Pakl said:
Why are you angry at me like this?
Annoyance is a more accurate term, annoyance at taking any element to twist your points rather than judging things as they are. That plays no role in my words though as I'm bluntly stating facts about this "evidence".
Despite Broly's form clearly not being the same one as what Goku and Gohan used, this Broly being clearly different from his prior self and none of the staff having any comment on such links. It requires some serious twisting of what's present to suggest it's evidence for something that none of the staff involved would have any interest in. Come on, you've got to realise how this is not only reaching, but doing so whilst ignoring any shred of context to try and act like this makes any sense.
and I really don't get why you have never accepted it despite it being supported by absolutely eveything?
If by "absolutely everything" you mean analysing character designs that are no different from each characters' Cell Game incarnations and saying it's definitive proof it was from their 1st Rosat trip and making assumptions about the timeline Movie 8 takes place in, including that Goku was only half as strong as canonically from his Rosat trip for no reason, then maybe, but I'd prefer not to go by flimsy assumptions.
What I don't get here is how, despite the debatable nature of the "evidence" when we lack any definitive statements from sources on the specifics of the timeline Movie 8 takes place in, you treat your interpretation of it as fact and do so to the point of reaching to a completely different continuity for evidence, to the point it's almost obsessive.