Since the bandwagon for this has appeared...

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Super Saiyan said:
Is Naruto shippuden better than Super?
It at least has some ideas and moments that weren't complete trash or likeable beyond dumb entertainment, so yes. Some highlights include the Kakuzu/Hidan being decent character development for Shikamaru, Jiraiya's battle against Pain being a pretty good send off for his character (too bad the child of prophecy plot point ruins the Tale of Jiraiya The Gallant Arc) and the elemental releases being a good expansion of the power system (though unfortunately introduced as a factor of ninja training way too late into the series).

ahill1 said:
Did you like Bellamy's speech to Luffy in Mocktown? Although he was a jackass, it seemed pretty realistic.
I would have if not for the series constantly making it apparent the cynical pirates were always wrong because what they say goes against special snowflake Luffy's ideology.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
They're honestly both ones I'm very interested in for different reasons, Greek for the philosophy and mythology, whilst Rome for the military and politics. Overall, I'd probably say Rome due to the sheer impact it has had on human civilisation such as the legacy of Julius Caesar as a leader and icon causing many sovereigns to adopt a mutation of his family name as their title such as Germany's Kaiser or Russia's Tsar, as well as the Roman Empire leading to unity throughout a lot of Europe and given rise to its spiritual successors in the Byzantium Empire and Holy Roman Empire.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Medieval Europe is indeed very interesting to explore due to the wars, rulership, general policies, etc. I would say it is a bit too broad in its scope to tie down as a key area of history due to the differences in many of the countries' cultures (par their strong Christian ties), so it's a bit more difficult to cite as one historical era compared to the golden days and evolution of both Greece and Rome.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:

So this is how buff you are then? :eek:dawg


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ultimate Cell said:
Where do you align politically?
Primarily to the autocratic right, though to what extent depends on the topic at hand.

Fearless In Quarantine said:
Joffrey or Ramsay. Who do you hate most?
Show-wise, they're still both better than the majority of characters in Seasons 7 and 8 due to actually being written consistently, though I'd go with Ramsay due to the plot armour he had when fighting the Ironborn in Season 4 and his "20 good men" beating Stannis' army in Season 5 being too immersion breaking and he doesn't have inbreeding as a factor to justify his edgy actions.

Book-wise, can go either way. I prefer that Ramsay can actually pull off some good strategies and shows far more competence, though Joffrey again has more to justify his actions, especially with it also being revealed he was beaten and berated by Robert at times. I'd say I probably hate Joffrey more though as I have a great disdain towards the abuse of cats, of which book Joffrey is notable for.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Ultimate Cell said:
Where do you align politically?
Primarily to the autocratic right, though to what extent depends on the topic at hand.

Fearless In Quarantine said:
Joffrey or Ramsay. Who do you hate most?
Show-wise, they're still both better than the majority of characters in Seasons 7 and 8 due to actually being written consistently, though I'd go with Ramsay due to the plot armour he had when fighting the Ironborn in Season 4 and his "20 good men" beating Stannis' army in Season 5 being too immersion breaking and he doesn't have inbreeding as a factor to justify his edgy actions.

Book-wise, can go either way. I prefer that Ramsay can actually pull off some good strategies and shows far more competence, though Joffrey again has more to justify his actions, especially with it also being revealed he was beaten and berated by Robert at times. I'd say I probably hate Joffrey more though as I have a great disdain towards the abuse of cats, of which book Joffrey is notable for.
Facsist :brother

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ultimate Cell said:
Do you think a Republican Democracy that emphasize traditional values and beliefs can work CC?
It'd work better than the standard democracy, but still be inefficient compared to most monarchies in history. The impermanent nature of power amongst its leaders would provide less of a driving force for constant improvement/security than dynastic rule that emphasises moulding the next generation into the role of successor and considering that monarchical rule is a traditional value in itself through it having been the natural order of rule from the dawn of civilisation until the French Revolution and is the basis of leadership in most religions that are part of a culture's traditions, the idea in itself would be an oxymoron.

Fearless In Quarantine said:
Favorite GoT moment?
The Red Wedding. That's not even an opinion, it's a fact.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Theon - it isn't even a question. He had an actual redemption arc that remained consistent (perhaps the only consistent character to make an appearance in Season 8, other than maybe Jorah), whereas episodes 4 and 5 of Season 8 single-handedly ruined everything about Jaime's character arc.

If we're talking the books, however, I'd say Jaime's character arc has been better thus far, though we have yet to see whether or not it'll be ruined as the show was.