xenos5 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Nail's battle power is more or less the same as Reacoom's, so the trio get stomped just as badly as what Reacoom did.
Hit VS EoS Kenshiro
- Hit can't use Time Leap unless for defensive purposes to prep Cage of Time.
- Assume Suieishin would counter Hit's adaptation ability.
- Scenario 1: Kenshiro can't use Musou Tensei. He can in Scenario 2.
Hit wins. Kenshiro would not see the invisible/intangible shockwave coming and it would easily stop his heart. Even Goku didn't see it coming (when his energy sensing allows him to search multiple galaxies and teleport to Beerus's realm with instant transmission) and he had to close his eyes and amp his sensing to be able to dodge it.
Kunshi vs Obuni
Obuni got beat up by base Vegeta and then put up a decent fight against Ultimate Gohan... That puts him in Ribrianne tier lol
Kunshi was a bit of trouble against Hit, but only due to techniques. Blue Goku just ignored all that. Hmmm...
Kunshi pulls it off with special techniques.
Manga Toppo vs. Halo Merged Zamas.