Since the bandwagon for this has appeared...


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Oh thanks for the correction, I was misinformed in that.

Yeah and I think the sea opening like described is a common occurrence with the retreat of the sea we see being very noticeable in some places. Dunno if by the scale it was described though.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Would you consider off screen development such as Han staying with the Rebels with no clear reason between ANH and ESB or Luke becoming a full Jedi Knight between ESB and RotJ harmful to the quality of the OT?

And what about Luke not visiting/being visted by Yoda/Ben between movies? Do you also see these as nonsensical?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I wouldn't say so. The time gaps between them excuse this for the most part and it's not as though they were complete transformations. Han's attitude at the start of ESB is the logical progression of how he was in ANH (which was rushed development towards the end, but still somewhat understandable) and he makes it apparent through dialogue that the bounty Jabba's put on him has become too much to ignore towards the start of the movie, something that wasn't immediately the case after ANH. Despite Luke's improvements, likely as a means of preparing for both Han's rescue and confronting Vader, he still wasn't as completely skilled as most notable Clone Wars era Jedi given him letting his guard down at the Great Pit of Carkoon. There is a gap in which pieces can be easily filled in for both, unlike with something like TROS where the timeskip is used more as an excuse to create completely new dynamics and asspull new Force powers.

As for the lack of Force Ghost visitations, I'd say it's acceptable. Obi-Wan only appeared when Luke needed complete guidance about his Jedi training. He likely only gave him instructions 3 years after his death as Luke would've grasped some basics of using the Force to make what'd be unconventional Jedi training easier and it was at this point that Vader was personally looming over Luke's location. He had no reason to visit him between 5 and 6 when he would prefer to conceal the truth from a certain point of view if possible and Luke was already amassing more experience from his own journey as evident by Yoda's affirmation of his training being complete in RotJ. As for Yoda, it seemed Luke wouldn't have had the time to return to Dagobah until after rescuing Han and Yoda not appearing as a Force Ghost until after the Battle of Endor makes sense when he was only capable of offering advice (until TLJ broke the world building by making him some lightning god) and all the advice he could give he did prior to his death.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Wasn’t the bounty too much to ignore since ANH? Jabba sent Greedo to deal with Han and Greedo said it was already too late for Han.

But… Wouldn’t learning the basics be even easier if he trains with Yoda? The Grand Jedi Master who was used to training beginners? :wtf

Also CC, do you think Anakin was portrayed as very selfish with little to to heroic attitudes in AotC? Either way, do you think his personality drags his arc down?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Wasn’t the bounty too much to ignore since ANH? Jabba sent Greedo to deal with Han and Greedo said it was already too late for Han.
He was still able to negotiate with Jabba into letting him off temporarily, with Greedo's statements likely being from his own desire to take down Han and jumping the gun. As suggested by ESB, it was only recently that these repercussions stopped being a distant threat to Han, suggesting he was able to avoid bounty hunters for nearly 3 years.

But… Wouldn’t learning the basics be even easier if he trains with Yoda? The Grand Jedi Master who was used to training beginners? :wtf
They would, if not for the pressing matter of protecting Han, something Luke had already thrown aside his formal training for in case it became too late to save him. There were likely multiple sidetracks towards this that kept Luke from saving him quickly (something expanded on in Legends material such as Shadow of the Empire) and at the same time helped Luke grow in experience.
It could also be that the revelation Vader gave on Bespin made Luke want to distance himself somewhat from Yoda for a while until he became less conflicted.

Also CC, do you think Anakin was portrayed as very selfish with little to to heroic attitudes in AotC? Either way, do you think his personality drags his arc down?
I'd say AotC did a fine job with him. His selfishness takes up a lot of his arc, but this was integral to laying the groundwork for his turn in RotS, not to mention showing his growth from the Clone Wars moulding him into the Jedi hero ANH Ben hyped him up as. Moreover, it'd be highly underselling his character to say he had a trace amount of heroism. He stayed true to his assignment and it was only due to Padme's actions that he was allowed to visit Tatooine and was brought to Geonosis, and he of course saved Obi-Wan from Dooku. We also see the main motivation for his reckless charge against Dooku is due to the deaths of many Jedi, which stays consistent with the core of Anakin's arc as well as him caring for the lives of those not directly within his top priorities such as the 501st clones during the Battle Over Coruscant. I'd say making his heroic traits more central may have damaged his arc if done as too great a focus on them rather than his flaws may make it harder to sell that this man would become one of the most evil and feared people in the galaxy.
Also, with how fond Obi-Wan was of throwing around his certain point of view in the OT, it wouldn't be out of character for him to have been overselling Anakin to Luke.

