What If All Of The Main Protagonists Were Female?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
What if main protagonists, like Goku and Vegeta, were female rather than male. Would the impact of Dragonball Z have been different?


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Guys wouldn't have watched it as much and it'd inevitably focus on romance which is what girls are into


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
What if main protagonists, like Goku and Vegeta, were female rather than male. Would the impact of Dragonball Z have been different?
I'm not sure what you mean by main protagonists, so for the sake of simplicity, I'll make only Goku and Vegeta female.

Old Gohan names the female baby he finds Pot.
The Pilaf Saga is the same, except Chichi doesn't fall in love with Pot. She focuses more on Yamcha. But more about that later.
Krillin and Pot's training with Roshi is the same as in canon. Maybe Krillin feels some attraction to Pot and that leads to some ecchi moments between them, with Pot being oblivious to the sexual tension if she's as naive as Goku in canon. But those moments aside, they remain friends.
The rest of the Early Dragon Ball is largely the same.
At the 23rd TB, Chichi shows up, except she's after Yamcha. That leads to a subplot of teenage drama between Bulma, Chichi, and Yamcha. But the main plot is still the final battle: Pot vs Piccolo.
After the battle, when Kami proposes to Pot to succeed him as a Goddess, Pot refuses. She's about to leave with Kintoun when Yamcha, being chased by a furious Chichi and an equally furious Bulma, calls out, "Pot, wait, take me with you. I can't stand those two crazyheads anymore." The Early Dragonball ends with Pot and Yamcha flying away.
5 years later, Pot and Yamcha have a child, whose name is Gohan. That Gohan is a lot stronger than his canon counterpart, because both of his parents are warriors and both of them have been training him. In fact, Gohan can use 710 units of power at will. Because of having such a strong sparring partner, both Pot and Yamcha are stronger than their canon counterparts. Yamcha is a little stronger than Tenshinhan, and Pot's unweighted level is at the 500s.
Yamcha often flirts with other chicks, but Pot doesn't seem to really mind, though she's faithful to him.
At the reunion on Roshi's island, Bulma brings Chichi with her. They both have gotten over Yamcha and are now close friends. A past lesbian drunken one-night stand between them is implied, but it is neither confirmed nor denied. Both Bulma and Chichi blush when asked about it and dance around the question.
Raditz appears. He reveals to Pot that her Saiyan name is Legume and kidnaps Gohan.
Later, before Pot and Piccolo arrive, Gohan gets upset and accesses his 1307 power at will. He breaks out of the spaceship and starts fighting Raditz. Raditz is at a power disadvantage but manages to kill Gohan because of his superior fighting skills.
However, he's injured, and when Pot and Piccolo arrive, they finish him off. Before dying, Raditz laughs and informs them that in one year, two Saiyans way stronger than him will arrive: Nappa and Flora, the Princess of all Saiyans.
Meanwhile, in the Otherworld, King Yenma keeps Gohan's body intact and sends him to train with King Kai. Will Gohan become strong enough to defeat the Saiyans when he is revived in one year?
We will find out next time.


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
What if main protagonists, like Goku and Vegeta, were female rather than male. Would the impact of Dragonball Z have been different?
The motives would be different. They'd let villains live and try to rehabilitate them, but they wouldn't let dudes transform just to challenge themselves.

Female SSJ protagonists would actually advance further than Goku and Pals.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
For the following year, Pot and Piccolo spar together, which makes them stronger than their canon counterparts. Piccolo's PL is 3.500, and Pot's PL is 4.000. The humans train at the Kami's Lookout and become as strong as in canon, except Yamcha, who was stronger than in canon to begin with; Yamcha's PL is now equal to Tenshinhan's.
Meanwhile, in the Otherworld, Gohan trains with King Kai. His power level reaches 10.000, and he learns Kaioken and Spirit Bomb. During that training, King Kai also becomes a parent to Gohan, more than his biological parents, who never were sufficient parents at anything other than training. Gohan comes to like King Kai.
