Most likely. There certainly seems to be a greater divide between the far and moderate left than between both ends of the right, particularly when the former seem far more susceptible to embodying the typical SJW mentality of strawmanning moderate leftists and centrists as "alt-right nazis" and other buzzwords just because they don't fully agree with policies on some issues to the same extent; or, to quote the common phrase, are even slightly to the right of Karl Marx. Meanwhile, infighting and general civil unrest amongst each end of the political right seem to be fairly negligible despite the polarisation between some individuals and views on certain policies. This is somewhat inevitable, since both by design and implementation, right policies strive for order over chaos whereas the left thrive from order out of chaos, the latter of which don't work as long-term solutions (as though many historic examples such as the French/Russian revolutions didn't make this pretty blatant).