His KKx2 would be around 40,000-45,000. Beats the fuck out of Zarbon easily with x2, so doesn't get any zenkai from that. The timeline for the Ginyu Force arriving won't change much, if at all (Freeza might call them in a little earlier if Zarbon is killed by Vegeta in their first fight. If they are called in early, Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin all die, due to the below).
There's a higher chance of Krillin or Gohan being killed by Vegeta, because he's more likely to catch up to them while they're doing something that makes him angry. For example, Vegeta caught up to Krillin on the way to Guru's house. The reason he doesn't hurt Krillin is because he senses something at Guru's, but maybe if he'd caught up to Krillin further away from Guru's, he would have killed Krillin first. Possibly not though.
Vegeta would still want to team up against the Ginyu Force, because a x2 won't be enough to take them on and even x3 won't be enough against Ginyu (how much knowledge he has of their power is unclear. All we know is that he's aware they're much stronger than Vegeta was at the time).
Recoome fights Vegeta KKx2, maybe gets himself killed in the end, if Jeice and Butta stay out of the way. If Vegeta doesn't allow Krillin and Gohan to help him, he might take too long and give away that he's strong enough to beat Recoome, at which point Jeice and Butta get involved and wipe the floor with them.
Goku arrives and beats Recoome (if he's still there), Jeice and Butta. Vegeta and Gohan may or may not end up with a zenkai. If Goku doesn't arrive, Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin probably die.
Vegeta is shocked by how powerful Goku is. He knows he can't beat him even at KKx3 (which I doubt he's capable of anyway, with so little training) and he knows to be beat Ginyu and Freeza he'll be better off with Goku's help.
If Vegeta has no zenkai, I'm not sure if it'll change his behaviour enough to avoid meeting Freeza until Goku is healed. If not, Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan die unless Gohan has a rage boost than allows them all to survive for long enough. Otherwise, Goku comes and gets killed in the end too, probably. Even going SSJ might not be enough.