One day before the arrival of the Saiyans, Chichi is freaking out, having realized that if this is the end of Planet Earth, she will die having never met the prince of her dreams. Refusing to die without knowing the joys of love at least once, in an emotional outbreak, she throws herself at Krillin. Krillin is gobsmacked, but Chichi gets on top of him before he can react (not that he doesn't like it, though).
Nappa and Flora arrive. The fight against the Saibaimen is the same as in canon. Yamcha being stronger this time does not make a difference when the Saibaiman self-destructs.
Tenshinhan and Chaozu die too.
Nappa is forced to go full power (~7.500-8.000) when Pot and Piccolo team up against him. In the end, Pot sacrifices herself to save Piccolo. Piccolo is shocked that his arch-enemy did that for him.
Gohan arrives. When he sees that most of his friends, including his parents, are dead, he gets mad and kills Nappa quickly with no mercy.
The final battle begins: Gohan vs Flora. Gohan quickly gets the upper hand with Kaioken. Flora realizes she's going to lose, and there is no point in creating an artificial moon, since Gohan has his tail and will become an ape too.
On a related note, Flora is surprised that a 5-year-old is so strong. When it crosses her mind that that brat might be the Legendary Super Saiyan, she goes out of character and begs for mercy.
At first, Gohan ignores her pleas and is about to kill her. However, he changes his mind when Flora tells him about Freeza having enslaved Saiyans and that he is the only one who can avenge their race.
Gohan agrees to spare Flora, though he still doesn't like her. They agree to go to Namek together.
During the following days, while Bulma is taught Namekian by Popo, the others are busy with various stuff. Flora and Gohan are training together. Krillin cannot forget about that night with Chichi and tries to get romantically involved with her. But Chichi tells him it was only for one night and didn't mean anything. Bulma is jealous when she finds out about what happened between Krillin and Chichi. Chichi goes like, "Why do you care? You are the one who told me long ago that what had happened between us was just a drunken night."
The day before the departure, Chichi finds out her period is late, but she decides not to tell Krillin anything, at least until he gets back from Namek.
And so, Flora, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, and Bulma head to Namek. What awaits them there?
Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
On the way to Namek, Gohan and Flora spar together with image training. Piccolo meditates himself. Krillin tries to train too, but he's often distracted by Bulma, who keeps asking him what happened between him and Chichi and goes ballistic when Krillin dances around the question.
The filler episode with the kids in space might happen this time too, with not only Bulma but Flora being in her underwear too, for the sake of fanservice.
When the group arrives on (the real) Namek, Flora is as strong as Canon Vegeta at this point (24.000), Krillin is as strong as his canon self (1.500), Gohan is as strong as his Daiz self after Guru (14.000), and Piccolo is at 4.200 units of power.
During the scene in which Freeza's group attacks Moori's village, Flora, seeing that Gohan is about to snap, mentally goes like, "I'll let the brat snap and reveal their whereabouts. If I'm lucky, Dodoria and Zarbon will kill them all. Then I'll wait for my chance to steal the Dragon Balls."
So, Flora suppresses her power level to zero and flees as Gohan attacks Dodoria. As in canon, Krillin grabs Dende. Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan flee, chased by Dodoria.
Seeing that Dodoria will eventually catch them, Gohan decides to fight. He goes into Kaioken mode and easily kills Dodoria.
Flora attacks another village and gets a Dragon Ball as in canon. Then she comes across Zarbon. They fight, Zarbon transforms and wins. When Flora is unconscious, Zarbon rapes her. Then he takes her to Freeza's spaceship.
Flora is healed, snatches the Dragon Balls, and leaves, having no idea that she was raped.
The second round against Zarbon is the same as in canon. Flora wins, takes the Dragon Ball Krillin has gotten from Guru, and leaves. Later, she decides to avoid Gohan, who is a lot stronger than in canon; she goes like, "I'll deal with him when I become immortal."
When Gohan finds out what happened, he wants to find and kill Flora, but Krillin, who is not sure Gohan can win against Flora now that she's stronger, convinces him that they must travel with their power levels suppressed.
When Gohan receives Guru's boost, his power level rises to 23.000 units. Piccolo also receives the boost, and his power level becomes 18.000 units (with weights) as in Movie 3.
