Considering it's implied that every vinsmoke is still weaker than Sanji, due to them resorting to dirty tactics to get the advantage over him, I'd say Law, who ought to be somewhat stronger than Sanji via scalling, can at least get two of them without too much problems. Zoro is restricted to base, but considering Sanji had to use little more than his Diable Jamble to be a threat to his brothers and didn't resort to Hell's Memories, which so far seems to be his most powerful attack, it's likely Zoro won't be needing Ashura to get rid of one of them here, so I'm inclined to say the Zoro + Law team takes this without too much problems even with their restrictions.
Zoro (post Archipelago Sabaody, assuming his injuries were totally healed) vs Leopard Lucci
--> Zoro was at a considerable disadvantage against Lucci back at Ennies Lobby arc, but considering the statement that the Straw Hats get stronger upon overcoming the challenges in the islands they adventure and that Zoro was the Straw Hat that got through the most problematic injury of them all (against Kuma), is a now full-healed Zoro enough to take out Lucci? I always found this a cool battle to especulate about.