GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Wasn’t the bounty too much to ignore since ANH? Jabba sent Greedo to deal with Han and Greedo said it was already too late for Han.
He was still able to negotiate with Jabba into letting him off temporarily, with Greedo's statements likely being from his own desire to take down Han and jumping the gun. As suggested by ESB, it was only recently that these repercussions stopped being a distant threat to Han, suggesting he was able to avoid bounty hunters for nearly 3 years.
But… Wouldn’t learning the basics be even easier if he trains with Yoda? The Grand Jedi Master who was used to training beginners?
They would, if not for the pressing matter of protecting Han, something Luke had already thrown aside his formal training for in case it became too late to save him. There were likely multiple sidetracks towards this that kept Luke from saving him quickly (something expanded on in Legends material such as Shadow of the Empire) and at the same time helped Luke grow in experience.
It could also be that the revelation Vader gave on Bespin made Luke want to distance himself somewhat from Yoda for a while until he became less conflicted.
Also CC, do you think Anakin was portrayed as very selfish with little to to heroic attitudes in AotC? Either way, do you think his personality drags his arc down?
I'd say AotC did a fine job with him. His selfishness takes up a lot of his arc, but this was integral to laying the groundwork for his turn in RotS, not to mention showing his growth from the Clone Wars moulding him into the Jedi hero ANH Ben hyped him up as. Moreover, it'd be highly underselling his character to say he had a trace amount of heroism. He stayed true to his assignment and it was only due to Padme's actions that he was allowed to visit Tatooine and was brought to Geonosis, and he of course saved Obi-Wan from Dooku. We also see the main motivation for his reckless charge against Dooku is due to the deaths of many Jedi, which stays consistent with the core of Anakin's arc as well as him caring for the lives of those not directly within his top priorities such as the 501st clones during the Battle Over Coruscant. I'd say making his heroic traits more central may have damaged his arc if done as too great a focus on them rather than his flaws may make it harder to sell that this man would become one of the most evil and feared people in the galaxy.
Also, with how fond Obi-Wan was of throwing around his certain point of view in the OT, it wouldn't be out of character for him to have been overselling Anakin to Luke.
I will say more could've been done to balance these traits in AotC, but I'd say it would be difficult to do so without extending the run-time significantly beyond all the previous Star Wars films due to how much groundwork for the Clone Wars and its major players it needed to lay out.