Flora appears. Having sensed the Ginyus' auras, she once again suggests that they set aside their differences and ally. Gohan goes like, "No, we won't trust you again." However, Nail, Piccolo, and Krillin, who also feel the new auras approaching, convince Gohan to do so.
And so, the heroes now have put all the Dragon Balls together. Whom will they make immortal? Gohan or Flora? Before they can decide, the Ginyu Forces arrive. What will happen now? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Ginyu takes the Dragon Balls and takes them to Freeza. In the meantime, Ginyu's henchmen draw sticks to decide who will face whom. The pairs are: Krillin vs Guldo, Flora vs Recoome, Piccolo vs Jeice, and Gohan vs Burter.
In the first fight, Krillin has the upper hand, until Guldo paralyzes him. Flora beheads Guldo, saving Krillin.
The second fight goes more or less as Vegeta vs Recoome in canon. When Recoome is about to finish off Flora, Gohan attacks Recoome with a 3fold Kaioken, which he can handle with no problems by now, and kills him. Flora is a little shocked, not so much by the brat's power as by the fact he helped her. Gohan explains to her that he owed her one because she saved Krillin earlier, but now they are even and he still hates her for killing his parents and friends on Earth.
Seeing Gohan's strength, Jeice and Burter forget about the one-on-one matches they planned and attack him at once. Gohan easily kills them too.
The group is now discussing what to do next. During that chat, Flora finds out about Guru's boost and asks them to take her there so she can receive the boost too. Gohan and Krillin refuse, but Piccolo argues that, if worse comes to worst, they will need Flora's power to defeat Freeza. So Krillin and Piccolo take the wounded Saiyaness to Guru's house while Gohan goes to take the Dragon Balls back from Ginyu.
By the time Krillin and Piccolo arrive with Flora at Guru's house, Nail has left with Freeza to fight.
Dende reveals he can heal people. Krillin and Piccolo convince him to heal Flora, who then receives Guru's boost. Her power is now a few hundreds of thousand units and keeps increasing.
Guru informs them about the Namek Fusion and suggests that Piccolo go to help Nail against Freeza; if they fuse together, they might defeat the tyrant.
Meanwhile, Gohan reaches Freeza's spaceship. He easily kills all Freeza's minor soldiers and proceeds to fight Ginyu, who is excited he's going to have a challenge for the first time in a long time.
They start fighting. Ginyu eventually goes full power, and the fight is about even, with Gohan using a 4fold Kaioken.
Gohan considers increasing the Kaioken to 5fold. He's not sure whether he can handle this, but he can tell he will lose if he goes on like this.
Gohan goes into 5fold Kaioken mode and gains a great advantage. Ginyu uses Body Swap and takes Gohan's body.
What will happen now? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Guru is about to tell the group about the secret invocation that summons the dragon. Krillin asks him not to, because Flora will want to use the Dragon Balls to become immortal, but Guru tells them they have three wishes, so they can still resurrect their friends.
The group (Flora, Krillin, and Dende) heads to Freeza's spaceship.
Meanwhile, back on the battlefield, Ginyu finds out, to his frustration, that not only can he not access his new body's full base power, let alone pull off a Kaioken, but also Gohan's body, which is now his, is strained from the 5fold Kaioken used earlier. Gohan (in Ginyu's body) is wounded too. So, despite the body swap, the fight is still even. In the end, a frustrated Ginyu uses the body swap again, believing he has a better chance of winning in his old body.
At this point, Flora, Krillin, and Dende arrive. Flora steps in and easily defeats Ginyu. She's about to finish him off. However, Ginyu smiles. A near-death Gohan realizes that Ginyu is about to take Flora's body. He throws a frog, as Goku did in canon, so they finally get rid of Ginyu once and for all.
Flora contemplates killing them all at this point. But on second thought, she decides to take Gohan to the healing pod inside the spaceship, since she might need his power as backup in case not even immortality is enough to beat Freeza.
Meanwhile, Freeza is beating the crap out of Nail. He's about to finish him off when Piccolo ambushes him and, with a kick, sends him temporarily away. Then he hurries and initiates the assimilation process with Nail.
Meanwhile, back at Freeza's spaceship, Gohan is taken to the healing pod, and the group summons Porunga.