I will say more could've been done to balance these traits in AotC, but I'd say it would be difficult to do so without extending the run-time significantly beyond all the previous Star Wars films due to how much groundwork for the Clone Wars and its major players it needed to lay out.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
They're entertaining meme material, but when actually analysing the prequels and his arguments in-depth, most parts of the Plinkett reviews don't hold up at all. His TFA review was highly lacking too, with Plinkett being far too lenient for the films obvious flaws in plot conveniences, world building and character writing compared to how he bashed the prequels for things that can be easily explained in context and his Rogue One review was a rushed embarrassment. The Plinkett reviews for the Star Trek reboot was pretty accurate though and the Plinkett Titanic review was very fair.
RLM's other content can be hit or miss. Their reviews of some films can be good, but others they miss the mark on (their poor take on Joker being a recent example).

As far as fairly judging the prequels, Anomaly Inc's Revenge of the Prequels series >>> Plinkett Prequel Reviews and for an examination of TFA, MauLer's TFA Critique >>> Plinkett's thinly veiled excuse to shit on the prequels TFA review.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Between Battlefront II and Jedi Fallen Order, which one would you recommend? Can’t decide which one to buy…

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
If talking about EA's Battlefront 2, it depends really on if you'd want a single player campaign or online multiplayer. Battlefront II is good for Heroes VS Villains mode, the new mode that's meant to be Conquest from the original Battlefront games is great from what I've heard (I haven't played the game for months due to limited hard drive space, so I couldn't say) and Blast is a decent team deathmatch mode, but most of the other modes are lacklustre and the campaign's story is absolutely terrible.
Fallen Order, whilst only really good when stacked up against other modern Star Wars products, still seems to have a decent campaign that fits well into the new canon. In gameplay, it isn't as good as something such as The Force Unleashed due to more limited customisation and no branching paths, but still seems decent for what it's trying to accomplish.

Overall, it comes down to how you want to play the game. Fallen Order is better if just wanting a single player game, whereas Battlefront II is better if wanting a game to play online, preferably with some of your friends.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How much do you love the never-ending, nonsensical 18 vs kids debates?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Only about half as much as the constant debate of what form Gohan was using against Dabura :troll (Kakarot supports it being SSJ, btw)


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
But Majin Vegeta didn’t have a spark of lightning for 0.1 panels!!


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Only about half as much as the constant debate of what form Gohan was using against Dabura :troll (Kakarot supports it being SSJ, btw)



Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
[mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention] tell me a bit about the Yuuzhan Vong. Who are these fuckers? Were they good villains? You think they should've been in the Sequels?

Also given your newfound love for the Prequels, how do you think they stand up to BanditIncorporated’s rewrite?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
@Captain Cadaver tell me a bit about the Yuuzhan Vong. Who are these fuckers? Were they good villains? You think they should've been in the Sequels?
To put it simply, they were a group of brutal, warmongering aliens that were immune to the Force due to being cut off from it and with a grand level of technology. They were preparing to invade the main galaxy from the Unknown Regions as early as at least the Clone Wars, doing so quite a few years after the fall of the Empire. They almost succeeded in destroying the Old Republic by taking Coruscant, though the Republic and the New Jedi Order were able to eventually defeat them. They were also going to make a cameo in The Clone Wars until it was cancelled, though I doubt they'll be in the final season with everything else that's being fit in.

I'd say they'd make good villains from the narrative perspective. In terms of character, they were basically one-dimensional bad guys, but they succeeded in representing not just a foe that Force powers weren't enough against, but also helped show the positive side of the Empire. The Empire's far more ready and expansive military than the New Republic's made them better prepared for a Vong invasion. So...Palpatine did nothing wrong :mikey

Also given your newfound love for the Prequels, how do you think they stand up to BanditIncorporated’s rewrite?
I'd say they are superior overall by offering more depth and complexity to the Star Wars universe. Bandit's videos are well constructed ideas, but do take the more simplistic approach to their plots. His version of Maul is more fleshed out than TPM's, though nowhere near as much as TCW Maul. It's also hard to ignore the contrivance of Vader just letting Obi-Wan go in the RotS rewrite.
There's also a greater focus on internal conflict in Lucas' prequels such as Anakin's arc or Padme trying to live up to her responsibilities whilst finding Anakin as someone she can open up to. Also, Prequels Qui-Gon and Dooku >>> Their background character rewrites.
Overall, the only Bandit prequel I'd say is arguably better than the original is Attack of the Clones, and even that is lacking in several areas compared to the original.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Would you rather watch the entirety of the Yugioh anime (whole franchise) or all of One Piece?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I think the whole YGO franchise is of comparable length, so it's a tough call. I'd say One Piece since 3 good major arcs is better than about 1 or 2 decent ones.