Where do the wolves stack-up in DragonBall Z?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
In comparison to DragonBall Z-era levels where do they fit? Are they higher than everyone or even lower than original 100% Freeza?

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Basil - About as strong as Full Power Perfect Cell
Drugged Basil - moderately more powerful than the Boo Saga Super Saiyan 2's

Lavender - A little weaker than Base Basil in my opinion.

Bergamo - A good deal weaker than Goku considering he needed his brothers to gain the edge against him. He probably solos all of Z though.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I pulled that right out of my ass lol. Who even are the wolves?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Fantastische Hure said:
Supreme said:
I pulled that right out of my ass lol. Who even are the wolves?
The trio who lost in the last episode.

Oh. They are Cell.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
Beers said all of them were weaklings, but as a team, they seemed pretty tough.

That combined attack was ridiculously powerful.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Base Basil = FP Cell
DrugLord Basil = Majin Vegeta

Lavender = FP Cell

Bergamo = SSjin Vegito IMO

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Basil - Depends whether or not you have Pre-training Boo any stronger than his Z-Self. If not, probably around SPC level in base and SS2 Goku/Vegeta level with Drugs. If you believe Boo is stronger at this point, based on some minor implications of FnF Arc Boo > SSJ Gotenks (post), Basil would obviously be far stronger.

Lavender - The gap between SS2 Zen Exhibition Gohan and his Boo Arc Ultimate self didn't seem to be that big based on how they comparatively fared against Piccolo, with Lavender being slightly below Base Gohan, so slightly below SSJ Gotenks (post) via scaling imo.

Bergamo - Solos DBZ with ease.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
For me it goes:

Base Goku > Bergamo > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ2 Gohan >> SSJ Gohan >> Mr. Boo > Basil (Drugs) >> Majin Vegeta/SSJ2 Goku (Boo sarc) > Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan > SPC = Base Gohan >= Lavender = Base Basil

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Jeff Styles said:
Weaker than the Boo Arc SSJ2s.
Do you mean everyone?

Captain Cadaver said:
Basil - Depends whether or not you have Pre-training Boo any stronger than his Z-Self. If not, probably around SPC level in base and SS2 Goku/Vegeta level with Drugs. If you believe Boo is stronger at this point, based on some minor implications of FnF Arc Boo > SSJ Gotenks (post), Basil would obviously be far stronger.

Lavender - The gap between SS2 Zen Exhibition Gohan and his Boo Arc Ultimate self didn't seem to be that big based on how they comparatively fared against Piccolo, with Lavender being slightly below Base Gohan, so slightly below SSJ Gotenks (post) via scaling imo.

Bergamo - Solos DBZ with ease.
Which one do you believe?

Animelover5487 said:
For me it goes:

Base Goku > Bergamo > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ2 Gohan >> SSJ Gohan >> Mr. Boo > Basil (Drugs) >> Majin Vegeta/SSJ2 Goku (Boo sarc) > Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan > SPC = Base Gohan >= Lavender = Base Basil
Normal Gohan is that high? That's the Gohan you mean, right?!


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Jeff Styles said:
Weaker than the Boo Arc SSJ2s.
Do you mean everyone?

Captain Cadaver said:
Basil - Depends whether or not you have Pre-training Boo any stronger than his Z-Self. If not, probably around SPC level in base and SS2 Goku/Vegeta level with Drugs. If you believe Boo is stronger at this point, based on some minor implications of FnF Arc Boo > SSJ Gotenks (post), Basil would obviously be far stronger.

Lavender - The gap between SS2 Zen Exhibition Gohan and his Boo Arc Ultimate self didn't seem to be that big based on how they comparatively fared against Piccolo, with Lavender being slightly below Base Gohan, so slightly below SSJ Gotenks (post) via scaling imo.

Bergamo - Solos DBZ with ease.
Which one do you believe?