Freeza has recovered from the kick he received, with no damage of course. He's about to fly back and crush the two Namek warriors before they can fuse. However, at that moment, the sky gets dark. Freeza realizes someone is about to use the Dragon Balls. Furious, he forgets about the two Nameks and heads back to his spaceship.
The group uses the first wish to revive Pot. The other dead fighters (Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Chaozu) agree to wait to be revived later. The second wish is used to transport Pot to Namek (Pot will reach them later). Flora demands they use the third wish to make her immortal. Krillin and Dende seem hesitant. Flora threatens to kill them if they don't do so.
Before that can be resolved, Guru dies, and the Dragon Balls turn into stone. To make matters worse, Freeza shows up, and he's furious that he has missed his chance to become immortal.
Power levels at this point...
-Krillin: As strong as in canon.
-Flora: About 550.000 and increasing.
-Piccolo (fused with Nail): About 800.000 and increasing.
-Pot (having trained with King Kai): About 500.000
-Gohan: Still in the healing pod
Will the Z-Fighters manage to defeat the tyrant? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Freeza and Flora start fighting, with Krillin and Dende just staring, frozen in terror.
Flora's power keeps increasing due to Guru's boost, and eventually, she gains a great advantage.
Freeza transforms. Flora is now terrified. Luckily, Piccolo arrives. His power is still increasing too, due to Guru's boost, and on top of that, he has fused with Nail.
Flora and Piccolo team up against Freeza. At first, the tyrant has a moderate advantage, which he loses as his two foes' powers increase. In the end, even the full power of Freeza's second form is not enough.
Freeza transforms again and starts beating up Piccolo and Flora. He's about to finish them off when Pot arrives. Pot ambushes Freeza and, with a kick, puts him out of commission for a while, just enough for Dende to heal Piccolo and Flora. (As in canon with Vegeta, Dende doesn't want to heal Flora at first but is eventually convinced to do so.)
In the meantime, Freeza has returned and initiated his transformation into his final form. When the transformation is complete, the first thing Freeza does is to kill Dende, whom he saw healing Flora earlier, so nobody can be healed anymore.
Flora, who, after her zenkai, is now sure she has become the Super Saiyaness, declares she will defeat Freeza by herself and asks the others to stay back. Piccolo, Krillin, and Pot move away from the battlefield.
The fight Freeza vs Flora is even, about the same as Base Goku vs Freeza in canon. However, when Freeza raises his power to 50%, he starts stomping Flora.
Desperate, Flora makes an artificial moon and transforms into Giant Ape. Despite increasing her power by 10fold, she's still no match for Freeza.
Freeza cuts off Flora's tail, so she reverts back to her base form. Then Freeza starts strangling her with his tail, as he did to Vegeta in canon.
Flora is about to die of ashpyxiation when something hits Freeza on the back. It's a blast from Pot. Despite her friends' advice and against her own better judgment, Pot has come to help Flora, because she's too good-hearted not to do so.
Freeza pushes aside a heavily wounded Flora, going like, "I'll kill you later at my leisure," and decides to have some fun torturing Pot for a while. Needless to say, Pot, whose power level is still only 500.000, stands no chance.
Meanwhile, Flora is furious that she, the Princess of all Saiyans, was saved by a low-level Saiyaness warrior. That anger causes her to stand up, despite her wounds, and transform into the Legendary Super Saiyaness.
What will happen now that Flora has achieved the legend? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
The fight Flora vs Freeza resumes, and SSJ Flora has a huge advantage.
She's about to finish off Freeza when he fires a blast at the planet's core. Flora's eyes widen; she realizes everyone is about to die, since only Freeza can survive in space.
However, the next moment, it is revealed that someone deflected Freeza's blast. Flora is shocked. Who could be so powerful to do that?
Gohan! The little Saiyan has just emerged from the healing chamber. With a 20fold Kaioken/Massenko combo, he barely managed to divert Freeza's death ball into outer space.
Flora realizes he has played around for too long. Freeza is too dangerous to keep alive. He orders Gohan to take his mother and leave. Gohan lifts a wounded Pot and flies away, going to find the others.
The Z-Fighters rejoin, find Bulma, and leave the planet with their spaceship.
