MAX power state.
You know an actual example of a character using 100% of their Ki/Life energy into an attack? Majin Vegeta's final explosion. He's using every single shred of his Ki from his entire body to create a massive explosion to destroy Majin Boo. I'm sure you know what became of him in the aftermath. He literally became a shred of his utter self, a lifeless object. Just dust. It's what happens when a living being no longer has what makes him living, Ki.
I have never ever cared for what the guidebooks say, and I don't particularly understand why people like to use them. But whatever, I'll bite. The Daizenshuu literally agrees with the stance that I have.
Firstly for that Piccolo entry, he's emitting his Ki from his entire body to create an explosion. It's not saying he's literally using his entire reserves of energy into that attack. Secondly...
Final Last Attack:
Vegeta brought this out in order to defeat Majin Buu (good) in exchange for his own life. It's the ultimate self-destruction technique, which explodes all the energy in his body, enveloping the opponent. It creates a crater-shaped depression with a 1 kilometer diameter around the user, and had enough frightful destructive power to affect the Earth. (Daizenshuu 2, p.216)
''All'' of his energy. So clearly the Daizenshuu establishes that what Piccolo is doing is far different than what Vegeta is doing here due to their fates post-attack. This didn't work too well in your favor huh?

When a character gets into a battle, then fights their hardest and uses up all of their energy, they are often exhausted afterwards but it's never implied that their life is in danger just because of that alone. The real danger is that they are susceptible to being finished off by their opponent if they are in a losing position. For instance, Goku was quite tired after he reached his limit against Kid Buu, but he could still move around and communicate; the real danger to his life is that Kid Buu was still present and could have killed him if he wasn't distracted by Good Buu at the time. Another example is Goku vs Perfect Cell; late into their fight, Goku decided to launch a Kamehameha at full power. Not long after that, he relentlessly threw a bunch of rapid ki blasts at Cell. Not once in any moment was it implied that Goku was on the verge of death or that his life was shortened as a result of his power use. The true danger to his life was Cell, who was more powerful than him and didn't use up as much energy as him. If Goku didn't forfeit, he would have been screwed because of that.

A character's life being in danger purely due to the use of their ki is only brought up in situations where it's made explicit that the character is using up their life force in the attack. The possibility of death is also expressed or hinted at prior to the event. For instance, Tien thought to himself that he was going to die before he used the Shin Kikoho on Semi-Perfect Cell, and Vegeta said his last goodbyes to Trunks and the others before he blew himself up against Fat Buu.
Goku's first ever Kamehameha was quite small because he had not yet mastered it. In the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai, we see him match Roshi's Kamehameha; one which Roshi described as being "decades in the making". So it's rationale to say that Goku had mastered the Kamehameha at this point. Goku got stronger as the series progressed, so by default, his Kamehameha got stronger too. But he didn't specifically power it up beyond his regular limit until his training with Kami.
As we both know, the point of the Kamehameha is to concentrate the user's energy into a single point and then release it all at once. Therefore, for there to be upgraded versions like the MAX Power Kamehameha and Super Kamehameha, that means these variations allow for amplification that is beyond the concentration of one's standard ki supply. This should be quite easy to understand.
If Piccolo's attack is quite clearly called a "Full Power Shockwave", then how is it not his full power? You can't twist this to suit your narrative, no matter how hard you try. What differentiates Piccolo's move from Vegeta's is that Piccolo was using his attack power, while Vegeta used his life force in conjunction with his attack power.
Since you're so used to parroting your opinions and letting your imagination be at the forefront of your arguments, it doesn't surprise me that you don't care about the guidebooks.
Videl was the only person he was addressing, so there's no need to assume he was speaking generally. Also, while latent refers to something that is hidden or concealed, part of the definition is that it "isn't yet developed", which further emphasises that latent power is ki that can't be used without a special variable.Future Warrior said:''Your'' in general terms. It's just basic english, he's not literally referring to Videl specifically.
Oh look, another baseless response from you. Didn't see that coming...Future Warrior said:Basically pointless fluff.
This doesn't even support your point. How is it unusable, like you said previously?Future Warrior said:Kikoho takes some energy from his TOTAL Ki reserves from his entire potential (hence why it reduces his lifespan).
Kikoho reduces Tien's life span because it eats away at his life energy.