Animelover5487 said:
For me it goes:

Base Goku > Bergamo > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ2 Gohan >> SSJ Gohan >> Mr. Boo > Basil (Drugs) >> Majin Vegeta/SSJ2 Goku (Boo sarc) > Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan > SPC = Base Gohan >= Lavender = Base Basil
Normal Gohan is that high? That's the Gohan you mean, right?!

Yeah. Base Gohan could likely be that high. Base Gohan was implied to be stronger than Piccolo back in ROF, making him at least Cell Games Goku tier and he's stated to have gotten stronger since then. Also, Basil was close to Boo's level and I doubt he got a multifold increase after taking the drugs, likewise Lavender is in the same ballpark and Base Gohan was a little stronger than him.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Jeff Styles said:
Weaker than the Boo Arc SSJ2s.
Do you mean everyone?

Captain Cadaver said:
Basil - Depends whether or not you have Pre-training Boo any stronger than his Z-Self. If not, probably around SPC level in base and SS2 Goku/Vegeta level with Drugs. If you believe Boo is stronger at this point, based on some minor implications of FnF Arc Boo > SSJ Gotenks (post), Basil would obviously be far stronger.

Lavender - The gap between SS2 Zen Exhibition Gohan and his Boo Arc Ultimate self didn't seem to be that big based on how they comparatively fared against Piccolo, with Lavender being slightly below Base Gohan, so slightly below SSJ Gotenks (post) via scaling imo.

Bergamo - Solos DBZ with ease.
Which one do you believe?

Animelover5487 said:
For me it goes:

Base Goku > Bergamo > Ultimate Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ2 Gohan >> SSJ Gohan >> Mr. Boo > Basil (Drugs) >> Majin Vegeta/SSJ2 Goku (Boo sarc) > Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan > SPC = Base Gohan >= Lavender = Base Basil
Normal Gohan is that high? That's the Gohan you mean, right?!

Yeah. Base Gohan could likely be that high. Base Gohan was implied to be stronger than Piccolo back in ROF, making him at least Cell Games Goku tier and he's stated to have gotten stronger since then. Also, Basil was close to Boo's level and I doubt he got a multifold increase after taking the drugs, likewise Lavender is in the same ballpark and Base Gohan was a little stronger than him.
I'm confused about Gohan and all his powers before his current power now. So he was never at Ultimate level before his training with Piccolo right?! I remembering assuming he was at-least close to that level with Super-Saoyan in FnF, I think.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Animelover5487 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Do you mean everyone?

Which one do you believe?

Normal Gohan is that high? That's the Gohan you mean, right?!

Yeah. Base Gohan could likely be that high. Base Gohan was implied to be stronger than Piccolo back in ROF, making him at least Cell Games Goku tier and he's stated to have gotten stronger since then. Also, Basil was close to Boo's level and I doubt he got a multifold increase after taking the drugs, likewise Lavender is in the same ballpark and Base Gohan was a little stronger than him.
I'm confused about Gohan and all his powers before his current power now. So he was never at Ultimate level before his training with Piccolo right?! I remembering assuming he was at-least close to that level with Super-Saoyan in FnF, I think.

Yeah I see what you mean there. It looks like the whole "Tagoma having power rivaling Gohan at his best" was a throwaway line.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Animelover5487 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Animelover5487 said:
Yeah. Base Gohan could likely be that high. Base Gohan was implied to be stronger than Piccolo back in ROF, making him at least Cell Games Goku tier and he's stated to have gotten stronger since then. Also, Basil was close to Boo's level and I doubt he got a multifold increase after taking the drugs, likewise Lavender is in the same ballpark and Base Gohan was a little stronger than him.
I'm confused about Gohan and all his powers before his current power now. So he was never at Ultimate level before his training with Piccolo right?! I remembering assuming he was at-least close to that level with Super-Saoyan in FnF, I think.

Yeah I see what you mean there. It looks like the whole "Tagoma having power rivaling Gohan at his best" was a throwaway line.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Now I remember, but yeah seems like it didn't mean anything at all.

If Toei wants us to make any sense of this non-sense, they need to write a guide-book themselves and clear all this shit up because nothing they write makes any sense anyway.

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