Meanwhile, Flora changes her mind again. Freeza's power is increasing rapidly. Flora has realized this is her only chance to see Freeza's full power.
When Freeza raises his power to 100%, the fight resumes. Eventually, Flora wins and kills Freeza (or so she thinks; but more about that later). Then she roams Namek, looking for a spaceship, until she finds one of Ginyu's spaceships, so she ends up on Planet Yardrat.
She decides to accept the Yardratians' hospitality. Her plan is to rest for a few days and then kill them all, steal their resources, and go to conquer Freeza's empire.
However, during those days, she discovers she's pregnant. At first, she can't understand how that is possible, since she's not sexually active. Soon, though, she remembers that Zarbon knocked her unconscious and she was at Zarbon's mercy for quite a while, so by putting two and two together, she figures out Zarbon is the father.
In the end, she decides to keep the child, because that child is one of the last remaining Saiyans. Her pregnancy and her stay on Yardrat soften her a little. Also, the Yardratians teach her how to teleport.
Until one day, she takes her newborn baby and leaves the planet. She has decided to go back to Earth and settle her scores with Gohan. Maybe Pot's son is now strong enough to give her a challenge.
What has happened on Earth in the meantime? We'll find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
In this chapter, we'll see what happened on Earth during the year Flora spent on Yardrat.
When the group returns from Namek, Pot sets as a goal to become a Super Saiyaness too. She remembers the spaceship that brought her to Earth and asks Dr Briefs to build a larger one, with a 100x-gravity room. She starts training there. Meanwhile, Gohan prefers to keep training outside, under normal gravity.
Everything is well for a few months, until Garlic Jr appears. Gohan, who's way stronger than in canon at this point, easily gets rid of the Spice Boys while Piccolo, who pretends to be brainwashed so he can get close to Garlic, snatches his bottle and releases Kami and Mr Popo. Krillin is also there, but he's not really of use.
Kami and Mr Popo go to take the water that will heal the brainwashed earthlings while the fight on Kami's Lookout resumes. However, then Garlic Jr reveals his ace card: Pot, who is really brainwashed. Pot attacks her son while Piccolo is fighting Garlic Jr.
Pot and Gohan are both in the low millions of power units, but Gohan hesitates to go full power against his mother, so Pot is winning. Until something miraculous happens: the brainwashed Pot manages to become a Super Saiyaness for the first time, which causes her to snap out of the mist's effects.
With SSJ Pot, Piccolo, and Gohan against him, Garlic Jr is at a huge disadvantage. His immortality keeps him alive, until he "finds" a way to fall into his own Dead Zone again, so the mini saga is over.
A few months later, when the Earth Dragon Balls are usable again, the Namekians are wished back. The group uses the spaceship Dr Briefs built for Pot to train and sails to Namek within a few days. There, they use the Namekian Dragon Balls to wish back Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha. Finally, they return to Earth.
And so one year has passed. Krillin and Chichi are now on good terms and raise their child together, though they don't live together and never became a couple. Krillin started a relationship with Marron at some point, as in canon, but with the same disappointing result.
Two enormous, demonic chis are felt. It's Freeza, who has been healed and turned into a cyborg, and his father, King Cold. They're coming to Earth for revenge.
Is Pot, who is now a Super Saiyaness, strong enough to defeat two Frost Demons? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Mecha Freeza and King Cold want revenge from the Super Saiyaness (in other words, Flora, since they don't know about Pot's Super Saiyan status). They have come to Earth because they believe this is where Flora most likely is.
Their soldiers are about to scatter across the planet and kill everyone they find. The Z-Fighters take action. Piccolo and the humans deal with the soldiers while Gohan and Pot attack the two Frost Demons.
Pot cannot transform into a Super Saiyaness at will, so she has to rely on Kaioken, which Gohan has taught her over the last year.
Both Pot and Gohan attack Freeza with 10fold Kaioken. Freeza is fighting them by himself while King Cold is just watching. Freeza has trouble with the two Saiyans, until he uses 70% of his power. Now not even Gohan's and Pot's 20fold Kaioken attack can stop the tyrant.
