Assuming teamwork is excellent between them due to being the same character, the Freezas mid-diff manga-wise, though likely lose to Galu since his Shunkan Ido can pick them off individually. Anime-wise, Trunks still stomps due to his feat of effortlessly stopping Freeza's Supernova.
Bardock VS Tullece
- Equal battle powers
- No Shinseijuu for Tullece or Visions affecting Bardock
- Fight takes place on Planet Namek
Majin Spopovich and Yamu could apparently fly at a high velocity while having flight auras, which requires at least a good deal of chi, imo. They ought to easily win. While we are at it, what prevents Videl from being Bear Bandit, too?
Super Boo vs Gotenks SSJ3 if Gotenks' time haven't ended.
Hard to really judge whether or not Kale is stronger than SSB Goku right now. I'd wait until either the manga adapts the fight or until the arc ends, but or the moment I'd go with her being stronger, so Gohan loses after giving her high-diff.
Kuririn (Arrival on Namek) VS Tenshinhan (Saiyan Arc)
- No Kikoho or Kienzan.
Probably Blue since he's both gay and a nazi. Black comes next for obvious reasons. Doubt anyone could ever get triggered by Murasaki when he's made by a Japanese man.
Ginyu VS Great Saiyaman in a Pose-Off
- Judged by Toppo.
- Winner takes on the Pillar Men pose gauntlet.
Toshit > > > Super Galu > Obito. Yoshit can at least admit when he's wrong on occasion , so he's at least above Toshit and Burori. Obito's plans were stupid, though at least well intended for everyone, making him marginally less of a manchild than Super Galu.
probably wins the manchild contest in my view as Tosh somewhat can be compared to the average trash internet duper/Youtube commenter, while Burori lacks even that excuse and is driven solely by a grudge from when he was 2 hours old. Otherwise I largely agree with your analysis
Same comparison but with Luffy added in for someone else who wants to partake
Commander Red flaunts his massive wealth, causing DeVito to get on his knees and beg him to marry him. Instead Red sicks on the former "rapist" and flies away on Black's robot suit
Canute (Vinland Saga pre-Timeskip) vs. Griffith vs. Johan vs. GT Trunks in drag in an okama contest