Even with KK x20, SSJ Blue Goku is still far weaker than the Hakaishin, meaning Current SSj Blue Goku isn't even 5% of Beerus. SSj Blue is far stronger than SSj God, which is leaps and bounds above Enraged Vegeta. Champa should win with no trouble whatsoever, even with only 1% power.
SSj2 BoGT Goku vs. Sigma Force (no Hyper Mega Cannon Sigma)
Considering it's implied each member of the Mega Cannon Sigma is stronger than BoGT SSJ Galu individually and their combined form should just add up their total power, the Sigmas stop. SS3 might not even be enough.
Current Hit VS KKx10 Blue Galu (ToP)
- If Hit wins, make it x20.
Given how SSB Goku didn't bother to go Kaioken despite it being in the game, Final form Mira probably isn't much stronger than Golden Freeza or U6 Arc SSB Goku/Vegeta at most. Anime-wise, he gets up to U6 Arc Hit, who progresses quick enough to stomp him, whilst manga-wise, he gets up to SSR Black.
Cell. It wouldn't take 2nd form Cell tier power to oneshot someone weaker than #16, likely far weaker, plus 's regeneration would allow him to survive the attack anyway.
Kaioken x3 Goku (Post-Vegeta Zenkai) VS Vegeta (Post-Zarbon Zenkai)
Considering Champa was shocked anyone could counter Hit's Cage of Time, I'm willing to say he'd fall prey to it. However, I don't believe Jiren would be so far above the Hakaishin for a technique that didn't beat him to beat a Hakaishin. Champa wins unless perhaps under tournament rules, but it provides him some difficulty.
Reacoom still wins, considering how easily he wrecked Veggie. The most Vegeta can do here is if he prepares a Gyarikku Ho, and that'll only do a little superficial damage to Reacoom. 30k Vegeta would only make a difference if he lands a fully charged Gyarikku Ho, though by that point, Zarbon would've likely been dealt with and Reacoom would still be alive and strong enough to take care of Vegeta.
SSJ Goten, Trunks and Gohan (Boo Arc) VS SSJ Gohan (Cell Games)
Kamiccolo stomps. For him to even bother going to Rosat he should at least expect to get on Warm up Cell level, who should be able to wreck both Vegeta and Trunks. There is also Trunks' reaction and the Jrs fight to put CG/Buu Kamiccolo worlds above the 1st Rosat SSJs.
Yamcha stomps imo. I wouldn't place him any lower than Post-Yardrat Base Goku for him to bother showing up to help out against threats far, far greater.
Tenshinhan & Kuririn VS Gohan
- All from the Artificial Human Arc.
I'd say Tenshinhan and Kuririn since I don't think their worlds below the Base Saiyans, and their much more experienced in combat as well as their deadly techniques.
I doubt Zamasu's Mutation was much of a big power up, so SSB Vegetto shouldn't be leagues above Kaioken Goku at the time. Beerus stomps anything short of at least x10.
Coola's Armoured Squad VS 3rd form Freeza
- If the squad win, have them face Post-Dende Vegeta. If they lose, have them face FP 2nd form Freeza.
They get destroyed. I could see them maybe defeating 2nd Form Freeza, though but even that's somewhat of a long-shot. At best I see them about on-par with 1st Form Freeza.