Freeza traps Gohan in a bear hug and starts squeezing him, trying to break his bones. Gohan is crying in pain. Pot is too wounded to react. The other Z-Fighters, who have killed the minor soldiers in the meantime, come to the Saiyans' rescue, but King Cold intervenes and stops them.
Seeing her son suffering, Pot is about to snap and transform into a Super Saiyaness. However, when she's about to transform, a mysterious lad appears. He's wearing a Capsule Corp jacket. He has cyan skin with a beige hue and dark green hair in the same hairstyle as Vegeta. To everybody's surprise, the unknown lad transforms into a Super Saiyan and, with his sword, easily kills Freeza and King Cold.
Then he informs the Z-Fighters that Flora will arrive on Earth in a few hours. Now everybody is waiting. Who is that mysterious guy? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
While the group is waiting, Bulma tries to hit on the mysterious lad, causing him to blush.
Eventually, as the mysterious lad had predicted, Flora's spaceship arrives. Flora comes out, holding a baby in her arms. The baby's skin is the same color as that of the mysterious lad, which further perplexes everyone.
The mysterious lad tells Flora they need to talk in private. Flora rejects. The only thing she cares about is to see how strong Gohan and Pot have become. The lad gets angry and transforms into a Super Saiyan, which shocks Flora. Now that the lad has Flora's attention, the two of them fly to talk somewhere in private.
The lad introduces himself as Beetroot. Flora goes like, "Wait, isn't that a Saiyan name?" Beetroot reveals to her that he's her son and has come from the future. He points to the baby in her arms and goes like, "Yes, I am this baby." Flora gasps in shock.
Beetroot proceeds to tell his mother that, in three years from now, two invincible Androids will appear and not even a Super Saiyan can beat them. In his future, Flora, as well as all the defenders of Earth, were killed by those monsters. The only one left alive was Gohan, who became his master, until he too was killed by the Androids.
Despite her initial shock, Flora is determined to train hard and not let the Androids kill her. Then something else occurs to her. She wonders where Beetroot lives in his future and how come she hadn't already destroyed the planet by the time the Androids appeared.
Beetroot tells her that when she came to Earth from Yardrat, her plan was indeed to kill Pot and Gohan, both of whom she considered a disgrace for the Saiyan race, destroy the Earth, and then go to reorganize and rule the Frost Demons' empire. However, when she saw that Pot could transform into a Super Saiyaness too, she asked her what kind of training she'd done. Pot told her about the spaceship Bulma's dad had built for her.
And so, Flora burst her way into the Briefs' mansion, asked Dr Briefs to build a gravity spaceship for her too and stayed there to train. Little by little, her contact with the Briefs softened her.
Flora doesn't believe Beetroot. She says all that is bullshit and she'd never get soft, but she'll go to stay with the Briefs and train in a gravity spaceship nonetheless.
Before Beetroot leaves for his timeline, he says, "You know, mom, I have always wondered: Who's my father? In my timeline, you never told anyone."
Flora ponders it. She realizes that Beetroot is sensitive like the earthlings, so if she tells him he's the result of rape, that might devastate him, and he won't be able to focus on his training for the fight with the Androids. So in the end, she just responds, "It's complicated."
Beetroot sighs and goes back to his timeline.
Flora returns to where the group is waiting for her. They ask her where she found the baby she's holding. She admits it's hers. They ask her who the father is, but she tells them to mind their own business.
Then she tells them about the Androids. Now the Z-Fighters have three years to train for that threat.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Three years pass, with the Z-Forces training day and night. During those years, some filler makes its way into the story, such as Pot and Piccolo taking driving lessons, some ecchi moments between Flora and Dr Brief trying to hit on her (as we saw in the Early Dragonball, he and his wife have an open relationship) but ending up beaten up by her every time, Little Beetroot exploring the world around him, and Bulma having sexual fantasies about Adult Beetroot from the future.
Pot does not get a heart virus. (In my headcanon, Goku contracted the heart virus either in the hospital after the fight with Vegeta or on Yardrat. But in this universe, Pot went to neither of those places.)
