The manga treats power-levels with respect.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I always see anime supporters saying the manga nerfs everyone and that everyone is low in the manga but the truth is they are not. It's just the manga treats the powers with respect.

If you look at it, every new transformation got its shine in the manga in some-way.

SSj God was used against Beerus and was obviously a huge power-up and treated as such. Still lost the fight, but you can't change the story. At-least the form looked good against someone who previously seemed unbeatable.

In the next saga in the manga, the universe 6 tournament, SSj God is still treated with respect and isn't just thrown to the side because it's the old form. The fact that it's a godly power still stands and the manga shows that. No-one on Universe 6 is on SSj God level besides Hit. Who's "only" SSj God level, not Blue level. And this isn't treated as some kind of joke, Hit is still treated as a threat and huge power. Like everyone's reaction to his true power and so-on. Then the new form actually gets a win when it easily over-powers Hit. Making the new form look all the more impressive. This goes-on in the manga even into the Future Trunks Saga where the two forms are still relevant and the red form actually sort of makes a come-back with Vegeta's strategy against Goku-Black. Vegeta initially easily beats-up Goku-Black with the blue form, until Goku-Black gets a Zenkai which shows it's not easy to reach that kind-of level.

Vegetto actually makes sense in the manga. He trashes Zamasu and this goes for potara all-together, since even Merged Zamasu is very impressive in the manga.

In the anime there's no such thing. Has the red or blue form ever won a fight in the anime (besides Vegeta getting back at Goku-Black)? Even in their debuts they look like trash. The red form never wins a fight and is immediately disregarded in the next saga until it makes an unexplained come-back way late in the series and the blue form gets trashed and upstaged immediately in its debut by Golden Freeza and never really holds any sort of relevance. Even after Freeza 2.0, in the Universe 6 saga Hit can already defeat a Super-Saiyan Blue and they have to resort to Kaio-Ken Blue. Not to mention all the recent stuff with the form where Kuririn and Android #17 and everyone and their mother can hold their own against the form.

What a joke.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Manga is still filled with asspulls and bottom tier writing, though at least has consistent scaling for each character and some semblance of internal logic outside of perhaps CSSB, rather than changing how strong a character is on an episodic basis.

Super Manga >>> Super Anime


Oct 10, 2015
Are power levels for the Super Manga even doable?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Yes, so long as you don't mind either using a new system or otherwise typing a lot of zeros.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Just place a fairly low/bottom tier character (say, pre-God Base Goku) as a 1 or 10 and just go from there.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
And there's much more effort put in the manga. Toei is just money-orientated, where-as Toyotaro was a real fan. Not like he can do much with outlines that resemble the FnF one anyway. :donovan3 :donovan3 :donovan3


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
The manga is still garbage, but its inconsistencies are like a cough compared to the full-blown bird flu the anime suffers from.

Still, the anime has better animation now that the ToP has produce several pretty looking episodes, the manga still shares the same core problems such as Galu's negative IQ and lack of suspense overall (the fact that Toyo rushes it like crazy doesn't help). and CSSJB Hakai was still one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in DB besides perhaps Genki Sword and #17 getting like 10 times stronger by fighting for 46 minutes. The characters are also somewhat more engaging in the anime other than :galu and MarySueTrunks, but this means little since the annoyance level of Ribrianne and Kale is almost equal to the cancer of the entire BSDB dragon ball hunt.

Also, I'd disagree with the manga making the forms look impressive. SSJ Blue looked like a turd until Vegeta used the form against Hit and Toyo actually went all out with the art for once, SSJ God is still treated like SSJ2 2.0 as the secondary form and also looked weak against Beerus due to the rushing and MZ got fucked by base Vegetto. Nerfing Vegetto to being able to last 30 seconds is also just as bad as making MZ equal to him just because he got a mutated arm imo.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Idea of Gaslight said:
The manga is still garbage, but its inconsistencies are like a cough compared to the full-blown bird flu the anime suffers from.

Still, the anime has better animation now that the ToP has produce several pretty looking episodes, the manga still shares the same core problems such as Galu's negative IQ and lack of suspense overall, and CSSJB Hakai was still one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in DB besides perhaps Genki Sword and #17 getting like 10 times stronger by fighting for 46 minutes when he was already obscenely strong as it is. The characters are also somewhat more engaging in the anime other than :galu and MarySueTrunks, but this means little since the annoyance level of Ribrianne and Kale is almost equal to the cancer of the entire BSDB dragon ball hunt.
How are the characters more engaging? I can agree with that some of the time, but most of the time they are just flanderized. All of them. Goku is like "fighting, fighting fighting. All I want to do is fight." Vegeta is all up in your face with his character-development (you know now that he's caring, but still a bit of the old Vegeta) just to shove it in your face. Kuririn does his thing. Anime version of Goku seems more stupid to me sometimes.

In the manga at-least they don't have as many mind-boggling decisions they make or just for the sake of moving the plot forward.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
That's why I specifically stated Goku was the worst example of flanderization along with the godwanked likes of #17 and Trunks. Goku also is a retard in the manga, but imo seems to lack as many opportunities to show it due to the manga's rush.

Also, the manga's still full of stupidity. Goku being stupid enough to drop the blue form 3 seconds after transforming into it because he injured Zamasu is completely insane considering the form drains more energy to use twice than to maintain, the same could be said for Vegeta's use of SSJB against Hit and Cabba and Goku not choosing to step in immediately after Zamasu arrived to heal Black, not to mention the stupidity of the entire CSSJB situation or Zamasu multiplying are just as contrived as the crappy writing in the anime is. And that's not even to get into how AT has more or less confirmed he gives zero shits after he admitted he thinks Toyo lacks a rough touch with the battles, yet the ToP if anything has had even lamer battles than the Black arc even though the tournament has already progressed to the point where Frost was ousted.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Manga just ruined Trio De Dangers

Nerfing is one thing. But pretty much taking away all the unique powers characters had in the anime and replacing it with nothing just makes characters bland.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Idea of Gaslight said:
Interesting. I read the whole interview. :king :king :king Seems like AT actually does like Toyotaro's vision of the story now, before that he said somethings but now he seems to like it.

xenos5 said:
Manga just ruined Trio De Dangers

Nerfing is one thing. But pretty much taking away all the unique powers characters had in the anime and replacing it with nothing just makes characters bland.
They're fodder anyway.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
What happened to Kuririm in the manga ToP, from the spoilers I read he gets benched mad quick. Does he do anything cool?

I hope they didn't screw him over worse than the anime.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
What happened to Kuririm in the manga ToP, from the spoilers I read he gets benched mad quick. Does he do anything cool?

I hope they didn't screw him over worse than the anime.
They did. I think he got eliminated by Frost. :tapion2 :tapion2 :tapion2

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