The fateful day arrives. Pot is weaker than Goku was in canon at this point, because she became a Super Saiyaness much later. She's as strong as SSJ Sick Goku, minus the virus's effects of course. Gohan is stronger than his canon counterpart, but he hasn't managed to transform into a Super Saiyan yet. Piccolo is about as strong as in canon. Flora is stronger than Vegeta was in canon at this point. Humans are insignificant by now.
The Z-Fighters and Bulma meet up as in canon. Bulma tells them that Beetroot (Flora's child, who's now about three and a half years old) is home with her parents. Beetroot's relationship with his mother has been dysfunctional so far, since all Flora cared about was to train for the Androids, and she never paid any attention to her son. In any case, Beetroot has long since started showing his fighting potential. When Bulma is asked about Flora, she tells them she has no idea where she is.
Nineteen and Twenty appear. Everything goes as in canon for a while. When Pot (who can now transform into a Super Saiyaness at will) starts fighting Nineteen, she has a huge advantage. Nineteen can't absorb any energy, because he cannot even grab her once. And with no heart virus to slow down his opponent this time, the chubby android is in a worse position than in canon.
Seeing that Nineteen will be killed if this goes on, Twenty fires a blast to distract Pot for a moment (the same way in which Jeice interfered with Goku vs Ginyu fight in canon), just enough for Nineteen to grab her and start absorbing her energy. To make matters worse, Twenty grabs her too. Now both Androids are sucking the energy of the poor Saiyaness, who feels weaker and weaker, until she goes out of her Super Saiyan state.
Piccolo is about to intervene, but before he can do so, someone punches both Androids, sending them crashing to the ground. It's Flora, and she's determined not to allow anyone to kill the two disgraceful Saiyans (Pot and Gohan) before she does.
Being stronger than Canon Vegeta, Flora kills Nineteen without needing to lose much energy, so she can kill Twenty too, without needing to bluff and give him a chance to escape.
However, at this point, Present Beetroot appears. He has decided to disobey his mother, who told him to stay home. Little Beetroot's presence gives Twenty the chance to escape. The android fires a blast at Beetroot. Flora gets in the way to protect her child and as a result gets injured. By the time she's taken a senzu bean, Twenty is gone.
Flora slaps Beetroot and scolds him. The little boy cries. Will Android Twenty, who's actually Dr Gero, make it back to his lab? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Little Beetroot goes home crying. For a while, everything happens as in canon. Future Beetroot comes back from his timeline and joins the Z-Fighters as they chase Dr Gero to his lab. Dr Gero activates Androids 17/18, who activate 16 and kill their creator.
With Pot still being part of the action at this point, the Androids do not fly away as in canon but stay there to kill her. Sixteen tells Seventeen and Eighteen to step back, because he is the one who will kill the Saiyaness; he's been waiting so long for this.
Flora transforms into a Super Saiyaness and steps between Pot and Sixteen. She goes like, "I'm the one who's going to kill Legume (I remind you that's Pot's Saiyan name) and her brat. No one will interfere with my plans."
Sixteen replies he has zero interest in fighting anyone other than Pot and gives Flora -- and the others -- a chance to escape. Flora laughs. "Why am I supposed to escape? All three of you Androids are going to die by my hand now."
The fight SSJ Flora vs Sixteen begins. To the Z-Fighters', as well as to the other two Androids', surprise, Sixteen turns out to be horribly strong. He easily dodges all Flora's attacks and then, with just one hit, sends her crashing to the ground, bleeding and groaning in pain.
Flora is furious. She fires a Gallick Gun, which Sixteen allows her to charge without trying anything. The tall, burly android takes Flora's ultimate blast without so much as a scratch. Flora is now trembling with shock. Everyone else is shocked too.
Seeing how strong that mysterious android is, Pot offers to allow him to kill her if he promises to let the others go. Sixteen repeats he has no interest in fighting anyone else. Gohan is about to object, but Pot tells him to stay back.
Pot stands in front of Sixteen, waiting for the killing blast to hit her. Before she dies, she sends a telepathic message to Gohan. She barely has the time to say those words to Gohan's mind: "Goodbye, son... if things get out of hand, use the Room of Spir--" Sixteen's blast engulfs Pot and kills her.
Gohan is outraged, having just witnessed his mother's death. He transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time and brainlessly attacks Sixteen. Sixteen easily knocks him unconscious. Then he tells the Z-Fighters once more to stay away from him and his two siblings (Eighteen and Seventeen), otherwise he'll have to hurt them.
The three Androids fly away, Seventeen and Eighteen still impressed at Sixteen's power and questioning him what he is and how he is so strong.
What will the Z-Fighters do now without Pot? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Krillin gives Gohan and Flora senzu beans. Flora flies away, enraged.
The Z-Fighters discuss what to do now. Gohan and Yamcha want to gather the Dragon Balls and revive Pot, but Piccolo thinks there is no point in doing so, since the Androids will just kill him again. (Besides, if you take DBS into account, Pilaf and his gang have just used the Dragon Balls to become babies at this point, so they're not usable for the time being.)
Anyway, the Z-Fighters understand they need to get rid of the Androids first before trying to revive Pot.
Gohan and his father, Yamcha, go to their home to mourn their loved one.
Piccolo goes to Kami's Lookout to try to convince Kami to merge with him. Kami refuses to merge with Piccolo for the time being.
Future Beetroot goes to Bulma's house. Soon, Bulma receives a message that informs her that a time machine like that of Beetroot's has been found. The two of them go to check it out.
Meanwhile, the Androids steal some stuff and commit some other minor crimes to have fun, still seeking a purpose now that they've killed Pot. Seventeen suggests they start killing humans for fun, but Sixteen objects and declares he will not allow them to do such a thing.
Cell appears and starts absorbing people in Ginger Town. Kami finally decides to merge with Piccolo. Kamiccolo (as strong as in canon) goes to Ginger, meets Cell, and everything goes as in canon until Cell flees.
When Sixteen senses Cell and informs his two partners about it, the Androids decide to start looking for that mysterious creature and find out more about it, since they have already killed Pot.
Future Beetroot and Krillin go to Dr Gero's underground lab, take the Androids' blueprints, destroy the lab, and leave.
Over the following days, Cell is chased from town to town both by the Z-Fighters and the Androids, absorbing people and growing stronger.
Meanwhile, Bulma is working on the remote control that will shut down the Androids, but not as fast as in canon, since she is also busy flirting with Future Beetroot. Eventually, she and Future Beetroot come closer. In the end, she successfully seduces him and takes his virginity.
However, Future Beetroot, who has grown up viewing Future Bulma as a mother, regrets it immediately. He tells her that was a mistake and they should both forget about it. Bulma is left heartbroken.
When Gohan has somewhat recovered from his sorrow, he remembers his mother's last words. What did she mean? What is that Room of Spir...? Will Gohan manage to figure it out? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Gohan starts asking the people he knows whether they know what that Room of Spir... is. Nobody seems to know.
Until he asks Piccolo, who, having now Kami's memories, realizes it's the Room of Spirit and Time. Piccolo tells Gohan about that room. They also tell Future Beetroot, who insists they tell Flora as well. Gohan doesn't want them to tell Flora, whom he still hates. But in the end, he acknowledges they'll probably need her power too to defeat the Androids.
At first, it is decided that the pairs who will enter the room will be Gohan/Piccolo and Flora/Beetroot. Flora wants her and Beetroot to go in first. However, Gohan does not want them to go first, because he doesn't trust Flora at all, and he's sure that if he lets her become so much stronger than everybody else, she'll kill them all as soon as she exits the room.
In the end, Gohan agrees for Flora to go in first, but only on condition he goes with her, so he keeps her in check and doesn't fall behind in power. And so, Gohan and Flora go into the room while Piccolo and Beetroot wait outside.
Meanwhile, Cell, who's now sure he's grown stronger by now, stops running and hiding and lets the Androids find him. A battle ensues.
Piccolo and Beetroot watch that battle from the Lookout, but neither of them considers intervening. As a result, Tenshinhan doesn't consider intervening either.
Cell absorbs Seventeen, and then Eighteen, without much trouble. He is now perfect, and Android 16 is damaged and in no condition to fight.
Perfect Cell is wondering what he should do with his life next. Gohan and Flora come out of the chamber. What kind of training did they do in there? We'll see next time.
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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work